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The Power of Advocacy: How Women Drive Gender Equality in the Workplace

In the recent past, the gender equality at work conversation has really gained momentum. However, women are not merely participating in this conversation; they have taken up the role of leadership. The power of advocacy among women is changing things and deconstructing old norms to progress toward a more improved equitable working environment.

A change in insight

Throughout much of history, debate over gender equality has been based on the types of obstacles women face in the workplace. And while such obstacles are very real-the World Economic Forum estimates that it will take more than 130 years to close the U.S. gender pay gap at current pace-there is increasingly an appreciation for the good that can be achieved when women advocate for themselves as well as others. This mind set change focuses on the issue of empowerment and collaboration rather than the problem itself.

Women Leaders

The development of women leaders has in recent years been on an upward trend. The recent McKinsey & Company report shows that women now hold 28% of the senior vice president positions and 21% for C-suite leadership positions in corporate America. Increasing by numbers does not only mean an increase but a cultural shift within organizations.

Women leaders have been airing their opinions on policies that favor an environment that allows everyone to be inclusive and diverse, such as flexible work conditions and paid parental leave. These policies benefit everyone, and healthier working lives are established, hence high productivity and job satisfaction.

Grassroots Movements Making Waves

Grassroots movements have also played an important role in bringing about gender equality. For instance, #MeToo and Time’s Up have attempted to bring into the public arena harassment, among other work-related forms of discrimination that women have faced, giving them a voice against injustice.

Their causes had visible effects on corporate governance and policies in regards to what was often engaged in at these institutions-wrongdoings on behalf of their workers-and toward developing better safety measures within the workplace.

Not to forget, advocacy groups, like Lean In and Girls Who Code, are building the capacity of women who are adequately preparing them for success. According to me, this kind of groups provides women opportunities for mentorship, networking, and skill-building workshop, thereby facilitating them in their careers. The outcome is a group of confident leaders prepared to challenge the status quo.

Why Male Allies Matter

Though the movement is predominantly female-led, it would be wrong to dismiss the crucial role of the male allies seeking this change. Any man who will stand up to offer his voice for his female colleagues will do a great deal in shaping the culture at the place of work. Studies have proven that whenever men are involved in advocating initiatives for gender equity, the organizations work well, and workers end up being contented. Everybody wins.

The Bright Future

And as we move forward, advocacy will remain the driving force propelling progress on issues of workplace gender equality. The number of women heading to top leadership posts and grassroots movements continues to see a transformation that is indeed reshaping the corporate culture.

Indeed, this is the reason why companies that endorse diversity and inclusion are not only doing the right thing, but they are also financially gaining because according to studies, businesses will have a better chance of outperforming their competitors when they include a diverse team, with a likelihood of 35%.


Advocacy among women is undeniable. When they promote change and encourage pluralistic spaces, they improve not only their own lives but also pave a better future for generations after them. And as we continue on this journey toward equality between genders, we need to have each other’s participation in this crucial conversation. We can build workplaces where everyone values people and lets them shine. The future is bright when we stand for equality!