Read more about the article Seceon: Comprehensive Cybersecurity Platform for Digital-Era
Chandra Pandey | CEO & founder | Seceon

Seceon: Comprehensive Cybersecurity Platform for Digital-Era

With a clear vision of delivering “Comprehensive Cybersecurity for the Digital Era” and solving the biggest cybersecurity challenges faced by digitization, Seceon came into existence back in 2015. Unlike the siloed solutions, Seceon’s platform…

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Read more about the article Prescient Co. Inc: Revolutionizing the Construction Industry with Digital Technology
Magued Eldaief | President & CEO | Prescient Co. Inc

Prescient Co. Inc: Revolutionizing the Construction Industry with Digital Technology

The word ‘home’ itself conjures the feeling of coziness and comfort. Now the concept of home is changing, and so are the construction trends. Today’s homeowners have different priorities than homeowners of the past. Meeting those demands…

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Read more about the article Lendify: Bringing Financial Accessibility for All
Erik Wikander | CMO & CPO | Lendify

Lendify: Bringing Financial Accessibility for All

In the financial sector lending money is followed by certain rules and regulations. For an applicant who desires to borrow money, it is necessary to state the loan purpose and display a satisfactory repayment capacity. Although…

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Read more about the article Futurism Technologies: Advancing Business Process through Digital Transformation
Sheetal Pansare | President & Global CEO | Futurism Technologies, Inc

Futurism Technologies: Advancing Business Process through Digital Transformation

In the business community, digital transformation has become the synonym of success. Adding digital services in an organization's process can save valuable time and money and helps in reinvent processes, improve quality and promote consistency. Taking this…

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Read more about the article ATOM Tickets: Planning for a Movie has Never Been so Easy
Matthew Bakal | Co-founder & Chairman | ATOM Tickets

ATOM Tickets: Planning for a Movie has Never Been so Easy

Based in Santa Monica, California, at the heart of the Silicon Beach, an award-winning start-up Atom Tickets was born out of a simple idea: people would go to the movies more often if buying…

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