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How TEDx and TED Talks have influenced people towards leading better lives

Here is something we can all agree on. Everyone wants to lead a better life, achieve more and find themselves a better human than they were yesterday; at least, most of us do. To climb up the ladder of life, inspiration and vision is key. We have to draw inspiration from things that are closest to the things we want to be practice with reasonable knowledge on ways to attain this better version of ourselves.

People attend workshops, buy courses, attend online schools, build new businesses, enroll in research programs and even pay to be mentored just to better themselves. While on other wings, there are those who have actually become better versions of themselves by listening to innovative and education-based Ted talks.

“Speeches Helped Me Feel Better. This event was the most influential and confidence building,” “PricelessHaving the opportunity to see/listen to some of the most interesting and/or smart people in our community – priceless!”

It Gets better every Year

We all can agree that what could be peculiar to a region may well differ from another, which may cause the experience of a given content to affect two persons in two diverse ways. One of the biggest testimonials we got was from a couple in Idaho, United States who commented on the enormous difference in their lives since they began to practice the lessons from Ted talks presentations.

How TEDx and TED Talks have influenced people towards leading better lives

Kunio Hara and the impact of Ho-Me-I-Ku.

His discussion on Ted was centered on praising ourselves and others as well. His unwavering determination and a strong sense of self, developed through years of overcoming obstacles and building his own business, foundation, and consulting over 500 companies, serve as a testament to the level of dedication he has invested in making a meaningful impact. As the only Asian speaker to be featured twice on TEDx outside of Japan in 2022, his perspective and insights are of even greater value.

During a recent interview with Valiant CEO (, which focused on the United Nations International Day for Tolerance, Hara stated, “While there is a significant amount of history and unfortunate events in the past, it is important to focus on the future and strive for mutual respect and appreciation among people and nations. As a suggestion, let’s make it a practice to celebrate and acknowledge each other on the 19th of every month.”

Another seemingly encouraging piece is one by Daniel Kahneman, “The riddle of experience vs. memories.” Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel laureate, founder of behavioural economics, and one of the most prominent psychologists in the world. There are dozens of gems in this talk, but for me, the one with the most impact is the one about how our “experiencing selves” and our “remembering selves” perceive happiness differently. I’ve listened to it several times, and each time there were very specific ways in which it affected the choices I made to be happier.

How TEDx and TED Talks have influenced people towards leading better lives

I would love to share more but I’d leave you with this leading two but I sincerely hope you grasp the concepts on how you can draw inspiration from and exceedingly-inviting Ted talk and employ it in the best way that can also improve you. Miracles aren’t from what we learn but what we become from what we learn.

TED talks are a great way to gain inspiration, knowledge and new perspectives and stuff on a wide variety of topics. They can be incredibly motivating and can help us to think differently about our own lives and the world around us. By watching TED talks, we can learn from experts and thought leaders in various fields, and gain insights into the latest research and trends. Additionally, these talks can help us to develop new skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, which can be applied in our personal and professional lives. Overall, TED talks can be a valuable tool for self-improvement, and can help us to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

In today’s connected world, the internet and various online platforms have made it possible for us to learn from anyone, anywhere in the world. We no longer have to be physically present in a classroom or lecture hall to gain knowledge and insights. The internet has opened up a vast array of resources, including TED talks, online courses, and expert blogs, that allow us to learn from experts and thought leaders in various fields.

Additionally, social media and other online communities have made it possible for us to connect with people from all over the world, who can share their experiences and perspectives with us. This has greatly expanded our opportunities for learning and personal growth and has made it possible for us to learn from a much more diverse range of people than ever before.

How TEDx and TED Talks have influenced people towards leading better lives

Honorable Mention: Sally Mac Namara who taught about the many lessons that could be drawn from reading journals. In fact, her speech was titled— “What I’ve learnt from reading a thousand journals.”

Today, a lot of people do not keep or own personal journals which sets them a foot backwards in keeping track of real events, improvements, goals, deadlines and even experiences. Yes, technology has given us options to save events on our Google calendars and notepads, but Sally clearly shows why that isn’t as efficient through her Ted content.


  • Sally Mac Namara who taught about the many lessons that could be drawn from reading journals. In fact, her speech was titled— “What I’ve learnt from reading a thousand journals.” Today, a lot of people do not keep or own personal journals which sets them a foot backwards in keeping track of real events, improvements, goals, deadlines and even experiences.

Yes, technology has given us options to save events on our Google calendars and notepads, but Sally clearly shows why that isn’t as efficient through her TED Talks content.

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