Sunil Tulsiani: A Police Officer turned Real Estate Mogul Empowering Businesses

Sunil Tulsiani | Office Administrator | Private investment club
Sunil Tulsiani | Office Administrator | Private investment club

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Sunil Tulsiani—Once a Canadian Police Officer, now a Best-selling Author, International Speaker, renowned Business Influencer, one-of-a-kind Entrepreneur, Real Estate Mogul, Investment Guru, and the list very well goes on!

Like any other astounding journey that is witnessed in the stories of great leaders, Sunil has made it to the top with his resilient, innovative, and standout leadership. His journey was never a cakewalk. He learned business lessons from his mistakes, transformed mistakes into an opportunity to learn, and transformed business roadblocks into a ladder to success.

And, like the famous saying of Robert Allen, “The future you see is the future you get,” Sunil’s career portrays the same visionary leadership.

Be it his 15-year career in the police force, an investor who bought and sold 77 properties in the first year alone, or an investment guru who is enabling the global business community to outgrow their businesses with his “Science of Getting Rich” Course—Sunil has made it to the top of the leader board.

Popularly known as “the Wealthy Cop,” Sunil has earned his deserving glory, but he did not just stop at his own victory. Being a firm believer in inclusive growth, Sunil found investment education to be his purpose in life and founded the Private Investment Club.

Renowned for his business conferences, where he shares his experience, explains how to tackle challenges and strategize business roadblocks, Sunil ensures to educate entrepreneurs with the real estate investment hacks he has discovered over time. With PIC, Sunil is on a mission to enable people to PLERK. “Plerking is doing what you love and making money. And so, my focus is for people to find what they love, whether it’s speaking, coaching, entrepreneurship, or even trimming hair,” says Sunil.

Across his almost 18-year journey in the real estate segment, he has acquired the knowledge of real estate investment and is proliferating his wisdom to the world while empowering corporations to be successful, wealthy, and indomitable in the ever-evolving business sphere!

Let’s slide into Sunil’s story that is influencing and empowering the real estate world for time and beyond!

Transitioning into A Wealthy Cop

Every story that reflects a successful trail across the globe has many hardships, and the same has been with Sunil Tulsiani. Born in India to a poor family, Sunil had no running water, no washrooms, and no electricity. His father was working in a afactory in India. Then, his family moved to Toronto when he was almost 13 years old. He struggled all his life with schooling. “I didn’t get good marks. I would struggle because I did not enjoy school. And in 1990, in Canada, I became a police officer. I went from being a uniformed officer to being a police detective. Then I became a police negotiator. And, finally, I became a platoon commander. And I was with the police force for 15 years. One day my wife comes to me and says we’re having a divorce. We have two children. I had to make a decision about whether I should keep the job or keep my family. So, I decided to quit my job,” shares Sunil.

From there, Sunil quit his job and didn’t know what to do. So, he attended many business seminars and conferences and finally decided to go into real estate. Reminiscing about the start of his real estate journey, Sunil quotes, “I took a course from a guy named Robert G. Allen, from the US. I paid $5,000. And with the assistance of that course, I ended up buying and selling 77 properties in one year.”

Adding Value with Real Estate Investing

On his journey to success, Sunil Tulsiani established the Private Investment Club (PIC) to enable people to learn the ropes of real estate investing. The club ensures to facilitate the most invaluable resource—its network. Members enjoy networking with some of the most successful entrepreneurs, influencers, and wealthy investors.

Today, PIC has become the largest elite real estate investment club in North America.

At PIC, Sunil’s goal is to help members  P—L —E-—R—K (playing and working while becoming wealthy).

PIC- The Doing Club

“I opened PIC—the Private Investment Club—because I found that there was nothing like it. Basically, most of the other clubs were selling courses, and then they’d sell advanced courses, and then they’d even sell more advanced courses.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with educating yourself, it’s really important. But do you need to invest $50,000 in advance courses when you’re just starting out? What I wanted to do was get my members to take action and do something about it.

So, I call it the “Doing Club.”

What exactly is a Doing Club? A Doing club is where members are inspired to do something, to take action, and to network with the right people. At PIC, there are high-net-worth individuals, millionaires and multimillionaires. Legends like Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Robert G. Allen, and Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank are elite members as well.

PIC’s goal is to help make 100 millionaires and multimillionaires and Sunil has already helped in the creation of over 26 millionaires, and multimillionaires.

An Easy Guide to Join Private Investment Club

  • Sunil Tulsiani

People interested in learning about real estate or who want to become coaches, investors, authors, speakers, or grow in any type of business, should attend Sunil’s next live events. The first one is called “Growth Summit” with Deepak Chopra, Gor Gopal Das, Suniel Shetty and Sneh Desai on the 10th and 11th of December, 2022


The second event where you can meet Sunil Tulsiani is with Robin Sharma, Ameet Parekh and many more on the 17th, and 18th  of December 2022 (

At the event, you’ll be able to network, learn, and build those million-dollar relationships with top influencers. And if PIC is a good fit for you, you may apply. There’s an application process as well as an interview for people who want to join the elite membership circle.

People can also buy Sunil’s courses and books and watch his videos on YouTube.

Inside Sunil’s Leadership Hacks                                                                                              

Being one of the top influencers in the United States and Canada, Sunil has always believed in taking action. Sharing insights from his leadership, he says, “Take action, take action even when it’s scary. Being a veteran police officer, what I learned was that I needed  to take action, especially when I was scared. I need to Do things that scare me…like taking a course, hiring a mentor, and not procrastinating.”

“Learn from your mentors, and then collaborate, build partnerships, and build your brand and credibility. Today I feel very blessed that I have shared stages with Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Grant Cardone, Brian Tracy, Robin Sharma, Jack Canfield, and Deepak Chopra.

So, what sets me apartand I still feel so blessedis that I have some key relationships, friendships, and access to money.

I also have systems, including a business system, a branding system, a monetization system and a real estate system that has helped thousands of people on the planet.”

How to Raise funding for businesses?

  • Sunil Tulsiani
  • You have to have the right product, service, real estate, or deal in order to be considered for anybody to do business with you. So, if you’re just starting out, the first step is to find a great deal. Maybe there’s a motivated seller, and they have to sell their property fast. They don’t have any other choice; they have to close fast, so sometimes they are ready to let go of the property for a lot less money. So, in the real estate world, learn to find a good deal. In the business world, you need a great product or service that is going to help people in some way.
  • Go build relationships with people who are investors. Investors are found at events, especially at the ones where you have to pay to be there, because that’s where the serious investors are hanging out. Once you meet your potential partners, ask them why they’re there. They may say that they want to grow their income, buy discounted properties, or build their passive income. At this point, you can say something like, “Okay, I don’t have anything for you right now, but in the future, if I come across a great opportunity or a discounted cash-flowing property, would you like me to let you know about it?”
  • Connect with COIs. COI stands for “Center Of Influence.” The easiest way to find these centers of influence is to go to live paid events. They’re mentors, authors, speakers, professionals, and high-network individuals. One COI can change your life forever because they can give you access to great deals, insider opportunities, connections, capital, and guidance. One COI changed my life in 2005 when I left the Police Force and now I’m blessed to do the same for my members, mentees, partners, and students.

Sharing Future Goals

Sunil’s goal is to make 100 millionaires.

He is on a mission to teach, coach, mentor, and help people who want to be wealthy, generate more income, build their passive or active income, and go to the next level.

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