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The Journey to Generating Passive Income Starts with a Leap of Faith: How Paul Alex Founded

Serving as an owner and operator of an automated teller machine (ATM) can certainly be fruitful with the ability to generate a passive income stream. It typically will require having to pay a little to possibly get a lot, possibly requiring a few thousand dollars to get started and select a location while also restocking, servicing, and maintaining the upkeep on it as well. Full transparency, it will require some sacrifice and personal funds to potentially begin to make profits.

ATM owners have a reliable resource, however, with Paul Alex and

Paul Alex, a former beat cop turned detective, created and founded in his spare time. The now multiple seven-figure entrepreneur was protecting and serving in his 9-5 job while self-teaching himself digital marketing and literally dissecting everything he needed to know about ATMs.

“I built this business on the weekends while working as a law enforcement officer,” Paul Alex explained. “I taught myself a lot of what I know and read all the right books on starting a digital business.” What you don’t know is irrelevant, and simplicity equals success. This is where knowing what you want to do comes in handy.”

In fact, that is what he and his team do, help clients nationwide create, build and launch their own respective ATM machine businesses. Paul Alex and Co. help clients establish their machines in the cities and towns where they already live, but all the while providing them with the proper education and training, installation services, maintenance, and even free-of-charge relocation services if a client is unhappy with their placement.

Additionally, Paul Alex and his staff offer superior customer service, including guidance, advice, and tips, not to mention around-the-clock support, during the ATM business-building journey, from inception to completion, for clients.

The company does all the ‘heavy lifting, helping clients create and finalize their businesses, with all the required education and information, including machine placement in an optimal location, for them.

“Don’t be concerned about starting your ATM business. “We will build your business for you or alongside you,” Paul Alex stated. “The ultimate ‘American Dream is to make your money work for you while you do what you want to do.”

The Journey to Now

Paul Alex has built an impressive business and an exciting network of ATM business enthusiasts via the largest ATM business group on Facebook, ‘ATM Business for Beginners, which currently stands at over 41,000 strong. Each week, on Tuesday evenings, Paul Alex takes to the channel to host a live session so he can provide insight into his journey from law enforcement officer to entrepreneur while also giving out advice and tips for owning an ATM business too.

His company is still considered in its infancy, having launched in January 2021, despite having generated over multiple seven figures already. In fact, his company did that in just 18 months of operating, making over $6 million in the process.

With ATMs continuing to garner popularity and cash still being heavily dispersed, now is the time to seek out companies like and inquire about passive income.

About Paul Alex

Paul Alex is the founder of Automation Services, which has helped over 1,300 clients establish their first ATM locations. Paul Alex is preparing to launch a digital consulting agency, Consulting Task Force, in December 2022. For more information, please visit

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