Whether you are a marketer or just an owner of a small business, you must adopt the latest and innovative marketing tricks to be two steps ahead of your competitors. Digital marketing or internet-based marketing is similar to traditional print and electronic media marketing in some ways and very different in others. It is just that there is cut-throat competition on the web and you have very little margin of error.
Here are some top digital marketing tips and tricks from the experts to obtain the desired results in quick time without wastage of precious resources.
What is Digital Marketing
Before talking about the tips for digital marketing, it is pertinent to explain a little bit about digital marketing itself. It is an umbrella term that includes all tools, techniques, and efforts made through electronic devices and the web to let potential clients know about your business. It doesn’t matter whether your business is online or located in a small corner of your area. Digital marketing encompasses the use of not just the internet but also websites, email, search engines, social media, and mobile applications. The basic objective of digital marketing is to connect with prospective customers virtually at the right place and right time and try to sell them your products and services.
Make the Most of Content Marketing
Content marketing is one of the most important kinds of digital marketing. Original and meaningful content is what separates you from your competitors. Whatever else you do in the name of SEO is also being done by your competitors. To be ahead of your competitors, you need not just better but also more content. You need to achieve a heady mix of quantity and quality to get the best return on investment. You need original and useful content relevant to the chosen niche.
Do not forget to make your content shareable on various social media platforms.
Create a Social Media Strategy
Social media is the king today not just in terms of giving popularity and brand recognition but also in sending organic traffic to your business website. You need to identify the platforms where your target group of customers spends most of their time as well as the time of the day when they hangout on them. Never treat all platforms equally as every one of them has a unique flavor and specialty whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. Make your presence felt on all the platforms that you deem relevant in your digital marketing endeavor. Engage with your friends and followers and answer their questions like a friend and guide.
Remember, people love to buy products and services from those they know or have been recommended by their friends.
Make Sure Your Business Website is Responsive
You think you are doing everything right to catch the attention of potential customers from email marketing to content marketing and SEO to social media strategy. Are you sure your prospective customers are getting unhindered access to your business website from their smartphones? If not, then you are missing the bus as a sizable chunk of your potential clients is being grabbed by your competitors. All your efforts in digital marketing are going to waste as your target customers are not finding you on their smartphones. There is no need to worry as all you have to do is to hire a digital marketing company and get a beautiful and functional website that is also responsive. Most of the organic traffic for businesses around the country is coming from people searching on their smartphones. If your website was made a few years ago, it is time for a revamp with a modern and sleek website that quickly loads on the smartphones of your potential customers.
Create and Implement an Email Strategy
Are you one of those who believe email marketing is a thing of the past and it is no more effective in present times? If yes, then you are grossly mistaken as most of the big and popular businesses still rely on this old and time-tested digital marketing tool called email newsletter. Email marketing is not only efficient but also very inexpensive. You can communicate with your target group of customers in a rather personal manner without being too pushy or aggressive on the sale of your products and services.
- Make sure you send email newsletters frequently to your list of subscribers
- Provide useful information related to your chosen niche
- Keep your tone friendly
- Encourage your subscribers to ask questions and give their feedback
- Keep them informed about the events inside your business and your business plans
Never forget to include a call to action in your newsletters.
Spend Money on Advertising and Branding
Make the most of paid advertising on Google and Facebook to catch the attention of your target group of customers. Many people feel advertising is a waste of money and effort. What would you say to companies like Pepsi, Nike, Honda, Toyota, and even Google that keep on advertising to remain in the eyes of their customers? People know about big and popular brands even without visiting their website once in their lives. One of the strong pillars of digital marketing is paid advertising that helps you a lot in the initial phases of your business. You can always recover the amount of money spent on promotion by establishing your business as a brand and charging a premium from your customers.
Utilize Services of Influencers
Make social media influences a part of your digital marketing strategy. Get one or two such celebrities to spread the message about your business or services in their blogs, Instagram and Twitter posts, or YouTube videos. These influencers have a massive fan following and their words carry a lot of weight. Services of social media influencers prove to be cheaper than big-time models but they prove as effective as celebrities.
Digital marketing is a necessity in present times whether your business is new or very small, located in one corner of a city. It allows you to reach out to large numbers of target groups of customers and convey your message without offending them. You should create a digital marketing strategy according to your goals and keep evaluating it through returns on investment.