Understanding ADHD: Why is it trendy?

Understanding ADHD

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ADHD is not a trend; it’s a health condition that can affect a person’s life, including academic performance, professional success, and personal relationships. We need to take this seriously and learn more about what ADHD is, its history, symptoms, and treatments.

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual’s ability to focus and manage energy levels. Awareness of ADHD is rising these days because it’s affecting a growing number of people globally, impacting their lives educationally, professionally, and even personally.

The History of ADHD

This condition is not new; it was first described in the early 20th century when it was called “Hyperkinetic Impulse Disorder” and viewed as a behavioural concern.

Over the decades, this condition has undergone many diagnostic criteria updates and changes until the 1980s when the term ADHD was officially adopted and recognized as a complex neurodevelopmental disorder.

Why is ADHD Getting Attention Recently?

You’re probably surprised by how this condition is becoming increasingly popular on social media. Well, this is due to various reasons, including the huge public awareness, especially on social media platforms, the development of diagnostic tools and methods, and the societal evolution towards recognizing mental health issues.

What’s the connection between ADHD and our modern life?

We can’t deny how the digitalization and the distractions of modern life impact our attention, leading to ADHD becoming a public expression for our mental confusion while coping with our day-to-day demands.

This increased observability and awareness are prompting people to seek answers to their questions, whether they need diagnoses or treatments, bringing this health condition to the table for an endless debate and deep exploration.

What Causes ADHD?

You might be curious about the causes of ADHD, but unfortunately, they’re not fully understood as of now. It’s believed they result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. We can manage ADHD by understanding them:

  • Genetics: some research indicates that ADHD can run in families, making the genetic factor a strong contributor.
  • Environmentally: certain environmental factors are being associated with an increased risk of ADHD, like smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs during pregnancy, all of which can increase the ADHD risk in the baby. In addition to premature birth and low birth weight are factors that increase the risk of ADHD in infants.
  • Neurologically: individuals with ADHD have certain differences in brain structure and function, particularly in attention and impulse control areas.

What are the Symptoms of ADHD?

The ADHD symptoms can be:

  • Inattentiveness: this includes difficulty in paying attention during activities, careless mistakes that occur due to inattention and distraction, and being easily distracted.
  • Hyperactivity: this can be shown in excessive fidgeting, excessive talking, and inability to stay seated and calm.
  • Impulsiveness: this involves taking quick hasty actions without considering the potential consequences, like interrupting others, or making wrong decisions.

How to Manage ADHD?

Unfortunately, there is no final cure for ADHD, but however; there are some effective treatments and life practices to manage its symptoms, such as:

  • Treatments: there are various medications that can help balance brain chemicals for enhancing attention and behaviour, such as stimulants and non-stimulants.
  • Therapy: psychological treatments are important too, like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that helps in behaviour change and manage ADHD symptoms.
  • Lifestyle practices: making certain lifestyle adjustments, like establishing structured routines for everyday and employing organisational strategies to easily plan your activities.

Never ever hesitate to ask assistance from a healthcare professional. It’s much easier than dealing with this alone!

Created by Mawdoo3.com

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