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Top 3 Benefits of Relevant Life Insurance for Employees

In today’s fiercely competitive job market, businesses need to attract and retain top talent. Fostering a positive work environment and offering attractive benefits are key strategies to ensure employee satisfaction and loyalty. Employees are increasingly looking for benefits that go beyond just a paycheck. Relevant life insurance (RLI) is one such benefit that can offer significant advantages for employees, fostering loyalty and peace of mind. This article explores the top 3 benefits of relevant life insurance for employees, highlighting how it can improve their financial security and overall well-being.

What is Relevant Life Insurance?

Relevant Life Cover is a type of life insurance policy taken out by an employer on the life of an employee. In the unfortunate event of the employee’s death, the policy pays out a lump sum benefit to their chosen beneficiaries. This advantage offers vital financial assistance during challenging periods.

Key Features of Relevant Life Cover:

Employer-funded: Unlike traditional life insurance, the employer typically pays Relevant life policy premiums, making it a cost-effective way for employees to obtain life insurance coverage.

Tax efficiency: Premiums paid by the employer are treated as a business expense, allowing for tax relief. Additionally, the death benefit is usually paid out tax-free to the beneficiaries.

Written in Trust: Relevant life cover is held in a trust, ensuring a quicker and smoother payout to beneficiaries compared to going through probate.

Flexible Coverage: The level of cover can be tailored to individual needs and can be linked to an employee’s salary. Some policies also offer terminal illness benefits.

Top 3 Benefits of Relevant Life Policy for Employees

Peace of Mind and Financial Security for Families:

The primary benefit of Relevant Life Policy is the financial security it provides to an employee’s family in the event of their death. The death benefit can help cover immediate expenses like funeral costs and outstanding debts. It can also provide ongoing financial support for dependents, such as surviving spouses or children, ensuring their well-being and educational opportunities. Knowing their families are financially protected can offer employees significant peace of mind, allowing them to focus on their work and personal lives without undue worry.

Here’s a breakdown of how Relevant Life Insurance helps with financial security:

Debt Payment: The death benefit can be used to pay off outstanding mortgages, car loans, or credit card debts, preventing financial burden on surviving family members.

Income Replacement: In the absence of the deceased employee’s income, the death benefit can act as a temporary or long-term income replacement, helping families maintain their standard of living.

Education Funding: The benefit can be used to fund children’s education, ensuring they can continue their studies without financial constraints.

Cost-Effective Way to Obtain Life Insurance:

Many employees may not be able to afford traditional life insurance on their own, especially those with young families or high living expenses. Relevant life cover offers a cost-effective solution as the premiums are paid for by the employer. This allows employees to access valuable life insurance coverage without placing a strain on their budgets.

Tax Advantages:

Relevant life policy boasts significant tax benefits for employees. Since the employer pays for premiums, they aren’t deducted from the employee’s salary, meaning they don’t pay income tax on the premiums. Additionally, the death benefit is typically paid out tax-free to the beneficiaries, maximizing the financial value received.

Comparison with Traditional Life Insurance:

Traditional life insurance policies require employees to pay the premiums themselves, which can be a significant financial burden. These premiums are subject to income tax deductions, further reducing the take-home pay. Additionally, traditional policies might not be as flexible as RLI in terms of coverage options and tax advantages.

Enhanced Employee Value Proposition and Competitive Advantage

Offering Relevant Life Insurance as an employee benefit demonstrates to potential and existing employees that the company values their well-being and is committed to supporting them and their families. This can significantly enhance the company’s value proposition and give it a competitive edge in the job market.

Attracting and Retaining Talent:

In today’s competitive talent pool, companies that offer comprehensive benefits packages are more likely to attract and retain top performers. Relevant life policy stands out as a unique and valuable benefit that can differentiate a company from its competitors.

Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty:

Employees who feel valued and supported by their employers are more likely to be satisfied and loyal. Relevant life cover demonstrates the company’s commitment to its people, fostering a sense of security and loyalty that translates into improved employee morale and productivity.

Additional Considerations for Employees:

Understanding the Policy Coverage: Employees should familiarize themselves with the specific terms and conditions of the Relevant life policy offered by their employer. This includes understanding the level of coverage, beneficiary designations, and any exclusions or limitations.

Supplementing with Personal Coverage: While Relevant life insurance offers a valuable starting point, some employees may wish to consider purchasing additional life insurance coverage to meet their specific needs. Factors such as dependents, financial obligations, and desired level of income replacement can help determine the amount of additional coverage needed.

Portability: Unlike some employer-sponsored benefits, relevant life cover coverage typically does not transfer with the employee if they leave the company. However, some policies may offer conversion options that allow employees to convert their relevant life policy coverage to a personal policy upon termination.


Relevant life insurance offers a win-win situation for both employers and employees. Employers can attract and retain top talent by demonstrating their commitment to employee well-being, while employees gain peace of mind and valuable financial security for their families. The cost-effectiveness, tax benefits, and enhanced employee value proposition make RLI a highly attractive benefit for any forward-thinking company.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What’s the maximum amount of cover?

The maximum amount of cover provided by a relevant life policy typically depends on the insurer and the insured individual’s salary and age. Most insurers offer coverage up to 15 to 25 times the annual salary of the employee. However, factors like health status, lifestyle, and occupation can also influence the maximum limit. Employers and employees should consult with insurance providers to get specific details tailored to their situation.

Can anyone take out a Relevant Life Policy?

Relevant life policies are designed for employers who want to provide a death-in-service benefit to their workers. They are not available for self-employed individuals or for covering business partners. The policy must be paid for by the employer and cannot be paid by the individual employees. It is ideal for small businesses that do not have enough employees to qualify for a group life scheme.

Can I Get a Quote for Relevant Life Insurance Online?

Yes, obtaining a quote for relevant life insurance online is straightforward. Many insurance providers and comparison websites offer online tools where you can input details such as the employee’s age, salary, and desired level of coverage to receive an instant preliminary quote. For a more accurate quote, it may be necessary to provide additional information or undergo a health assessment.

What are the Tax Benefits of Relevant Life Insurance for Businesses?

For businesses, the premiums paid for relevant life insurance are usually tax-deductible as a business expense. This means they can reduce the company’s corporation tax bill. Additionally, premiums are not subject to National Insurance contributions as they would be with a traditional employee benefit. These tax efficiencies make relevant life insurance a cost-effective way for businesses to provide valuable employee benefits.