Passion; The Fuel for Leadership

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Just like ancient kingdoms and empires, companies can come and go with the times. However, unlike some businesses, few flourish and last for ages. The secret behind this is great leadership. But, what drives such leaders, or what motivates them to achieve great success.

Effective leaders, who build empires on their shoulders have a deep desire to do their work to the best of their ability. They are on a continuous quest to inspire their teams, evolve and increase their effectiveness through coaching & development, share their passion and reach superlative goals.

A study conducted by Cornell University states that best leaders have an acute sense of compassion and empathy that helps them lead distinctively. However, the question here is who is a compassionate leader? And how do they lead with a difference?

A compassionate leader cares about the world around them. The number of books written on leadership is countless. One can pick any one of them and read it closely. However, all the knowledge (only) will not make them a good leader. Such leaders lead from the heart and care for employees as much as the organization. Their compassion towards both is what brings success. Equal passion for the company, projects and for the people involved are the key attributes of successful leadership. Driven by curiosity and the motivation to learn about the world around them, passionate leaders work together with their employees or people involved.

So, are there any particular guidelines or a rule book that states how compassionate leaders lead? No, leading from passion comes from within. This leads us to a question, how exactly does a passionate lead?

There is Energy Everywhere

A passionate leader is so immersed in his or her work that, they will do anything plausible to make things happen. Such leaders have an aura that speaks dominance, but with care and simplicity. They have within themselves the power to inspire and ignite people’s minds to do more. The moment you meet a passionate leader, he or she emits energy that lifts others up. Acting as wherewithal, this energy drives people to push harder and to go beyond.

With Passion Follows Vision

Ultimately, the success of any company resides in the hands of both the leader and employees. However, the key here is to understand the vision of the company or the vision the leader has and to work towards it. This is one of the many challenges that leaders face. A company’s vision looks nice printed on a brochure or painted on the wall, however, to literally have it in the DNA of the team is a different story. But, as stated before, a leader’s passion will drive everyone in that company to tirelessly work until it is achieved.

Constantly Influencing Those around You

By now it is very evident that people want to follow passionate leaders. Hence, the words, actions of such leaders naturally influence and motivate those around them. People also want to around the on-goings and so, if they see working hard, achieving greatness or learning some new, they want to be a part of it too.

What do Passionate Leaders teach us?

Being passionate is not something that only the leaders possess. In fact, it is something all of us have. Having an undying passion will drive you out of your comfort zone. It will bring new opportunities and open the door to success. The reason behind this is that when one is passionate about what he or she is doing, it moves one closer to their potential. However, wanting to be passionate or not is always one’s choice it should be a need or a calling.

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