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TimeXtender: Delivering Significant Business Value by Accelerating the Process for Companies to Become Data-Driven

Working every day to help businesses simplify what is complex in the data discovery process and the journey to compliance by leveraging the power of automation, TimeXtender has become one of the fastest growing technology companies in the world.
With dual headquarters in both Denmark and Washington, TimeXtender enables companies to accelerate and simplify building a datadriven organization with its Discovery Hub®. This technology creates an integrated platform by leveraging automation to provide agile access to well-governed and securely stored data. Business users get actionable insights, simplifying their compliance journey to make faster decisions. TimeXtender serves its customers, including Fortune 500, large-sized enterprises and mid-sized companies, through a global network of partners.
Because Time Matters! 
Industry is moving at a quicker pace than ever before, more businesses are going global, and business users rely on immediate access to corporate data and business insights. The fast-paced business arena is accelerated even more by new technologies popping up on a regular basis. To stay relevant, it’s absolutely essential for companies to have a business that functions on speed, agility, and size, while constantly adding value for its customers. With that goal in mind, having immediate access to its governed data and business insights enables a company to make better, more strategic and faster decisions.
As an established market leader in helping companies become a datadriven organization, TimeXtender adds significant value to its customers by providing a much faster, efficient, time- and cost-effective technology solution than what’s typically been available from competitive offerings. The company simplifies the complex nature of data discovery and access to valuable information and insights with its Discovery Hub®. This is accomplished by enabling companies to achieve clarity sooner and to make quality business decisions faster, so that they have time to focus on what’s right. This is done for one simple reason: because time matters.
The Leader and Visionary 
Heine Krog Iversen, co-founder and CEO of TimeXtender, has more than 20 years of experience in Enterprise IT. Heine has led the company and helped transform it from a small start-up to one of the fastest growing technology companies in the world. With more than 2,700 customers spread across 70 countries and six continents, TimeXtender continues to emerge as a worldwide leader. It works closely with its global channel partners, currently aligned with close to 160 partner companies around the world.
The inspiring business leader, entrepreneur, and visionary has played a significant role as an industry thought leader, as he has contributed greatly to help educate the industry about data democratization, self-service analytics with governance, and ending the battle between business and IT. He has spoken at numerous international trade shows and has had myriad articles published in trade magazines, business publications, and other media.
At TimeXtender, Heine has worked tirelessly to manage the company’s surging growth rate and has spearheaded the company’s direction as it has expanded worldwide. He oversees TimeXtender’s strategic planning, global expansion, organizational growth, and positioning and differentiation. Part of what has made him and TimeXtender successful is being grounded with a vision and determination to have a company that strives towards a bigger purpose.
“You need to believe in your idea and be ready to pivot based on real-life experiences and market feedback,” said Krog Iversen. “I would say never listen to people who tell you that it’s not possible. It’s essential to strive for building a business based on a bigger purpose, rather than simply trying to increase the bottom line. And, it’s vital to understand that it’s not a one-person show; your success is very much tied to the quality of the team you build. Given that, it’s of the utmost importance to hire people who have done the job before, and who share your bigger purpose.”
Factors Cultivating Success 
TimeXtender owes its corporate success to a host of factors and various elements working together. It starts off with a culture that thrives on hard work, with an unwavering belief in what it is doing and the value that it offers to its customers. TimeXtender understands that this success would be a distinct possibility without having a great workforce in place. One of those success factors is the company’s mindfulness program.
“Since we’re a global organization, we have employees working across numerous time zones and various geographic regions. One of the programs that has helped us thrive as a global organization has been our corporate mindfulness program. Mindfulness is embedded in our corporate DNA and is a significant part of our company culture. It provides a shared language for our staff as we all participate in the same activity and helps us strive for a bigger purpose. Having a mindfulness program in place brings all of our employees together with a common bond, helping to improve each and every one of us on a daily basis,” said Krog Iversen.
Additionally, TimeXtender’s Discovery Hub® has been very well received by its partners, customers and some of the most influential industry leaders. This success is a true testament to the company’s staff, workplace environment, and commitment to technology excellence.
A Future Driven by Continuous Innovation 
Despite the company’s long-standing success and growing status as a global technology leader, TimeXtender continues to have a commitment to R&D and innovation, always striving to keep its technology “one step ahead,” with the overall objective of providing unparalleled business value to its customers around the world. One key area of focus, rooted in TimeXtender’s R&D department, is that innovation should be based on customer needs, thereby making it all about solving customer needs and requirements and not just the development of new technology. While TimeXtender aims to expand into a much larger company in the future, it all begins with a dedicated and unyielding commitment to provide customers with great business value.
Rising Above the Competition and Industry Changes 
Presently, there is a growing need and desire by companies to become more data-driven, while at the same time, meeting environmental demands such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and various other compliance and regulations. These type of industry requirements have amplified the pressure on IT to have a tight fist on data access, but this counters the need required by business users who demand immediate access to governed data in order to be successful in their business endeavors. Because of this, TimeXtender believes that it’s imperative that companies marry compliance with agility so that companies can strengthen its data-driven status to leverage their existing and future data assets as needed, when needed.
TimeXtender lays focus on what it does best; providing one of the most respected technologies to help companies become data-driven, and to reduce their time to accessing data and gathering all-important business insights. Though the company monitors what’s going on in the market, and doesn’t take anything for granted, TimeXtender believes that it’s moving along the right path; as evidenced by its 2,700 customers worldwide.
“We’re always growing, expanding, and strengthening our capabilities and footprint. We believe that we bring our DNA to our partners, which in turn provides a force multiplier across global, geographic markets. From there, winner takes all,” Krog Iversen concluded.

Source :- The 20 Most Valuable Microsoft Solution Providers 2017