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7 Steps to Creating Content That Works for Your Business

Content marketing has received new impetus with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic as a leading strategy to keep businesses connected with their customers.

A key aspect of business content is not only attracting traffic to your website but also converting visitors into leads. Therefore, you must put a lot of thought into how you create your content for profitable results. Here are 7 steps to creating content that works for your business.

  1. Understand your content marketing goal

Why are you creating content? Answering that question is your first step towards creating profitable content because it defines your goal. Once you understand the why, it is easier to create a winning content guaranteed to convert.
The most common goal for content marketing is to boost site traffic for possible email and or free trial signups that could essentially convert to paying customers.

Once you have defined this and created appropriate content, plan for promotion to reach as wide an audience as possible. Remember to set up necessary metrics by which to gauge content success.

  1. Know your target audience

Do not go for sterile generic content creation but rather research and understand the audience persona you intend to reach.

When you understand your audience, you write content that answers their questions and addresses their needs. Through direct connection, empathy and understanding, you move them to share your content and, in the process, expand your reach.

Use social media, web, and email subscriber analytics to collect good demographic data to help you understand your audience. Google Analytics can help you get great insights into your customer behavior patterns and track your conversions.

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7 Steps to Creating Content That Works for Your Business | Business Magazine [ Business Blog ]

  1. Identify content channels to use

Although content distribution follows the creation process, you must identify channels for publication beforehand to move with speed when done. Knowing the channels you will be using ensures that you create cont-ent that is right for each channel without having to go through editorial nightmares and save resources.

A distribution strategy in content business is key to achieving the desired impact after creation and helps harmonize the sharing of your content. Set benchmarks (KPIs) in your distribution strategy for what you intend to achieve with cont-ent publication.

  1. Create content segmentation

After identifying your con-tent channels and before embarking on creation, pause, and address market segmentation. Divide your customer base into clusters of similar interests and proceed to create con-tent that addresses their particular needs. You now see why it is important to do this before putting pen to paper.
When you segment your audience, your con-tent is more personalized to the target group and less general. This draws in your audience more effectively as they can identify with it and will gladly share it.

  1. Create content

At this stage of preparation with the foregoing steps in place, it is safe to start creating con-tent. Naturally, you will need to do serious research in your market niche to understand trends and see how you could leverage these in your cont-ent. Assess what is out in the market and figure out how you can improve on it in a way that will attract new readership.

As you create con-tent, remember to optimize it with keywords for the SEO advantage while also projecting a strong brand personality. Create powerful and catchy headlines for your con-tent to stand out in the crowd and format your writing in line with the web setup.

  1. Leverage call to action

The whole purpose of creating cont-ent for your site was to get leads and convert for sales. That means your business content is not complete without a call to action that will prompt your readers to sign in. A call to action keeps your readers engaged as you lead them from one item to the next and creates affinity.
Let your call to action be friendly, persuasive, and yet polite to avoid the risk of putting off potential leads.

  1. Create an editorial calendar

Finally, you must set up an editorial calendar for your content campaign. An editorial calendar will help to organize publication, distribution, and overall marketing team collaboration. A calendar is especially useful in keeping the consistency of cont-ent themes and objectives.
Map out your campaign for a preferred period with key milestones to guide your cont-ent editorial. Good con-tent thrives on consistency.


Do not just create excellent cont-ent for your business and hope it will get itself out. Promote your cont-ent aggressively to boost social media traffic through shares and likes to reach a wider readership and top search engine rankings. This way, you stand better chances of generating more leads and increased sales to grow your business.

Author’s Bio:

Sandra Larson is one of the owners of, a talented creative writer and blogger working with a publishing firm that deals in academic books. She also works as a freelance academic writer for an agency that assists university students for thesis and dissertation writing. In her free time, she loves to play indoor games, shoot funny videos for YouTube and practice yoga.

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