According to recent statistics, most motorcycle accidents occur due to inattention and usually happen at the beginning of a planned trip. It can also be due to bad weather, potholes, and violations of the motorcyclist law that can lead to a vehicle crash. It has also been seen that in these motorcycle accidents, mostly the injuries are in the lower extremities, such as the knee, ankle, thigh, and foot, and the most common fatality is a head injury.
Around 60% of the motorists involved in the accident were found not to wear helmets, and 73% were not wearing protective eyewear. It underscores the importance of understanding what damages can result from a motorcycle accident and how seeking the proper legal assistance, such as from motorcycle accident lawyers, can empower you to protect your rights and secure fair compensation.
Knowing the common damages you can recover after a motorcycle accident is crucial. This knowledge can help you feel more informed and prepared for such an unfortunate event.
The common damages you can recover after a motorcycle accident
Motorcycle accidents can result in various damages, including minor property damage and a range of bodily injuries that often incur high medical expenses. The victim can seek financial recovery if the motorcyclist or another vehicle is at fault for the accident. This recovery can encompass a wide array of damages, including property damage, medical expenses, ongoing rehabilitation costs, and potential loss of income due to long-term disability.
Property damage
If you are not injured in the accident, you can still claim the damage caused to your motorcycle or any other property. The claim amount depends on the price of repairing or replacing the damaged parts of the motorbike. It can also include the property you are carrying on the motorbike, such as saddles, or any protective gear you wear, such as a helmet, footwear, jacket, gloves., etc. Damage to clothes that you are wearing or any physical injury sustained in the accident is also added to the list.
Medical injury
Based on the severity of the damage, you can also claim the cause associated with medical expenses or injuries you went through, such as ambulance service, initial medical examination, the hospital’s charges, doctor’s check-up fees, diagnostic tests charges, such as MRI, CT scan, or any treatment provided by the hospital. You can also include staying in the hospital’s charges and medical expenses, including medicines.
Ongoing expenses
Even after the accident has been over for days or weeks, you might have to go for a follow-up with the doctor. Specific injuries need time to heal; some can also result in permanent injury and require lifelong medical treatment. So, you have to include the cost of rehabilitation of physical therapy, continuation of medicines, or if you have lost the potential to work due to any long-term disability.
However, before the claim is settled, you must provide proof of injury and evidence of long-term disabilities or loss of quality of life. Every injury has to be proven and valued. It requires the intervention of a knowledgeable motorcycle accident lawyer with experience dealing with cases and evaluating the value of the damages.
Why do you need an experienced motorcycle attorney?
Experienced motorcycle attorneys play a crucial role in negotiating settlements. They advocate for your rights and ensure fair evaluation of damages. Insurance companies often try to minimize compensation, but a reliable attorney can help you navigate this process, legally assess the damages, and secure a fair settlement for your injury claims.