Figurella: Rejuvenating the ‘B’ in Beauty

Cristina Lelli | President | Figurella

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In this growing world, Fitness should be admired and prioritized by every individual. As obesity is causing many major problems to many women, it has become necessary to approach significant methods for fit and a healthy body. Figurella understands such need and offers result-oriented methodologies to combat the weight loss problems in women. With such a great initiative, the company is flourishing in all the direction with a vision to make a difference. Moreover, it is also expanding and planning to open the next 50 locations in the next five years with an objective to facilitate as many women as possible.
Insights Success appreciates contribution made by such organizations and feels pride to feature Figurella in its special edition “The 10 Best Franchises to Open 2019”.
Spreading Awareness through a Brand 
Figurella has well-being through commitment and results. It’s mission is to offer women a scientifically and naturally based weight loss method, personalized to fit a person’s specific needs with guaranteed effective and efficient results. It believes in the power of results giving it the first priority. It states that the company is deeply committed to its customers and the pursuit of their goals and dreams. Being a lifestyle brand, Figurella focus on quick fixes by going above and beyond the industry. The company believes in the power of results, above anything else. It is deeply committed to its customers and the pursuit of their goals and dreams.
Figurella allows a uniform reshaping of the female figure through utilizing naturally and science-based system that allows the body to lose the inches excessively and to tone specific areas, different for each individual.
The method uses 2 main technologies: 
As per company’s insights, during the movements in the bubble, the muscle contracts and exerts pressure on the fat cells. Once the fat cells are compressed, smaller particles of fat are released into the extracellular space found in the area, which need to be eliminated immediately; otherwise they are reabsorbed by the surrounding cells via osmosis remaining in the body.
Figurella is able to interrupt this vicious cycle by calibrating the temperature in the Bubble. An enzyme called lipase, at an established temperature of 98.6°F/36.8°C, intervenes in the process of metabolizing the smaller fat particles that had been expelled. The blood and lymphatic system take care of transporting these particles to our kidneys which takes care of finally expelling them.
It also stated that the oxygen bath allows the company to accelerate the fat and toxins removal from our body, it also purifies the body in general. The oxygen permeates best when the skin is humid, which allows for a complete transportation of the oxygen molecules to the rest of the body. An oxygen bath for up to 72 hours provide lots of benefits to the body. By attending at least 2 sessions each week, there will be a gradual decrease in inches in the desired areas of the body and the level of oxygen in our body is constantly maintained, which in turn helps speed up our metabolism.
Steps for being ahead of Competition 
With more than 35 years of experience, Figurella® is offering exclusive service as they claim to be authentic and one step ahead of competition. It utilizes natural methods in order to reach their desired goals and also offers fast return on investment. It claims that any businesses can be successful with relatively low numbers of customers. Below are some additional points that shows how Figurella® is tackling its competition:

  • Exclusive service, Figurella® method is unique and it does not have a direct competitors.
  • More than 35 years of experience.
  • Fast return of investment.
  • Business can be successful with relatively low number of customers.
  • Use of natural methods to reach the desired goals.
  • Business can generate revenue with relatively low number of employees.
  • Training and network are part of the know how of the owner and not of the employees.
  • Training and certification is always offered by Figurella®
  • In the royalty is included unlimited maintenance of parts.
  • Italian appeal of the brand in a foreign country.

A Glimpse about Figurella 
In 2012, Figurella® introduced its method to the United States. With over 350 locations in 20 countries worldwide, it is the largest women’s only fitness center and spa. Indeed, it have 200 centers in Italy, about 50 in South America, and more in the rest of Europe. The company also states that it owns around 7 locations in South Florida.
The Figurella® model is a fixed retail location providing personal training sessions and health guidance that provide a wide range of variance to the benefit of the members. The operating model is simple in nature and operational complexity, but delivers an extremely diverse and high-end experience to their performance-oriented customer base.
Into the Shoes of the Leader 
She lives for Figurella. She is hands-on and active in the locations on a daily basis and what not. She is Cristina Lelli, President of Figurella Being the President of Figurella, Cristina Lelli has taken the company to a recognizable stature.
Being a woman that has been through all the possible life’s challenges, she effectively understands and gives the best suggestions to each one of her clients. It is been emphasized by the company that hormonal changes, pregnancies and any other possible life change affects women physically and emotionally. She states that Figurella is not incepted to only support the fitness aspect but also the psychological well being of members. The clients find a family in company’s teams that will always welcome them with a smile and a positive attitude.
I did my first session today in South Beach location and had an amazing experience.The staff is very attentive & knowledgeable, & the studio has more of the spa feeling. It’s definitely not your average workout experience, it’s simply another level of feeling good while taking care of your body & soul. It felt so good knowing that my whole body is getting precious oxygen for entire 15 min while being in oxygen capsule. Highly recommend it to all the women who love themselves enough to have this amazing spa like workout experience. The manager takes care of the clients with such a great positive energy and beautiful smile on her face.” – AGATA 
Truly amazing, at first I thought wow a bit pricey but it is definitely worth it. I’m down 20” and 15 pounds in 2 1/2 months, the staff Caterina Sarah and now Julia are motivating and supportive. I look forward to working out and the meal plans have been super helpful with my weight loss!” –KARINA

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