Skylar Welch

Skylar Welch

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Skylar Welch made her mark in the industry almost immediately upon joining the wholesale channel ten years ago. Her resume proves this with accolades including Scotsman Guide Top Originator and UWM Top 100 Originator for three years running. She has used her place as a woman of distinction within the channel to share her experience with her fellow female brokers and has been an active member of the AIME community in the process.  
What’s unique about your business? 
I help every single one of my clients from start to finish of their home buying process and I don’t just look at the client as a one-off transaction, but focus on them as a client for life.  
How have you been able to make and sustain your impact as a top producer in the mortgage industry? 
I have continued to evolve with the market by coming up with new and innovative ways to market myself, both on social media and with my agents and clients.  
What’s your biggest challenge as a top producer? 
I would say my biggest challenge is creating a balance in my life. I continuously want to increase my volume and do more business and help more clients, but I also am a mom of three kids.  
How do you balance high production with your family life? 
I have an extremely supportive husband and we work well as a team together. I have made a goal to be home three nights a week to have dinner with my family and I really dedicate my weekends to my kids. I spend time with them when I get home, but then often work after they go to sleep.  
What advice would you give to someone who wants to take their production to the next level? 
Don’t always try to chase the next client or the next agent and truly focus on the agents and clients that you already have. Nurture those relationships because those people have already had a great experience with you so if you take care of them, the business will snowball. If you continuously treat everyone as one-offs, you will be pounding the pavement forever.  
What motivates you to be a top producer? 
I am an extremely goal-driven person. I am very competitive but mostly competitive with myself. I always want to do more than I have done before and hit the goals I set for myself.  
Who is an entrepreneur that inspires you? 
My dad has always been an entrepreneur. At a young age, he helped me start businesses such as selling snow cones and making beach pins. I learned at a very young age that hard work earned you the things you wanted in life and I have carried that over into my adulthood.  
What’s the biggest risk you’ve faced in your career? 
I started out as a loan originator assistant in 2011 and remained an LOA until 2015. I was a young mom of a toddler and infant and I was extremely scared to leave my guaranteed pay every week to be a full time, full commissioned loan officer. It was extremely scary, as I had a family to support but once I did, it lit a different fire under me – one that pushed me harder and harder, and it was the best decision that I ever made.  
What is your business philosophy? 
Stay humble and hustle hard.  
Why do you believe that brokers are better for consumers? 
Brokers are able to provide options for clients. We do not have to try to fit them in a box, we can build them their own box. We have flexible hours and are available when the client needs us the most and we are ingrained in the local communities, supporting local businesses, local sports teams and schools.  
If you could go back to your first day in the industry, what advice would you give yourself? 
Work hard and take care of your clients. Treat every client like they are your only client and make them feel important. 

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