Read more about the article Praemo: Helping Companies to Transform through Technology
Andy Henderson | VP of Engineering & Data Science | Praemo

Praemo: Helping Companies to Transform through Technology

Many forward-thinking manufacturers and industrial product companies around the planet have made great strides in connecting their operations to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in recent years. Succeeding in the IIoT era…

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Read more about the article IoT America: Creating Greater Business Value & Quality of Life in Rural America
Jeff Klaumann | Chief Operating Officer | IoT America

IoT America: Creating Greater Business Value & Quality of Life in Rural America

Today’s advanced communication networks and innovative wireless technologies have revolutionized our lives in so many ways – from immediate, multi- faceted connectivity between individuals to revolutionary tools to help businesses save time and money…

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Read more about the article 802 Secure Inc.: Shielding Clients from Unwanted Security Threats
Garry Drummond | CEO & founder | 802 Secure Inc.

802 Secure Inc.: Shielding Clients from Unwanted Security Threats

Back in 2014, two of the industry veterans, each with more than 20 years of cyber security knowledge and expertise came together to set up 802 Secure, with a vision to…

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