If you own a company, or are involved with one or more business ventures, you’ve invested tremendous time and effort in building your enterprise. You have taken care to choose the right partners, hire the best executives and create a culture that encourages employees to have passion for the work that they do. Along the way, you have also worked hard to safeguard your business and keep smoothing out the road ahead.
At times, the challenges to your business may be significant enough that it is time to seek legal help. An experienced attorney can help safeguard and protect your interests, and level the playing field. When you are looking to hire a business lawyer, it’s best to choose an attorney who works for a premier, full-service Law firm. This type of firm is uniquely positioned to offer you well-considered, comprehensive solutions and proven, professional expertise, all under one roof.
What Is a Full-Service Firm?
A full-service legal firm can offer a diverse range of services to businesses and organizations. Since the firm employs qualified attorneys who have experience across diverse practice areas, they are ideally positioned to provide advice and services across a wide variety of legal issues. This allows them to provide comprehensive representation to you and your firm.
Some of the practice areas covered by a full-service firm include Employment Law and Worker’s Compensation. They will also be able to handle Eminent Domain litigation, Commercial Foreclosures, Real Estate and Property Rights and Land and Use Zoning. Within the firm, they will also have experts on Mediation & Arbitration and Municipal Law, as well as Complex and Class Action Litigation.
Handling Complex Cases
If you were to hire an individual attorney in a solo practice, they might have expertise in one key area. They would be hard pressed, though, to be able to have in-depth knowledge that spans multiple fields of law.
When you retain an attorney from a full-service practice, they can readily tap into the resources and deep legal knowledge of other practicing attorneys in the firm. Their collaborative effort will allow them to address all aspects of your case, whether they be legal, regulatory or financial. In addition, they will have a pool of expert witnesses and advanced tools for research that they can also apply to your representation.
Streamlined Communication and Coordination
If you were to try addressing a complex case by hiring different attorneys from solo practices or multiple firms, you would quickly experience breakdowns in communication. Handling the multiple aspects of an intricate case is extremely challenging, even without any coordination issues.
By retaining a firm with qualified attorneys within a full-service practice, you will instantly benefit from representation from a team that is used to working together. They will be able to share information about your case, provide sage advice from a holistic perspective and strategize next steps or actions that are required. From an administrative perspective, you will also benefit from the centralized case management and improved oversight that is possible when your entire account is handled by a single firm.