Cortisol Detox: Everything You Need to Know

Cortisol Detox

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Do you stress more often? If yes, you might be suffering from high cortisol levels, a main stress hormone released when a person is stressed. In this case, you need to start your Cortisol Detox journey, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, relaxation and meditation techniques, and other necessary lifestyle practices.

Symptoms of High Cortisol

Before starting your cortisol detox journey, you need to know the exact symptoms that you’re likely struggling with:

  • Weight gain especially in the midsection usually causes stubborn belly fat, commonly called the cortisol belly.
  • Puffy and swollen face, and puffiness or darkness under the eyes. In addition to adult acne and other skin concerns.
  • Zero energy, feeling tired during the day, and needing too much caffeine to be productive.
  • Brain fog, trouble focusing on simple tasks, and easily distracted. For example, you always check on your phone, scrolling on social media in the middle of a task, or feeling bored fast.
  • Feeling stressed all the time, and everything feels rushed and urgent.
  • Chronic diseases can be caused by long-term increased cortisol, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.

Best Cortisol Detox Tips

With some lifestyle advice, you can lower high cortisol levels in your body and feel so much better:

  • Maintain a balanced diet and pay attention to your sugar and caffeine intake. For reducing stress levels, a 2021 study suggests eating dietary fibres (vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds) omega-3 fatty acids (flax seeds, chia seeds), and aged, fermented foods (apple-cider vinegar, kombucha, plain yoghurt).
  • Don’t start your mornings with coffee! Delay your caffeine intake and have a morning tonic first to manage your cortisol levels till the next day, for example, try warm lemon water (you add drops of ACV, and some fresh ginger and honey), or you can just eat some berries or nuts.
  • Try coffee alternatives, as it can increase your anxiety and affect your energy throughout the day and your sleep quality. You can make turmeric latte, matcha green tea, cardamom tea, or lemon balm tea.
  • Stop getting on your phone first thing in the morning. Instead, try facing the sun, talking to somebody, or making your breakfast.
  • Get enough sleep. High cortisol levels are usually associated with chronic sleep issues like insomnia. You can make yourself a good bedtime routine for a higher-quality sleep, such as showering, reading a book, and meditating before sleep.
  • Exercise regularly. This can help you manage stress, and improve sleep quality, which as a result can decrease cortisol levels.
  • Meditate and relax. Certain practices can help, such as deep breathing exercises, walking meditation, yoga, or visualisation.
  • Take supplements if needed, as they can help regulate cortisol levels. For example, supplements like Vitamin B12, folic acid, and Vitamin C can support managing cortisol levels. Remember that supplements should be taken under medical supervision, and they will never replace a well-balanced diet!
  • Have a hobby. Hobbies can be relaxing and rewarding and enhance mental clarity, especially stress-relieving hobbies, such as painting, cooking, playing a musical treatment, or creative writing.

Most of us have lived with stress and high cortisol levels as long as it feels normal, but it’s really not! Try Cortisol detoxing and rebalance your hormones, and see how your energy levels soar.

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