Growing up with her mom in the housing industry as a real estate agent instilled the idea of a future assisting individuals in the dream of owning their own home for California broker Jamie Cavanaugh. She spent many weekends at open houses with her and almost instantly she noticed it was incredibly rewarding to be a part of the home ownership journey.
What interested you in starting a career in the mortgage industry?
I grew up in the real estate Industry. My Mom was a real estate agent and I spent many weekends at open houses with her, helping her create flyers and working with Buyers. It is incredibly rewarding to be a part of the home ownership journey with my clients.
What’s a career highlight you’re most proud of?
One of the highlights of my career has been getting involved in AIME and being able to participate in panels where I can collaborate with other industry leaders and offer guidance to newer members.
What’s unique about your business?
We have built our business on service and haven’t wavered on staying in touch with our client database over the years. That in and of itself has sustained us through every market fluctuation.
If you could change one thing about the mortgage industry right now, what would it be?
I believe so strongly in the Independent Mortgage Broker and our ability to offer consumers exceptional guidance for what is often the largest financial decision that they’ll make. We have a wide variety of loan options and some of the most stringent licensing requirements in our industry. With that in mind, if I could change one thing it would be to spread awareness that using a local, independent broker is an excellent option for just about every situation.
What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your career?
Over the course of my career – especially in the early days I had to learn to find my voice. I am fortunate to work with a partner who has always championed my personal success and made sure that there was a seat at the table for me. Today I am thrilled to be involved in our industry at a time when it is evolving into a place where every voice is valued and heard.
What is your business philosophy?
If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room!
What are the biggest challenges facing mortgage brokers & what’s your advice for overcoming them?
It is a truly amazing time to be an independent mortgage broker. AIME has grown to over 9,000 members in our Facebook group where we collaborate and share ideas and the sense of community is stronger than it has ever been. True partners in wholesale lending like United Wholesale Mortgage, EPM, Homepoint and Cardinal Financial have stepped up to support Brokers more than ever before. We must continue to partner with these Lenders who support us.
Why do you believe that brokers are better for consumers?
Simply put, we offer the widest variety of loan options, we have some of the most stringent licensing requirements in the industry and we can shop our clients loans to multiple lending institutions to find them the very best wholesale interest rates in the market.
If you could go back to your first day in the industry, what advice would you give yourself?
Believe in yourself and speak up. There are others walking along this same path and if you use your voice, it could help someone else.