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The Future of Work: 5 In-Demand Skills

The focus in the Australian job market over the next 5-10 years will continue to be, as it has been for some time, on the recruitment and retention of skilled workers, especially those with transferable digital technology skills. Many industries are experiencing a shortage of skilled workers already and anticipate more shortages in the future without changes to current training and recruitment policies. Some of these shortages will be strictly local in nature whereas others are likely to be felt nationwide. In this article, we’re going to look at 5 skill sets that we think will remain very much in demand across Australia over the next 5-10 years.

5 Marketable Skills for the Future

To maximise your chances of gainful employment over the next decade, we recommend focusing on picking up the skills that will help to make you more marketable in the Australian job market. With these skills, you should find any job search more fruitful, no matter your location or career aspirations.

Below are 5 examples of highly marketable skills/skill sets that we think will stand you in good stead in the future.

  1. Nursing Skills – Strong shortages of those with nursing skills in all medical fields are already affecting the Australian healthcare industry and this trend looks set to continue for some time unless drastic steps are taken. With this in mind, acquiring professional nursing skills can only be a positive step for job seekers in Australia who want to take advantage of the latest trends.
  2. Telecommunications Technician Skills – The telecommunications industry is expected to continue expanding over the coming years, exacerbating existing shortages of skilled technicians in all areas. Certification in closely related subjects such as Telecommunications Engineering Technology, Data and Voice Communications, and Electronics and Communications will prove to be valuable to job hunters over the coming years.
  3. Digital Technology Skills – As we mentioned at the beginning, general digital technology skills will remain important in the coming years, perhaps even more so than they already are. According to the World Economic Forum, more than half the jobs that people do in 2030 will require an understanding of digital technology.
  4. Building & Construction Skills – Skilled tradespeople are likely to find every job search a little easier in the future as demand for their skills grows. Whether you train to be a bricklayer, plasterer or joiner, you can look forward to a prosperous and secure future according to the latest government statistics.
  5. Horticulture and Landscape Design Skills – Demand for those with horticultural and landscape gardening skills is predicted to remain high over the coming years. If you have yet to decide on a career course, focusing on this area could prove to be a wise decision in the future.

Whether you are just finishing your education or already working and looking to move into a new career, all of the above-mentioned skills will help you when conducting a job search in the coming months and years.