How to Send High Volume Emails Successfully

Email marketing is one of the top 5 digital marketing strategies used worldwide. It is affordable, and it has the highest ROI than any marketing tactic. Some businesses even report a 3,800% ROI while others report 7,000%.
This means that a dollar of investment can give you $38 to $70 in return. Not to mention, email marketing offers businesses the broadest reach when reaching out to customers. Due to the broad reach email marketing provides, it is right to assume that companies send large volumes of emails in a single campaign.
But that alone isn’t easy – to be able to send lots of emails, you need to follow emailing rules to ensure, if not all, but most of your emails reach your recipients’ inbox and are opened by them. Below are the strategies for email success big businesses use.

5 Tips for Successfully Sending High Volume Emails

1. Do IP warming

. On the receiving end, your email recipients’ ISPs and ESPs won’t also receive or will filter multiple emails from you unless you have a good sender reputation.
This is to prevent spammers and nefarious users from sending large volumes of malicious content. To build a good sender’s reputation and make both ISPs and ESPs trust you, you need to do IP warming – the process of gradually sending increasing volumes of email on a predetermined schedule.
By doing IP warming first, ISPs and ESPs can adequately analyze your sending behavior and email content to determine if you’re a sender to be trusted. Once your reputation is established as a trusted sender, you can deliver as much as or even more than 100k emails every month.

2. Make sure that your marketing messages are clear

Pay attention to grammar, proper punctuation, and letter casing. A slight error can make your email appear shady. Avoid using clickbaity and sales subject lines and email body words.  Such tactics may work on social media but not on emails.
People tend to establish the concept of cybersecurity when dealing with emails. They will not open or click anything if something doesn’t look 100% legit. In terms of content, misleading your customers will make them hate your content and consign to send all your emails to their spam box. Some will even unsubscribe from your mailing list and report your brand for suspicious behavior.
This will tremendously ruin your sender’s reputation ruining your overall email deliverability rate. Write your subject lines in a short but clean and concise way. Give your readers an idea of what’s inside the email and consistently write the email body with the title. If the subject line is about a product promotion, talk about the product, and put a clear Call-to-Action at the end. In this case, a call to let your recipient buy the promoted product.

3. Properly segment your email list

Instead of sending one email campaign to all, gather and segment your email list first. Categorize the users in your customer pool based on their preference, location, demographics, and behavior. A one-to-all approach will ignore emails because not everyone is interested in or readily available for reading your emails.
Like being misleading, this too can hurt your sender’s reputation because your disinterested recipients will get annoyed, report your content as spam, and opt-out of your mailing list. For the emails that have been unintentionally ignored due to being received at inactive hours, ISP and ESP systems will detect engagement behavior and automatically flag your email address as spam, causing them to put sending volume limitations.

4. Use automation – Set email triggers

In addition to segmentation, setting email triggers or automating emails helps you deliver the right email to the right people automatically. For example, you can set a trigger in an email to put a customer into a list segment depending on their interaction with the email body of the campaigns you send.
You can then set that list segment to send its members the corresponding email campaign you have made for that list. A customer will then receive an automated email about cosmetics because the link they clicked before was about women’s beauty.
It’s not just that, but you can also automate your email marketing tool to send your customer’s a birthday greeting when their birthday comes. This makes your customers feel that you care about their experience, increasing email engagement rates, online store sales, and email sender reputation.

5. Research about what engages your email audience

Sending similar email campaigns based on and valuable to the interests, preferences, and demographics of the audience is significant. It is also much better to do in-depth research on what makes them engage.
Find out what they want, which problems they have that need solving, the subject lines that grab their attention, and how they want to be approached. This way, you’ll find new strategies that you can use in your next email campaigns, which would bring more success into your business.


Careless email sending in high volumes would make ISPs and ESPs mark your IP and email address as a spam sender. You always have to consider the relevance of your email content to the recipient, the timing of sending, the email content’s truthfulness, and your reputation as a sender.
Failure to remember these key points will cause your emails to be bounced, filtered, rejected, ignored, or sent to the spam box, making it harder to reach out to your customers.