Read more about the article Torre Capistran of Hooked On Code: Smashing The Norms by Instilling Simplicity at The Core
Torre Capistran | Owner & Creative Director | Hooked On Code

Torre Capistran of Hooked On Code: Smashing The Norms by Instilling Simplicity at The Core

The principle of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is not a common one to find in the web development space, where it seems everything has a way of getting overly…

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Read more about the article Antonietta Roy: Offering Tailored Services on Your Construction Project
Antonietta Roy, Owner, Construction Advocacy, Professionals, LLC (CAP)

Antonietta Roy: Offering Tailored Services on Your Construction Project

There are several challenging hurdles in the business world; however, these challenges tend to become fourfold when you are a woman in business. Seeking solutions to these problems, women leaders…

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