A manager has a massive role in ensuring there is overall efficiency and effectiveness in the firm. This, at times, tempts them to start micromanaging in ensuring everything is running smoothly. As a manager, you can easily make your team perform well with less effort from your side.
Where is the secret? The management practices you adopt make all the difference. A good manager understands the workforce well. It is what makes them perfect in the allocation of duties, motivating, and reshuffling. These efforts and many others will result in continuously improved employee productivity.
1.     Consider the Physical and Mental Health of Workers
Having a healthy team means a lot to the productivity of a firm. Think of what may interfere with the health of the staff, both physically and mentally. Think of avoiding work-related pressure, which is a major contributing factor to the deterioration of workers’ health. Statistics show that 61% of employees were experiencing burnouts from their workplaces before the pandemic. Another proportion of 31% was feeling stressed out as a result of pressure from work.
Avoid overworking your employees as managing mentally and physically workers are more cumbersome-they are prone to making errors due to fatigue and mental instability. Therefore, be a good manager who knows where to draw the line when allocating workers to staff. Avoid setting the goals too high such that your team will not feel too pressured.
2.     Ensure Each Employee Gets Some Time Off
Make your employees feel free at some point. Besides the weekends and national holidays, they need some longer leaves to loosen up. This makes them return re-energized and high-spirited to work. Some of them may even miss work, and this is a good sign of better performance.
However, as you do this, ensure that the granting of time off is moderated and controlled. Consider using an annual leave management system. Generally, with proper management, it means accurate tracking of the annual leave allowances and the time offs. As a company, you will avoid giving too many employees the leave at a go. It also avoids confusion on who should get the chance to go next.
3.     Clearly Define the Goals
Sometimes, a sense of direction is what you need in making your team productive. As you develop the goals for the company, always be specific on the roles. This clear definition of which team is handling which work eliminates any chances of confusion within the firm. Besides, it brings a sense of responsibility which brings efficiency in meeting deadlines.
Consider having both long-term and short-term goals as well. Find a way of monitoring the progress you are making as a firm after a specific time, such as monthly. This makes you quickly know whether you are moving at the right pace in achieving the objectives.
4.     Provide Incentives
Workers can sometimes give their best even without a lot of pressure from the management. This is something which, as a manager, you need to notice fast. It should accompany a reward to make the workers keep the fire burning. This is where you come up with a way of providing incentives to the staff. Giving tips for any exceptional performance at the company acts as an excellent motivator for everyone. This makes your team strive to work harder.
5.     Employee Value Addition
Even though your workers may have exceptional ability, a reason why you hired them in the first place, keep training them more. Find a way of outsourcing experts in your field and have learning sessions for the workers. This makes them learn different things hence end up performing even better.
A company has a perfect chance of excelling when the employees are productive. As a manager, your managerial actions have a crucial role to play in making this happen. Start by motivating the staff and creating a healthy working environment. Avoid overworking them and micromanaging them, and you will be in for success.