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Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich and the Transformation of the Port Business (State Duma Deputy)

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich and the Transformation of the Port Business (State Duma Deputy)

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich is a top-level manager and business integrator who participated in the modernization of the maritime port sector. He is one of the authors of the modern federal law regulating stevedoring activities and is involved in investment programs. His work regarding port infrastructure has earned him the reputation of a port builder.


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Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin — Family and Education of a Future Deputy of the State Duma

Yuzhilin Vitaliy was born in the Ural city of Chelyabinsk, though he spent his childhood and youth in Crimea. There, the future reformer of the port sphere, Vitaliy Yuzhilin, became passionate about swimming, dedicating several hours daily to training. By the end of high school, he had earned the title of Candidate for Master of Sports thanks to his mastery of the main styles, his excellent results at various distances, and his success in competitions.

The family of Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich was connected to aviation. His grandmother was the first woman in Tatarstan to pilot gliders and aerostats. His grandfather, the future manager served as a military pilot during WWII.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy graduated in the late 1980s from the Higher Naval Engineering School in Leningrad – a unique specialized educational institution dating back to the late 19th century. Several decades after its foundation, it became the first educational institution in the world to train specialists for navigation in the Arctic and Antarctic. Later, it also began to train technical specialists for nuclear icebreakers. Vitaliy Yuzhilin earned a degree in ocean engineering, having studied Arctic oceanography and technologies for constructing marine surface and underwater ships and structures.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy: Beginning of an Engineering Career

Yuzhilin Vitaliy
Yuzhilin Vitaliy

Vitaliy Yuzhilin returned to Sevastopol after studying in Leningrad and immediately got a job at a local research center studying the biodiversity of marine ecosystems and resources. The institution was originally established as one of the first coastal biological stations in Europe. Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin conducted research on the Black Sea, participating in expeditions, including to study the underwater terrain. He later specialized in oceanographic research at the Institute of Marine Hydrophysics within the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy recalls that during the perestroika period, scientific and research institutions also had to adopt commercial approaches in their work. The young specialist became interested in new opportunities. Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin, in agreement with the leadership of the oceanological center, organized a commercial enterprise at the institute, thus trying his hand at business for the first time.

In 1993, Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich was invited to head the export division of a special trade structure in Nizhnevartovsk in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The institution sold hydrocarbon raw materials obtained by the region through annuity. In the early 1990s, in some regions of the country, there was a mechanism for supporting local budgets, with areas engaged in oil and gas extraction receiving a 10% share of the extracted natural resources. Vitaliy Yuzhilin began to develop channels for the sale of oil products to replenish the budget of the Siberian region, establishing the necessary contacts and agreements with oil producers and processing enterprises. However, Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin faced difficulties in transporting raw materials. Seaports were the most promising for export, but their infrastructure was outdated at that time, and transshipment volumes were low.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin: New Approaches to the Work of Commercial and Passenger Ports

Vitaliy Yuzhilin
Vitaliy Yuzhilin

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich not only became deeply familiar with the existing difficulties and shortcomings in port operations, but also saw a vast field of activity for the modernization and development of the stevedoring business. In 1998, he joined the board of owners of a joint-stock company owning a commercial seaport in Saint Petersburg — one of the strategic elements of the transport communication between Europe and Asia.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin recalls how at the turn of the century stevedoring company leaders faced the task of modernizing and optimizing transshipment operations to increase cargo turnover. The large-scale Saint Petersburg seaport is geographically divided into several districts. Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin, together with the top managers of the maritime transport hub, decided to distribute these areas among individual companies according to their main transshipment profile, including general and bulk cargoes and container and oil terminals. The port also handles the transshipment of timber, metals, container cargoes, and services Ro-Ro ships (usually used for transporting cars and other wheeled machinery). This approach made it possible to increase turnover in a relatively short period of time, emphasizes Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich.

The increase in cargo transshipment volumes was also facilitated by the relatively high autonomy of subsidiaries and divisions in setting tariffs. It was possible to reduce maximum tariffs by half, as well as to establish experimental pricing. According to the management of the parent joint-stock company, which included Yuzhilin Vitaliy, this allowed for an individual approach to each port client and, most importantly, increased the competitiveness of the entire transport complex. The general direction of such policy was to attract cargo flows passing through neighboring countries.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich
Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

As a result of the decisions made with the assistance of Yuzhilin Vitaliy, the cargo turnover of the Saint Petersburg commercial port began to grow rapidly. Compared to 1997, the figures increased one and a half times by 2000, and nearly tripled after another five years, reaching 57.5 million tons of cargo per year.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich participated in the serious modernization of the technical equipment of port terminals. The large-scale renewal and expansion program affected oil and container terminals, for example.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin also co-founded one of the largest operators of container port terminals in the early 21st century – the National Container Company (NCC). The organization was founded in 2002, and after ten years it had united several terminals in the Baltic region. Yuzhilin Vitaliy contributed to the rapid growth of NCC’s annual cargo turnover, which by 2012 exceeded one million standard ISO containers, making the company an industry leader.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich was also among the creators of the idea of the first passenger port complex in the Northwestern Federal District. Thanks to this project, the berthing lines of cargo terminals at the Petersburg maritime transport hub gained additional freedom. Vitaliy Yuzhilin thus helped optimize and grow cargo and passenger flows in the port. To popularize cruises to the city on the Neva River, foreign tourists arriving on liners were given the possibility of visiting the sights of Saint Petersburg for three days without a visa.

Deputy Vitaliy Yuzhilin: Work in the State Duma on the Law on Port Industry Activities

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin
Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin

An important and long-awaited law, which consolidated not only the basic concepts related to operator services but also the rights and obligations of all participants in maritime transport, was adopted in 2007. A significant role in the development and approval of these legal norms was played by Vitaliy Yuzhilin, deputy of the State Duma who was involved in lawmaking from 1999 to 2016. During this period, he worked in Duma committees focused on the development of the transport industry and budget regulation. But the primary task that Yuzhilin Vitaliy set for himself was to work on legislative initiatives related to maritime communications.

By the time he arrived at the State Duma, the document defining the activity of seaports had been under development for several years but had not been adopted. A number of laws needed significant changes. Deputy Yuzhilin Vitaliy thus worked with colleagues to form a legal framework both in terms of security at maritime communication hubs and in regulating their property relations.

For example, the procedure for controlling ship waste related to the operation of the ships themselves and the transported cargoes had not been clearly established. It was necessary to introduce an additional collection and expenditure required for the operation of the emergency rescue service. These and other important points appeared thanks to the expert team, which included Deputy Vitaliy Yuzhilin, who helped attract specialized lawyers to work on the text.

Specialists developed the document over several years. During this time, Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin assisted in writing the document and fine-tuning all nuances. He also facilitated the project’s passage through all instances. The work was carried out in conjunction with Association of Commercial Seaports, whose governing body included Deputy Vitaliy Yuzhilin. The law was eventually adopted, being approved by the Federation Council and signed by the head of state.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich recalls that before the adoption of the law, there were neither regulated tariffs between the railway and the legal entity carrying out cargo transshipment, nor concepts related to the infrastructure of seaports. The new law helped regulate the legal norms of business relations between the state and companies and introduced understandable terms related to the activities of terminals and hydraulic structures.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin explained in one interview that the bill delimited the spheres of activity into economic and administrative-legal. Entrepreneurs no longer needed to resort to several separate laws to regulate their work. For example, as Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich recalled, under the old customs regulations, the processing of a single container could take up to ten days, whereas the port’s cargo turnover reached thirty containers per hour. An outdated regulatory framework could significantly slow down turnover and lead to profit loss.

Of course, such rules reduced the competitiveness of domestic maritime operators, notes Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin. The new legislative document also established certain state support measures for the industry. For instance, tax reliefs were introduced, and amendments were adopted allowing for business structures related to cargo maritime transport to be exempted from installing cash registers in some cases.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin also helped amend federal legislative acts and create port economic zones. The concept of hydraulic structures was expanded to include breakwaters, operational water areas, and other objects interacting with the aquatic environment. Thanks to the developers of the new document, including Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich, the licensing procedure was simplified — according to the new amendments, it was possible to obtain a single permit for all types of work with hazardous goods within one economic entity. The new document also introduced fixed types of services that a port could provide. All this, as emphasized by Vitaliy Yuzhilin, led to order and attracted investors to the business, which in turn increased the funds flowing into the country’s budget.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich and Activities in the Construction Industry

Vitaliy Yuzhilin
Vitaliy Yuzhilin

Yuzhilin Vitaliy also helped the social sphere of the Northern Capital and nearby cities. Thus, during his years of parliamentary activity, several healthcare facilities were built, including a medical complex in the city of Volosovo, as well as sports facilities, and a road to the Leningrad Region.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin was also involved in supporting the construction of one of the best sewage treatment systems in the region, in Gatchina. The city entered the water supply sector development program in 2005, and by 2009 a modernized main pumping station had been commissioned. To date, as a result of several stages of reconstruction, the degree of purification exceeds the standards set by the Helsinki Convention in a number of indicators.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy also served as vice-president of the NOSTROY professional community of builders from 2016 to 2018. He had already been am member of the organization for six years prior to his election to this post. During this period, the domestic construction sector underwent a crucial reform that changed the state’s policy for the industry.

Thanks to the efforts of Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin, among others, the approach to controlling the resources of developers’ stabilization funds was changed. Previously, they could open accounts in any financial institution, which could lead not only to embezzlement but also to the complete loss of money due to the instability of banks or their bankruptcy. In such cases, the money intended to cover the losses of real estate customers simply “burned up.” Now, largely thanks to the NOSTROY association and Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin, these funds can only be stored in state-approved credit organizations, determined by normative acts of the urban planning code. Since the adoption of these rules, the volume of the compensation fund has more than doubled, which increased the reliability of companies within self-regulated organizations and stabilized the entire construction industry as a whole.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin also helped introduce additional measures to tighten punishment for organizations that do not fulfill or improperly execute municipal and federal contracts. Thanks to the new register, monitored by the association, the right to sign is clearly fixed for specific individuals, which has led to a more responsible attitude on the part of contracting companies.