Businesses of all types handle a wide variety of data every single day. Protecting that data when it is shared is becoming quite a challenge. However, the cloud is a simple and effective solution you can use to solve your data protection concerns. Read on to find out more.
Data Protection Challenges
Businesses of all sizes face various data protection challenges. Here are some of the most common challenges your business could experience.
The Risk of Data Loss
According to the market research company International Data Corporation, it is estimated that 1.7MB of data is created per minute per human. With so much data continually being created and processed in business, the potential for losing data is great. For one thing, many companies simply have a lack of disk space to ensure all data is safe and secure, due to tight budgets. Without the right resources, managing growth can be challenging. However, cloud storage can help. With a remote file server, such as the option provided by CentreStack, files are shared over HTTPS/SSL and desktop agents and mobile applications have a complete end-to-end solution. That makes it simple for users to remotely access internal file shares without compromising security. Indeed, the security is increased because administrators only have to provide access to the specific file shares users can access.
Duplicated Resources Across Dispersed Locations
Managing offsite backups creates various challenges for data protection. And managing redundant hardware and software in multiple locations only adds to the complexity and the expense.
Though with modern secure cloud-based off-site backup protection it’s easy to backup and later recover emails and other data in Office 365 or in other cloud-based software, and always be sure it’s accessible and protected.
Continuity Risks
Business continuity can be jeopardized via viruses, data corruption, and accidental deletion. Media unreliability can lead to recovery failure, and as systems grow more complex, so too does the ability to recover critical data effectively.
How the Cloud Can Solve Data Protection Challenges
As seen above, the cloud can help you to avoid the risk of data loss. But the cloud can solve data protection challenges in various other ways too.
End-to-End ProtectionÂ
Cloud data protection uses encryption algorithms. By using multiple encryption points, you can eliminate security concerns when sending data over public and private networks. Your data is encrypted at the source, while in transit, and at rest in the cloud.
Centralized Management
Resources are centralized when you use cloud data protection, which means security is improved and backup tasks become more reliable. With cloud solutions, you can transfer backups from multiple locations to a central repository for easier and more cost-effective management.
Automated Processes Can Speed Recovery
Recovery of data is made easier and quicker with cloud solutions. That is because the cloud eliminates hardware dependencies and time-intensive manual processes. Deduplication and compression techniques reduce the volume of the data being sent across the network. With that greater reliability, you can restore the right data with minimal dependencies.
The Cloud Can Reduce Expenses Too
When businesses store data directly in the cloud, they can eliminate expensive capital expenditures. With the cloud, you do not need to purchase capacity upfront. Instead, you can move to a cost-effective pay-as-you-go model.
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