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Dr John Machado

Dr. John Machado: A Path of Discovery by Fire

How Growing Up in Montreal Shaped His Passion for Diverse Settings and People! 

Life is a winding road full of unexpected twists and turns. At times, we find ourselves at a crossroads, faced with a pivotal decision that could alter the course of our journey. It might be a career shift, an exciting new opportunity, or a chance encounter with someone who challenges our perspectives.

“My life-altering encounter with Mother Teresa in Calcutta and a soul-searching trek through the misty Himalayas catalyzed my focus to pursue a career of global impact,” claims John!

These pivotal experiences unlocked Dr. John Machado’s vocational calling—to leverage his diverse talents and training to transform healthcare delivery on a grand scale. As the former Chief Medical Advisor for the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) world headquarters and a leader within Montreal’s West Island Regional Health Authority, he has realized that vision while staying true to his inquisitive roots.

Raised in Montreal’s vibrant multiculturalism, he developed an early affinity for building bridges across cultures. His accomplished academic father ignited his love of knowledge through Socratic exchanges about weighty philosophical concepts most children could scarcely comprehend.

This profound curiosity propelled John through an honors undergraduate science degree with offers to top-tier research and law enforcement programs. Ultimately, he charted a path through an elite double degree program in medicine and healthcare management—the first step toward his healthcare leadership destiny.

“I was intent on aerospace medicine until family circumstances kept me local,” John recalls. This detour enabled him to parlay clinical urgent care and hospitalist roles into mastery of emergency readiness, disease management, quality improvement, and more.

That experience base served him well across pivotal posts. At the UN ICAO specialized agency world headquarters, he oversaw the health and safety of all UN personnel nationally, including other UN operations such as the Commission of Biodiversity (CBD) and UNESCO during the COVID pandemic. He also oversaw pre-mission deployment medical approvals for diplomats in eight regional offices worldwide. His current role with the Montreal West Island Regional Health Authority focuses on advancing integrated, patient-centric models. Underlying it all is a steadfast belief in technology’s power to reshape healthcare.

“My goal is to implement innovations like telemedicine, biosensors, AI, robotics, and smart materials to truly transform service delivery,” John states. ”Developing these tools requires mirroring the mindsets we aim to instill: open, collaborative, and endlessly inquisitive.” Nowhere is this philosophy more evident than in his approach to complex, interdisciplinary challenges. Colleagues laud his emotional intelligence and talent for uniting diverse perspectives around a shared human-centric vision.

“John has this incredible ability to build bridges, whether between experts, stakeholders, or communities,” praised one admirer. ”He recognizes that the most impactful solutions arise when we synthesize multiple viewpoints through an equitable process.”

From the values instilled by his nurturing family to the wake-up call of his formative travels, his inspirational rise exemplifies how an intellectually curious spirit, combined with determination and emotional literacy, can catalyze seismic progress. His pioneering work is ushering healthcare into an integrative new frontier focused on holistic patient well-being.

Let us learn more about his journey:

Crafting an Amalgamation of Experiences

Growing up in the lively city of Montreal, John’s life was shaped by a rich linguistic and cultural backdrop that instilled in him a profound passion for diverse settings and an appreciation for people from all walks of life. His late father, Joachim, a pragmatic optimist with an unquenchable zest for life and family, was an accomplished academic who imbued his son with an insatiable love of knowledge and curiosity, traits evidenced by his pursuit of philosophy, Latin, and Sanskrit.

He vividly recalls his father posing profound, age-old philosophical quandaries about the origin and concepts of time, existence, and knowledge when he was a mere five years old, leaving the inquisitive child so enraptured by these abstract notions that he often struggled with the mundane task of tying his shoelaces. Mercifully, the advent of Velcro straps in the early 1980s spared him from too many stumbles during his primary school years. Ultimately, grappling with complex ideas with his father contributed to his excelling in his studies, leading to being at the top of his class and winning multiple awards in the humanities, math, and sciences.

He was equally blessed with a loving and artistically gifted mother, Anne, and sister, Grace, as well as two highly driven brothers, Jason and Clement, all eager to leave an indelible mark on the world. His childhood was further enriched by the camaraderie of his close cousins, Shalini, Paul, and the later addition of Liza, and a constellation of cherished friends over the years, including Richard, Chris, Eddie, Michel (who recently succumbed to a harrowing battle with cancer), Mark, Rash, Raj, Joey, and Scott.

His awe-inspiring volunteer expedition to Calcutta in 1996, during which he met Mother Teresa and later trekked to Nepal through the Himalayas, catalyzed John’s resolve to pursue a career that would have an enduring impact on the world, however grand or modest. This quest led him to complete an honors undergraduate degree in Microbiology and Immunology, followed by two years of honors research under the late Dr. Mark Wainberg, the esteemed Past President of the International AIDS Society and President of the Canadian Association for HIV Research.

John’s academic prowess earned him offers to pursue a PhD program in a renowned neuroscience lab at MIT and an interview opportunity with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Criminal Intelligence, but he ultimately chose to remain in Montreal, accepting an offer to pursue a highly competitive dual MD and MBA degree at McGill University.

Initially intent on pursuing a career in aerospace medicine, family circumstances prompted John to remain local, where he worked in urgent care and as a hospitalist for many years. Over the past seven years, he has gained invaluable on-the-job training in operational, occupational, and environmental medicine, with a particular interest in supporting critical public service missions related to military operations, space exploration, and general population health and safety.

Throughout his multifaceted journey, he has honed expertise in emergency readiness, ambulatory and hospital care, long-term disease management, medical technology innovation, healthcare strategy consulting, partnerships, contract negotiation, quality improvement, and transformational leadership. His driving passion is to accelerate the evolution of healthcare services by leveraging his diverse experience in helping to co-develop and implement advanced health technologies.

Underpinning his endeavors is a devotion to continuously strive to embody the qualities he wishes to cultivate—an example of the polymath’s enduring pursuit of knowledge, service, and self-actualization.

Odyssey of Integrating Healthcare & Technology

Rather than originating from a single realization, John’s career journey was influenced by a series of revelations that fueled his ambition to have a significant impact on society. It was a difficult journey motivated by a desire to accelerate the integration of ivory tower technology for the benefit of the general public in healthcare, similar to reaching for the stars while attempting to clear the treetops.

A combination of inspiration and deep dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs gave rise to the idea of combining technology and healthcare. It’s been an experience marked by well-meaning mistakes, some successes, and the kind of discoveries that make all the late nights worthwhile.

The desire to merge technology and healthcare stemmed not from individual ambition, but from a communal sense of what might be accomplished when creative minds converge toward a common objective. Inspired by a strategic vision and a small contempt for the unattainable, it was a recognition that change is not only necessary but also unavoidable.

The fortitude exhibited by military soldiers, the selflessness of volunteer humanitarian workers in Calcutta’s impoverished areas, and the support of his team at home and abroad have served as the foundation for his inspiration. This combined power and resolve motivated him to push the boundaries, driven not by individual will but by the shared memories and sacrifices of people with whom he had the honor to work.

Complexities of Healthcare

Having dedicated over 15 years to his practice as a physician, specializing in urgent care, complex in-patient hospital care, and operational and occupational medicine, John’s professional journey has taken him through a myriad of healthcare environments, from hospitals to intergovernmental, military, aerospace, biotech, and energy sector medical facilities.

His overarching goal has always been to merge his clinical expertise with cutting-edge technology to transform healthcare delivery and proactively mitigate health risks for targeted populations. Whether spearheading the modernization of a region with 9 million residents’ healthcare infrastructure or contributing to the development of AI-driven astronaut gear, his career has been defined by pushing boundaries and making innovative healthcare solutions more accessible and efficient.

John has actively served as a physician advisor on various local, national, and international health technology committees, lending his expertise to pivotal health technology development initiatives in both Canada and the USA. Currently holding the esteemed position of Chief Medical Officer at the Montreal West Island Regional Health Authority, a vast healthcare network comprising five hospitals with over 13,000 employees and an annual operating budget of 1 billion dollars, he oversees all medical operations with a team of nearly 1000 physicians.

Leading a team focused on pioneering initiatives to enhance healthcare access and patient safety within a resource-constrained regional health system, he collaborates closely with a dedicated group of professionals. Supported by a dynamic CEO, Dan Gabay, and a committed Board of Directors led by Mr. Richard Legault, along with a talented cadre of associate directors and key stakeholders from various directorates, John’s vision for transformative healthcare is steadily becoming a reality.

The expansive regional health authority is also receiving considerable renewed attention and support from Deputy Minister Stephane Bergeron and Minister of Health Christian Dubé, under the government of Premier Francois Legault.

Despite the weight of his responsibilities, John approaches his work with a blend of proactive crisis management and innovative change leadership. Acknowledging a diverse range of experiences, from savoring a glass of milk to a glass of scotch, and transitioning from doctor scrubs to a special ops agent persona, he finds balance amidst the challenges of his role. By infusing his work with grace, style, composure, and a touch of humor, he manages the complexities of his profession with resilience and creativity.

Supported by supportive partners in both his professional and personal lives, he seeks to begin working on exceptional projects with a tenacious spirit and an obligation to extend the limits of healthcare development.

Challenges of Professional & Personal Balance

In managing the complex interplay between the demands of a constantly demanding industry and personal life, one finds oneself akin to solving Rubik’s cube amidst a hurricane. It is an insightful work of prioritization, compromise, and embracing the inherent chaos, a test endured through crises and the unpredictable currents of innovation. John has developed a positive attitude that may appear delusional, demonstrating his resilience. Finding balance in the middle of a maelstrom of business and personal duties has taught him invaluable lessons in humility and prioritization.

The challenges inherent in high-stakes roles and the juggling act of life’s demands necessitate the maintenance of a ’dynamic equilibrium,’ a principle resonant in the management of expansive healthcare operations. Spearheading medical strategies across diverse facilities demands a strategic approach to staying afloat by prioritizing effectively and embracing the inherent uncertainties within the healthcare landscape.

In reflecting on the significance of his family, John eloquently expressed the pivotal roles his two children, Eva and Dahlia, along with his entire family, play in his life. They serve as a grounding force, offering a poignant reminder that life encompasses more than just work, even amidst the all-encompassing demands of a career. He extends a heartfelt note of gratitude and recognition to his dear companion, Ewa, for her caring support, which serves as a refreshing source of affection and strength.

Appetite for Business

John’s urge to shake up the healthcare industry came not only from a desire to innovate but also from a strong sense that there is always opportunity for the better. The integration of healthcare and technology holds the potential for transformative advances in how we approach wellness and treatment. This hunger has been fueled by collaboration with others who share a vision for a more efficient, accessible, and humane healthcare system.

The invitations to provide medical insight to the National Space Agency and contributions to the Hexoskin astronaut AI vital sign body monitoring suite further stimulated John’s thirst for connecting medical science with other disciplines and supporting industry pilot initiatives.  The potential for cross-pollination and developing unique creative solutions can not only help us explore and colonize new planets, but it can also provide fertile ground for coming up with unique solutions to age-old problems here on good old planet Earth.

Bridging high-tech solutions with practical healthcare applications is his mission, as he seeks to make a significant impact on global health systems.  It is important in innovation, he believes, to have a bit of a maverick mentality and ”dare to dream the unthinkable,” while tempering it with a healthy dose of cold, hard reality to create a roadmap that helps to sidestep common pitfalls and obstacles to progress.

Crucible of the Pandemic

In facing the tumultuous onset of the pandemic, John reflected on the profound whirlpool of uncertainty it unleashed.  To John, this global crisis served as a crucible, testing not only adaptability but also resilience.  The guiding principle amidst the chaos was clear: pivot, shift, and persist forward, even when progress seemed akin to spinning in circles.

Confronting the pandemic resembled constructing an aircraft mid-flight, proof of the belief in the potency of resilience, the imperative of swift adaptation, and the fundamental truth that setbacks are mere preludes to resurgences. The ordeal underscored the profound impact of collective action, reinforcing the interconnectedness of humanity in times of adversity.

In his capacity as the national chief medical advisor for the United Nations and as an operational urgent care physician within the Department of National Defense, Military Armed Forces, John spearheaded a swift transition to telemedicine, prioritized preventive measures, and bolstered healthcare infrastructures.

This transformative endeavor mirrored the resolve inherent in soldiers and global health workers, embodying a spirit of unwavering determination.  It underscored the significance of agility, teamwork, and shared persistence, illuminating the belief that through unity, even the most formidable challenges can be transformed into avenues for innovation and advancement.

He further extends his heartfelt appreciation to Chief of Staff Kamini Balram, Head Nurse Nara Tadevosyan, Lt. Commander Jean Luc Plante, and all the notable individuals he had the privilege to collaborate with at the United Nations and within the military. Their collective efforts and unwavering dedication exemplify the power of unity and solidarity in navigating crises and fostering growth amidst adversity.

Accolades and Honors

Every accomplishment and accolade obtained along this journey has been an acknowledgement of exemplary collective team effort. These achievements, which range from reinventing healthcare delivery systems to coaching the upcoming generation of healthcare executives, are not exclusive to John; rather, they are the product of everyone who has given their knowledge, insight, and steadfast support.

It’s a shared legacy based on cooperation, mutual trust, and a shared desire to change things to create a better tomorrow. It’s about realizing that the trip itself is made up of sweat, blood, and tears—not just byproducts.

He further states, “I’ve had the privilege of receiving various honors over the years, some of which are listed below. They are, in large part, the culmination of countless people who have been encouraged and supported in many different ways along the journey. My deepest gratitude to all of my colleagues, friends, and family who have played a vital role in all of them.”

International Recognition:

  •  International Health 2.0 Conference Award recipient for ’Outstanding Leadership’ in the Health Sector, March 2024, Las Vegas, USA
  • Selected to be featured on the cover of this year’s upcoming Hall of Fame 2024, Most Inspiring Leaders, Passion Vista International Magazine Publication
  • He was recognized by a United Nations senior executive delegate for his medical leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and was recommended for the position of Chief Medical Officer at the UN New York Office, World Headquarters.

Appointed as the national medical representative on the UN International Medical Directors Committee

Professional Achievements:

  • Consistently received employer, client, and patient care satisfaction ratings above 95%
  •  Invited as a guest speaker at high-profile engagements on emerging health technologies
  •  Recognized among the top mentors in his field

Transformative Impact:

Successfully leveraged key relationships to help transform a territory of 9 million inhabitants and 2,000 clinics into a modern technological landscape with next-level digital electronic health records (EHRs).

Educational Milestones:

  •  Selected as one of five candidates per year and completed a double-degree program, earning both an MD and an MBA.
  •  Graduated with first-class honors in Microbiology and Immunology from McGill University
  •  Inducted into the prestigious Golden Key National Honors Society

Throughout his remarkable journey, Dr. John has recognized that the true achievement lies not in the accolades received but in the lives touched, the systems strengthened, and the power of many people acting together in concert that has made it all possible. His story is a message about the power of teamwork, perseverance, and a quest for excellence.

Message to Viewers in His Own Words

“To those standing at the edge, contemplating the leap into the unknown—whether in healthcare, innovation, or any field brimming with potential and peril—remember: the journey is as much about the setbacks as it is about the victories. Acknowledge the fire, dance with the devil in the details, and run towards the chaos with open arms. The path to greatness is paved with questions, spun in circles, and littered with some delusional optimism. But above all, it’s driven by an indomitable spirit that looks at the impossible and says, ”Why not?”

So, dare to dream, aspire to inspire, and never forget that the greatest adventure lies in the journey itself, not just the destination.

The strength of your vision lies in the community you build around it. Together, you can face the fires, navigate the unknown, and achieve the unthinkable, not as solitary figures but as a united force for change.

Lastly, remember that the reflection you cast is the sum of the battles you’ve chosen to fight, the fires you’ve run towards, and the waters you’ve dared to navigate!”

Revitalizing Medical Leadership and Team Spirit Post-COVID

Insidious cynicism, negativity, apathy, and anger pervaded the medical teams of the hospitals in our region during and immediately post-COVID, exacerbated by an extreme lack of resources, excessive bureaucracy, and a lack of local leadership at hospital sites.

A hard reset and revitalization of medical leadership and collaborative team spirit were vital. It’s been a harrowing revival to rally the chiefs of each medical department over three hospital sites, to reignite their sense of purpose, and to foster a renewed sense of camaraderie.

Central to this revival is the establishment of local chapters of a Medical Chief’s Table forum at every hospital site, providing a platform for open dialogue, collective problem-solving, and shared decision-making. Through these forums, we are re-forging a unified vision, aligning interests, and channeling collective efforts towards common goals.

We make it a priority to follow through on promises, ensuring that decisions are made promptly and effectively. Through strategic coaching and mentorship, we empower leaders to maximize the utilization of existing resources, fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency.

Harnessing the power of technology, we’ve implemented creative solutions to streamline processes and enhance patient care. We advocate tirelessly for our team, defending their interests and championing their achievements. One of our hospital ICUs was on the brink of closure due to a lack of nursing personnel and poor team spirit. Our team was the first in North America to pilot the augmented reality Microsoft HoloLens to allow more junior staff to be remotely guided by more experienced clinical staff on how to do certain patient procedures. This was particularly useful overnight when staffing was particularly low.

Thanks to the technology, a dedicated associate director (Teresa Mack) supportive operational managers (Sophie Vermette, Moustapha Mallat, and Tara Glover), a very dynamic new head nurse (Eric Labonté), and the engagement of the physician teams, the ICU was able to remain open and is now a thriving example of a successful turnaround. It is now a model for other distressed ICUs on how a team spirit mixed with the right enabling technology can work wonders!