Why You Should File a Lawsuit If You Were in a Car Accident

File a Lawsuit If You Were in a Car Accident

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Getting involved in a car accident is something that no one hopes ever happens to them. The unfortunate reality of the situation however is that 99% of people are involved in a car accident at some point in their life. While most of these are minor accidents where there are no serious injuries, you might not find yourself so lucky. Regardless of the severity of the accident, you might find yourself able to file a lawsuit and collect some money. There are a few things to note and be aware of though if you plan on doing this. Here is why you should file a lawsuit if you were in a car accident.

The Other Driver Was At Fault

The first and most obvious reason to consider filing a lawsuit over a car accident is because the other driver was at fault. There are some accidents that happen on the road that are no one’s fault, but if there is clear-cut evidence that your opponent is at fault, you can definitely file for a lawsuit. When should you go about doing this? As per an article at https://kerleyschaffer.com/file-lawsuit-after-car-accident, you often have a time period of two years to file your lawsuit after an accident. That being said, it is highly recommended that you file one as soon as possible, while the evidence is still fresh in your mind and the paperwork is easy to collect.
How can you go about determining if your opponent was at fault for the accident? If you have evidence that your opponent was texting while driving, you will easily be able to win any lawsuit as they are committing an illegal act while driving. Another easy case to win is if someone drives into the back of your car. A large percentage of the time, those who rear-end another car are at fault. There are some exceptions due to scams, but the court realizes that if you were hit from behind, it is most likely due to negligence on behalf of the other driver. If you are able to prove that they were at fault for the accident, you should definitely consider filing a lawsuit.

Your Case is Worth More Than What is Being Offered

Assuming you are taking the case to insurance, they will be able to offer you money for everything that has happened. Sometimes the money that they are offering however is not enough and your case is worth much more money. If that is the case, you should definitely file a lawsuit as you can get a lot of extra money. You should contact a car accident attorney immediately in Racine and tell them what is happening so that they can build a case right away. Here are some areas where insurance could take away some of the money that you deserve.
Loss of Wages

Medical Bills and Complications

Getting injured in a car accident is not a fun time. Not only could you suffer severe injuries immediately, but you also might have lingering injuries that can last for months and even years that will require treatment. The insurance company might offer you money that might cover the initial treatments, but after that you might be on your own. Having to pay recurring medical bills for an injury that happened in an accident is something that could ruin your life. By taking the time to file a lawsuit, you can ensure that you are getting the money that you need to get better. Don’t let an insurance company rob you of the money you need to heal and get your life back on track.

Loss of Wages

Just like with medical bills, you might not be able to return to your job for an extended period of time. If you are not getting compensated for this time that you are off, you are going to have a hard time getting by in life and paying all of your bills. By filing a lawsuit, you can once again work to get the compensation that you need while you are off work. While it might not completely cover what you are missing out on, it will probably cover a lot more than the insurance company would.
These are all reasons as to why you should look to file a lawsuit after a car accident. At the end of the day, you have to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and ensure that your life will return to some form of normalcy in the future. If you are not going to be adequately compensated for the accident, you have to file a lawsuit to get the money you deserve. You should be able to rest and recover in peace knowing that everything is going to be okay.

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