Zen Ex Machina: Leading Large Organizations with Business Agility

Zen Ex Machina (ZXM) is a professional management consulting company that specializes in digital transformation, Agile coaching, and personnel training across government and commercial entities. ZXM helps the government and corporate world improve their digital products…

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iSymplify: An Expert in the Process of Technology Simplification

iSymplify is a business communications agency which focuses on delivering telecommunications, cloud services, unified communications & mobility solutions. They educate their clients on the marketplace and technology options while supporting them in making informed business decisions.…

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Bureau van Dijk: The World’s Most Powerful Comparable Data Resource on Private Companies

To run a successful business, you need to understand your customers. If you could see the details of their spending, turnover, management changes, and more, you’d have a business advantage.…

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Read more about the article Guberman Group: Solving all the Accounting and Financial Needs of Multi-national Companies
Tami Guberman | Senior Partner - Managing The Payroll Bureau & Acting CFO | Guberman Group

Guberman Group: Solving all the Accounting and Financial Needs of Multi-national Companies

Committed in providing best in class accounting and financial management solutions, Guberman Group provides effective solutions for various organizations. In an interview with Insights Success, Tami Guberman, Senior Partner – managing the Payroll Bureau and acting CFO,…

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Pangea Translation Services: Gaming and Trading Specialists with High-Quality, Professional Translators

The language service industry is increasingly being supported by different technologies. There are companies that consider this as undesirable but some experts believe it is an exciting time to be…

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