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6 Effective Lead Generation Strategies for Startups

Lead generation is an essential yet challenging aspect of any business, more so for a startup, that entails stimulating and capturing people’s interests with the goal of converting them into customers.
A startup needs to generate quality leads as fast as possible to hasten the process of revenue generation, but how can they go about competing with the established brands with big marketing budgets? There are many lead generation strategies that a business can employ, even with limited capital resources, to generate high-quality leads fast. Read on to learn more.

1.    Make use of lead generation apps

Businesses and marketing professionals can use lead generation apps like smallbizleads to find local leads and close business deals. The apps give you instant access to leads data already sorted by traffic, SEO metrics, and contact information. It also allows you to review the leads at any time and from anywhere. Businesses can also export this data and incorporate it into their CRM system, allowing them to communicate with the leads immediately via social media, phone, or email.

2.    Content marketing

It does not matter if you offer the best product or service in the world; if you don’t market it properly, you will not make any sales. Content marketing generates leads from qualified sources like webinars, blogs, guides, SEO, and social media posts. Your material should serve a specific purpose, with the words engaging enough to get the target audience to interact with you.

3.    Social media marketing (SSM)

When social media is used correctly, it becomes a powerful lead generation tool. Although the landscape is saturated now, you can still get your voice heard by utilizing organic and paid marketing strategies. This requires creativity, so the audience does not only notice you but also buy into the idea of the benefits you are offering them through your product or service. Each platform works differently, but inbound leads are bound to find you when you employ targeted posts and ads.

4.    Use landing pages effectively

Many startups make the mistake of having few landing pages. Launch as many landing pages as possible to capture the attention of different audiences and convert them effectively. Many landing pages increase the opportunity of generating leads, but optimizing them is even more important. You optimize landing pages by having a clear offer, streamlining all the elements, having a straightforward call to action, providing many contact options, and displaying reviews and awards.

5.    Optimize the lead’s magnet

A lead magnet is something of value that you offer your audience for a free exchange of their contact details. To turn your page visitors into leads, offer a lead magnet that is valuable, relevant, and cost-effect for your business model. Ensure your lead magnet provides immediate value, solves a pain-point for the audience, is unique from what your competition offers, and is easy to sign-up for.

6.    Influence marketing

Positive feedback on your product or service from an industry influencer can generate leads in a fast and easy way. For this to work, start by establishing a win-win business relationship with the influencer with your goal clearly set. You should be clear about the benefits you seek as a business by reaching out to the influencer’s audience.


When developing lead strategies, keep in mind these three important elements of lead generation: Lead capture, lead magnet, and lead scoring. Have a strategy of attracting people to your website, then offer them something engaging so they can stay on your website longer. Offer them something valuable for free in exchange for their contact details.

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