VORTAL: Allowing Organizations to Walk Through the Compliance Maze

Miguel Sobral | CEO | VORTAL
Miguel Sobral | CEO | VORTAL

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Nowadays thousands of Public and Private organizations are facing the challenge of improving their overall efficiency by cutting costs down, bringing transparency and visibility into their processes, and speeding up delivery. At this point of time, public sector officials can no longer wait for the serendipity of discovering a holistic e-Procurement solution. So, their search for comprehensive e-Procurement platform ends with VORTAL, a leading company offering e-Sourcing and e-Procurement solutions that allows government and local bodies officials to walk through the compliance maze while procuring goods and services.
VORTAL supports customers globally, from small Public Bodies (such as small municipalities), large Public Bodies (large Cities, Regional Governments in different countries, National Central Procurement Bodies), to the entire public administration of several Countries, as well as from SMEs to large multinational corporations. The organization is rated regularly by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant for Strategic Sourcing Suites and mentioned by Forrester and Spend Matters as a top player in the market.
VORTAL has grown in stature to support customers globally with offices in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Colombia.
The Comprehensive Suite of Solutions 
VORTAL delivers a state-of-the-art e-Sourcing and e- Procurement platform, combining the requirements to address both the private and public sector, and delivering a comprehensive suite that addresses the entire procurement cycle from source to payment, which includes:

  • e-Sourcing (Strategic and Tactical sourcing)
  • Dynamic Purchasing System
  • e-Auctions Ÿ e-Catalogues
  • Contracts Management
  • Supplier Performance and Relationship Management
  • Performance Dashboard
  • State-of-Art Usability

The Commander in Chief 
Miguel Sobral is the CEO of VORTAL since January 2019. He joined the company back in 2001, in order to design and implement the e-Sourcing platform. Miguel also served the company as the Executive Vice President and Board Member since 2008. He is also the Chairman of EUPLAT – European Association of Public e-Tendering Platform Providers and a member of the EXEP – Multi- Stakeholders Expert Group on e-Procurement of the European Commission.
Miguel led VORTAL’s entry into global markets, secured contracts with international organizations, and positioned the company as an industry-leading e-Procurement and e- Sourcing provider, lauded by top-tier IT analysts. He has been a significant contributor to Brussels-based working groups on topics related with the digitization of the Public Sector and private companies, especially SMEs. Miguel holds a degree in Economics, an Executive MBA from ISCTE Business School and AMP from INSEAD.
The Unique Provider Delivering a Suit of Solutions 
According to VORTAL, an e-Sourcing and e-Procurement platform depends significantly on the adoption of the technology by the partners and suppliers of the buying organization using the technology. To achieve significant improvement of traction and utilization by the suppliers, VORTAL developed a suite of solutions designed specifically for the companies competing for the business opportunities launched by Corporations and Public Bodies. For that reasons, VORTAL attracts more companies into the Suppliers Network than any other provider.
A refreshed and ready-to-use community of suppliers significantly improves the adoption cycle of the technology by the buying organization, eventually delivering the benefits of implementing the technology and new processes faster. All these eventually make the organization a unique provider delivering a suite of solutions for Buyers and a suite of solutions for Suppliers. It’s a dual-side value proposition and this is the best way to deliver value to Buying organizations.
Painting the Picture of the Future 
VORTAL is currently the leader in the operation of e- Sourcing Solutions in the Public Sector by far, with the largest number of different Public Bodies and Governments, in different countries, using the technology. The organization is on track to consolidate the leading position in the market, delivering the easiest-to-use solutions to both buyers and suppliers.
VORTAL will also push the Suppliers Discovery and Suppliers Scouting services further. The company believes that procurement platforms will be much more dependent on supplier communities than before. This means that users are increasingly looking for dynamic solutions to discover and qualify suppliers that avoid searching the web for potential suppliers without references or credentials. Standalone solutions, where a buyer is locked in a silo with the suppliers they are used to working with for years, will lose the perspective of the market and will become less competitive in the medium term.
When it comes to staying ahead of the competition, VORTAL is completely focused on the development of a new version of the current e-Sourcing suit, to be launched this October, pushing usability and performance to a new level, and improving the functionality based on artificial intelligence, data science and semantic search capabilities. The international expansion and the launch of new services to boost the digitalization of companies are the other priorities.
Client Feedback
“With this system, the Council’s aim is not only to simplify the basic tendering procedure, but also to ensure the maximum competition, openness and transparency in the overall procurement process. This is a completely new way of managing procurement efciently and fairly.”- Alejandro Roces Councillor, Gijon City Council Treasury
“The electronic auction is an electronic instrument which besides from generating savings, also brings more dynamism, adequacy, transparency to the procedure and promotes competition signicantly. In this auction concerned, it is also necessary to especially emphasize that without the voluntary adherence of hospitals, it would be impossible to achieve same results. 42 of total 52 entities participated in which some already had started its procedures for 2015. This is the kick-off for other similar initiatives. Remember that in health every euro counts.”– Artur Trindade Mimoso, Executive Member of the Board of Directors at SPMS, Shared Services of the Portuguese Ministry of Health.

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