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7 Cybersecurity Practices Every Small Business Should Follow

With technology becoming more accessible and widespread, cautious steps must be taken to ensure online safety and well-being. Following these steps is important, especially when you are a business that uses the internet for various small business purposes and operations.

Fraudsters and scam artists are always on the lookout for weak points. They can make their way into your business systems and have access to files. So, if you are sending PDFs as faxes using a website, make sure the website is trustworthy and genuine, as some notorious websites can store your data without informing you. Today, we will discuss seven cybersecurity tips that every small business should follow when using the internet.

Must-Follow Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses Online

  1. Keep your software updated: System software updates are an issue primarily for three reasons. These are to enhance security, fix bugs, and introduce new features. By keeping your software updated across your small business, you can strengthen your security and have protection from a cyberattack. Consider partnering with an antivirus software provider or consider exploring more about managed security services to improve the quality of your company’s security.
  2. Avoid opening suspicious emails: There have been multiple reports of people losing access to their accounts and devices just by clicking on a malicious link. Some links can also be used to access your financial information, and money can be withdrawn from your account without the account owner getting notified about the funds being withdrawn.If an email finds its way into your business account that is from outside your company or a trusted source, avoid opening it. Clickbait email subject lines are often used to grab attention and make people click and open such emails.
  3. Use a secure, trustworthy website to convert your documents: The websites you could use to store, convert, or share files ensure data encryption keeps sensitive information safe and out of their possession.If you are unsure about a website because it looks spammy, there is always the option to close it. Genuine websites have their privacy and data protection policies listed; make it a point to read through them before you start using their services.
  4. Use a VPN to make your connection private: A VPN encrypts your connection, preventing malicious websites from accessing sensitive information like your location, the type of device used to access the website, etc. A virtual private network also protects your device from your internet service provider.
  5. Create strong passwords and use a genuine, trustworthy password management system: Strong passwords are difficult to crack for hackers. In contrast, a weak password generated with less effort is easier to crack, which can jeopardize your system.Use special characters, numbers, and a combination of upper or lowercase letters to create a strong password. Opt for trusted password management software to store all your passwords. This software uses a master password and multiple security and authentication layers.
  6. Turn off Bluetooth when not using it: Devices can be hacked using Bluetooth. There have been many instances where Bluetooth technology has been used to hack into and steal data from a system.If you are not using Bluetooth on your device or receive connection requests from suspicious devices, it is best not to take any action and instead turn off Bluetooth immediately. Alternatively, keep your device visible to only paired devices.
  7. Double-check HTTPS on your website: Cloning websites has become a common technique that scammers use to trap unsuspecting individuals. If you are redirected to a website using a link, always check for HTTPS, as it ensures safe data transfer through a secured channel. If the website does not have HTTPS, avoid sharing any personal information.

Parting words

In today’s fast-paced world, everyone is in a hurry to accomplish their tasks before the day ends. With so many documents being maintained and shared regularly, hackers and scammers constantly look for security gaps to seize and get hold of important information and data.

Being vigilant while online should become a standard practice to prevent such cyberattacks. Train your staff to take necessary measures to prevent loss of information and hacking.