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Tim Bohen: Maximizing the Success of Aspiring Traders

Aspiring investors on the verge of taking their first step towards acquiring knowledge concerning the basics of stock trading need adequate education regarding the same. Just like learning to ride a bike, stock trading involves numerous instances of trial and error method coupled with the knowledgeable guidance of a trainer, eventually leading towards success. Having built an enormous body of knowledge and experience, Tim Bohen, Head Trainer of StocksToTrade, is one such inspiring trainer whose lifelong interest in finance has fabricated an entire career path in trading.
The Spark that Ignited Fire
Prior to his stock training days, Tim worked as a technology consultant, wherein he would often hold seminars and one-on-ones on how to best utilize technology. As and when he started to actively trade in the market, he quickly started creating both audio and video contents online; helping others to learn the intricacies of day trading. “I’m surprised to look back actually and see that I was doing how to trading videos on YouTube in 2009,” mentions Tim.
In 2013, Tim committed himself to full-time day trading. During this time, he started doing longer and more detailed forms of training webinars, typically on a monthly basis. The positive response from the social media audience drove him to play a more active trainer of finance. Ironically, StocksToTrade approached Tim during this period, leading him to bring-forward his online role into the organization.
An Organization Growing in Strides
StocksToTrade is one of the most innovative and rapidly advancing stock research and charting platform within the industry. It features real-time level 2 news feeds and stock scanning STT, which is truly built by traders for traders.
“Never before has there been a stock research platform with built in pre-programmed strategies that allow you to locate the best stocks to trade in as little time as possible,” asserts Tim. In today’s market filled with rapid fire powerhouse hedge funds, the company puts the same tools in the hands of the individual trader.
Mentoring towards the Path of Profitability
The Pro mentorship program of StocksToTrade primarily consists of daily live and interactive webinars, twice. Through this platform, real-time trainees can ask direct questions on how to best implement all facets of the software. On top of this, it discusses fundamental aspects of trading such as earning reports, SEC filings, and other company news.
Traders also have direct email access to Tim; as a way to get answers to queries or inputs on situations outside of the webinars. As is the case in almost any competitive environment, dedication and commitment is of paramount importance. Tim points out, “as a mental discipline there may be no such competitive and fast moving industry than trading. Day trading is truly ‘eat what you kill’ and you need to be prepared and committed to excel.”
Refining and Developing a Discipline
One of the biggest impediments in attaining consistency is the willingness to sit and wait for the best trade opportunities. Many new and intermediate traders over-trade and risk non ideal setups. Overcoming this is mostly a function of time and experience, as mentioned by Tim.
With the StocksToTrade Pro program, he hopes to help shorten this timeline for aspiring traders. Tim’s motto of building and rebuilding discipline every day vividly glistens in his advice for fellow traders, “As a trader you must recognize that you are never “done” you must constantly sharpen the sword every day and never become complacent. Stay humble or the markets will humble you.”
A Pro in the Trading Landscape
When asked about one of the most important characteristic that an aspiring trader should possess, Tim rightfully mentions “a growth mindset.” He provides the example of Warren Buffet, an American business magnate, philanthropist, and investor, who is rumored to read over 500 pages per day. As a day trader, markets are constantly evolving; what had worked last year, last month, or even yesterday might not work today. Tim advises traders to be always willing to adapt and learn from every source possible. “If your goal is to be trading long term you need to be willing to work even harder than Warren Buffett” he adds.
It is Tim’s unwavering willingness to literally show up every day with high energy and discipline, which has made him a pro in the trading sphere. “Nothing worth having comes easy, in over 1.5 years of the STT Pro program I have showed up prepared and ready every trading day. My commitment to teaching is the most important thing in my life second only to my family.”
This sort of passion and discipline coupled with consistency is what it takes to be a Pro in this field.
A Future Full of Promises
As StocksToTrade evolves into more markets such as Options, Futures, Crypto currencies, etc., it will continue its surge ahead to be one of the best platforms for trading instrument. Tim aims to expand the educational aspects of StocksToTrade Pro to include these markets, as well.
“Access to markets has very limited value without education. My goals over the next 5 years include reaching 10,000 aspiring traders and giving them the tools and education to help maximize their success,” Tim concludes.
Source :- The 30 Most Inspiring Entrepreneur of 2018