Basements tend to be lower-ceilinged rooms, which means that if they’re not sealed and ventilated well, they end up being very humid, which can be quite a problem. We all know what happens when we have a very humid environment – We end up with stuffy noses and stuffy heads very quickly. So, if you have a basement and you want to keep it dry and comfortable, you need to make sure that it doesn’t get too much exposure to the elements.
One of the main causes of basement leaks is poor foundation sealing. Most homeowners who have this issue often don’t even know where to start looking for the problem because they assume that the basement is a very sealed-off environment protected from the outside world.
But the reality is that most basements let in some air, even if it’s just a little bit. This is primarily due to the fact that most basements are not very well vented, which can lead to very high levels of moisture in the air. Many times, a leaky basement can be a permanent problem if it’s not repaired quickly.
How Much Does It Cost to Fix a Leaky Basement?
The price for fixing a leaky basement wall from the inside depends on the size and location of the leak. The cost will also vary depending on whether you are dealing with a small leak or if it is a major problem.
If your basement leaks only one time every two weeks, then you will only need to pay $50 per month to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. This means that the total cost of this repair would be just $1,000 over the course of two years.
If you want to make sure that your basement doesn’t leak at all, then you will need to spend an additional $600 per year in order to prevent leaking. This equals $12,000 over the course of two years and is more than enough money to pay for any necessary repairs and maintenance work. Over time, this investment could save you thousands in water damage repairs and maintenance costs.
How To Fix a Leaky Basement Wall from The Inside?
Fixing a leaky basement wall from the inside is much more difficult than doing so from the outside. Here we discuss a few tips and tricks that can help you to repair a leaky basement wall from the inside.
Determine The Source of The Leak
First of all, you need to figure out what is causing the leak. Is it due to a cracked foundation? A loose riser pipes? A damaged subfloor? The cause of the leak will help you determine what steps need to be taken in order to fix it.
The first thing that you should do is to find out where the leakage is coming from. Try and pinpoint the exact location of the leak on your wall, then get an idea of how big it is. Is there a crack in your wall or on your floor? Are there cracks in any other part of your foundation, or even around windows or doorways?
You might also have some major cracks in your basement walls, which are not leaking but are still causing problems by collecting water and moisture. One example could be a leaky ceiling, which can collect water and cause mold issues if not addressed.
Fill The Crack with Caulk or Concrete
If the leak is small enough, you can simply fill it using a caulking gun or a putty knife. This will help to seal the crack and make it less likely to leak again. If you are using a putty knife, clean up any excess putty before patching the crack.
If you are filling with caulk, make sure to use a high-quality caulk that is made for finished basement walls. You can also use an epoxy-based caulk if you want to avoid having to do any painting later on.
Seal Interior Walls
If the leak is on the interior of your home, you have to seal the cracks in your walls. You can do this with a spray-on type of caulk or with a putty knife. You can also use a tape gun, which will be easier to use in smaller and tighter spaces.
This is where you are looking for all sorts of leaks on the inside of your home. Most often, the leaks are in the basement walls, but they could be anywhere from a small crack in your foundation wall to a large crack around windows or doorways.
Can You Seal a Basement Yourself?
The answer to this question is yes. You should be able to do this yourself, but you will want to be sure to consult with a professional if you are not confident that your job can be done without causing damage.
If you don’t want to hire a professional, you can seal the cracks yourself by doing the following:
Caulk all of the cracks in your basement walls with a high-quality caulk. Make sure that you use caulk that is specifically made for basement walls and not regular house paint. If you are using a putty knife, make sure that it is clean and free of debris before applying it. Clean up any excess putty with a damp rag before applying it. Apply the caulk so that it runs vertically down the wall away from doors and windows. This will help prevent water from getting under your door or windowsills and damaging them. If you are using caulk on your inside wall, make sure to run it horizontally along the wall.
Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover a Leaky Basement?
The homeowner’s insurance does not cover water damage in the basement, and this is because the water is not supposed to be there. While you may have water damage in your basement, you should be able to find a reputable company that can help with cleanup, repair, and restoration work.
However, some companies will try to charge you a lot of money for coming out to your house, so it is best to do some research on the services that are available to you before making a decision.
Water damage in the basement can be a huge problem, and it is important to take care of this problem as soon as possible. If you want to make sure that your basement doesn’t leak, then you should always have a moisture meter on hand. This will allow you to check the moisture levels in your basement and make sure that there is no leakage.
If water damage has already occurred and you need help with cleanup, repair, or restoration work, then it may be best to contact a professional company like Pro-Tech Water Damage Restoration for help.