GEOS Safety Solutions, Inc.: Globalizing Best-in-Class Safety and Security Solutions

Mark Garver | CEO | GEOS Safety Solutions Inc. | online business magazine

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In an interview with Insights Success, Mark Garver the CEO at GEOS Safety Solutions, Inc., shares his valuable insight about specialized safety and security solutions and also sheds a light on GEOS Safety’s successful journey. He has broadly discussed about the company’s mission, offerings, and future aspirations.
Here are the highlights of the interview conducted between Mark and Insights Success:
Give a brief overview of the company, its vision. 
GEOS Safety Solutions, Inc. was a spinoff of its sister company, GEOS Response, tasked with providing safety, security and asset management solutions to companies around the globe. Our vision was to create solutions that protect people, places, and things by considering the worstcase models and always applying the “people aware” principal to all solutions. We chose not to be limited by technology, or communications; we chose to be different. Since we launched, we were one of the first to make the shift from machine-to-machine technology to the Internet of Things, which includes people.
What inspired GEOS Safety Solutions to enter into its respective segment? 
As we looked at the market, we realized no single company was offering the solutions we believed the industry needed, simply because they didn’t have the same vision and global reach that GEOS had. We knew that with our experience in space-based, or satellite technology, we could deliver disruptive solutions and redefine what was needed. In the beginning, this meant a common point of integration to solve a number of problems, such as: Enterprise or campus safety/security, asset protections, travel safety, intelligence collection and analysis, alternate communications and incident management. This led to the GEOS Global Safety Fusion Center, a cloud-based solution that integrates each of these into one seamless platform, manageable by our clients. If customers want to have outside monitoring, GEOS is able to offer 24×7 asset monitoring for a client’s people, places, and things from our International Emergency Response Coordination Center (IERCC) in Texas.
What are the cutting-edge products/services offered by GEOS Safety Solutions? 
GEOS was the first in the industry to offer “people aware” solutions. Simply put, People Aware prioritizes the human or people factor in every situation, and therefore every solution, regardless of market. GEOS offers global solutions that protect every asset a company might have, and we are able provide that no matter where in the world a customer or their assets are. We provide best-in-class safety and security solutions that break the terrestrial model and take us to space-based solutions. GEOS offers solutions for healthcare, corporate enterprises, education, highereducation, remote worker, and corporate travel – just to name a few of the markets we serve.
What strategies have GEOS Safety Solutions undertaken to stay ahead of the competition? 
GEOS strives to stay ahead of the market competition by looking at trends, future technology, and where things are likely to go a few years down the road. We tend not to offerings; instead we look for the next WOW solution for the market. We live in the future, developing the future in the present, and learning from the past. GEOS isn’t about building a better mousetrap. We are in the business of disruptive innovation, and space is a big part of our vision.
Describe the experiences, achievements or lessons learned that have shaped the journey of the company. 
Being the first in a market means many things, there are no examples to look at, no business cases to study. GEOS defined our initial market, which was the first global safety and security full service monitoring center for enterprises of all sizes. Each customer had unique requirements that needed to be met, the most common of which was fusing all the disparate technologies together, which lead to the GEOS Fusion Center. From the start, we knew that space-based, or satellite technologies would be key in a truly global solution. In 2009 we began investing heavily in space-based safety, security and asset management technology. We decided early in our company lifecycle, we needed a team of individuals with a sense of adventure, imagination and a rebellious personality to succeed. We needed to shake things up, and think out-ofthe- box if we were going to win.
Where does GEOS Safety Solutions see itself in the long run and what are its future goals? 
GEOS is investing heavily in space-based technology for IoT, with specific focus on global safety and security, beyond what is provided to our corporate customers. We will be leveraging our expertise and that of our partners to solve problems in early warning and detection of global threats from weather systems, natural disasters, and manmade threats that can impact the global economy and security.
Testimonials from GEOS Safety Solutions Clients 
“We’re so thankful that we opted for the 24×7 GEOS monitoring for our remote workers, because on December 20th, one of our workers in Finland had a heart attack, wrecking his company vehicle, but because of the satellite systems from GEOS in both the vehicle and on the worker, GEOS was able to get immediate assistance to him, possibly saving his life.” – Direct Health and Safety, Global Chemical Company, Europe.
About the Leader 
CEO, Mark Garver, has been an innovator in the technology sector most of his career. At GEOS, he is the chief influencer by looking beyond competition in the market and pioneering new solutions. One of his favorite quotes is from Henry Ford: “If I would have asked them what they wanted, they would have said faster horses”. Mark not only is active in industry events, he continuously looks for partners to help deliver creative disruptive technologies and solutions.

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