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Tech Mahindra: Unlocking Experiences with IoT

IoT is getting a lot of attention from enterprises. It promises immense change across industries and value chains. The hype is not unfounded – millions of new devices are being connected every year, more enterprises are trying IoT, digital capabilities are evolving every day. But, there are an enormous number of challenges before IoT can make a tangible difference to large enterprises.
As a solution led System Integrator and a leader in IoT Consulting and Technology Services, Tech Mahindra understands the challenges better than the most in the industry. The company has already demonstrated the possibilities of IoT with marquee implementations for industry leaders across industries such as aero, auto, manufacturing, telecom, healthcare, and others. As a Consulting focused IoT Services company, Tech Mahindra offers their customers invaluable insight into creating far-reaching business change with technology.
Tech Mahindra’s leadership in IoT is the result of its expertise in diverse areas. The company has a strong Engineering pedigree, with over two decades of expertise in multiple industries. It also holds a strong position in the Communications space. This synergy of strengths in Enterprise and Communications positions Tech Mahindra as an important player in IoT, with its solution led System Integration approach. The company even had an early start in Industrial IoT, being the first Indian SI to be part of a test bed at the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC).
Tech Mahindra: Experiences as Currency
Today, many enterprises struggle to build digital ecosystems, instead allowing consumers to orchestrate their own digital experiences by choosing apps, finding websites, or opting in for messaging. The future will be different… blending experiences from an ecosystem of developers and vendors, building on shared data to address mobile moments. Tech Mahindra believes experiences will be the currency of the future, tethering users to products and services. Great experiences will not come from a great app or by simply putting sensors everywhere.
Tech Mahindra harnesses a strategy called DAVID – Digitalization, Automation, Verticalization, Innovation, and Disruption – to help enterprises understand and unlock the potential of IoT to craft unique experiences. DAVID offers a framework for enterprises to understand their products, their customers, and how their customers use their products. DAVID is how Tech Mahindra designs orchestrated experiences, cutting across functions and value chains.
Karthikeyan Natarajan (Karthik) is the Senior Vice President and Global Head of Engineering, IoT & Enterprise Mobility at Tech Mahindra. Karthik leads the IoT business and he comes with more than two decades of experience in Product Development, Globalization, and digital transformation strategies. He has been instrumental in building the organization as one of the fastest growing global engineering service providers. Over his career, Karthik has successfully transitioned global engineering strategies for several Fortune 500 clients and has built global development centers across the regions. He has led and transformed businesses, challenging engineering needs of customers across western markets as well as emerging markets.
Karthik has been responsible for building market expansion strategies, partnerships, domain expertise and capabilities across the engineering industry verticals including Digital business transformation with Industrial Internet. He is also a Co-chair at the NASSCOM Engineering Services Council, the industry’s apex body in India and he is part of the Smart Cities IT Sub-Committee of FICCI and Technology Leadership Council of Mahindra Group.
“We believe that only those companies that deliver unique, connected experiences will thrive in the digital world. To achieve that, we need a holistic approach to IoT,” says Karthik.
The future is not just going to be about IoT; it is about bringing a powerful technology stack, collectively called Digital Engineering, together to deliver extraordinary experiences. While all companies, small or large, have access to the Digital Engineering stack, the companies that are able to harness this stack – IoT, Engineering Physics, Data Sciences, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence – to identify business problems and address them will differentiate themselves. Tech Mahindra stands out in its ability to address business problems with technology, bringing together platform capabilities from its ecosystem of partners across the spectrum and crafting compelling experiences for their customers.
Tech Mahindra’s solutions in Industrial IoT, such as CATS, are examples of this synergy of strengths. CATS is more than an IoT solution… it puts the immense power of Digital Engineering at the hands of the frontline workforce and executive leadership. CATS transforms the shop floor, connecting tools, workers, and processes to improve shop floor productivity even while allowing leadership to get the 360-degree visibility into shop floor operations necessary to eliminate productivity bottlenecks.
The Importance of Validated Use Cases
Another important distinction in Tech Mahindra’s approach to IoT is their focus on validated use cases. As part of their DAVID strategy, Tech Mahindra has built solutions and use cases that they can present to CXOs who have their own transformation targets. Most of their solutions are proven and already deliver value, both within shop floors and elsewhere.
As a consultant, creating comprehensive digital programs with the power to disrupt is a constant ask from customers. While the short-term goal is always to implement programs that deliver results, the long-term is about helping the enterprise thrive in a digital world. Often, Tech Mahindra’s IoT solutions play critical roles in transformation goals, such as creating new Services revenue channels, enabling new efficiencies, and creating new ways to engage customers.
But, this approach is not without its own challenges.
The company no longer has to grapple with convincing decision-makers about the potential of IoT. However, they still have to convince customers about how Tech Mahindra’s use cases and solutions can make a difference to their business. Security is another point of discussion. There are far greater threats and ramifications when IoT security is compromised.
It’s About Scale
Today, Tech Mahindra, with its marquee IoT implementations, is having next-level discussions with their customers. Discussions are about scaling IoT to entire plants and to facilities around the world. It is about helping customers deploy and delivering managed services for their facilities around the world.
Karthik sums it up well:“IoT opens up many possibilities, so it is easy to get carried away and create piecemeal solutions that deliver small gains. This is where IoT solution integrators and service providers must take a holistic view of customer businesses and encourage Consulting teams to create unique, connected experiences for customers across the value chain – from Sales and Marketing to Engineering to production to end users – even while enabling new revenue opportunities and reducing operational costs across the board.”
Importantly, Digital Engineering is also ushering in a cognitive world, where systems respond to real-time stimulus autonomously. Technologies such as text, speech, and image recognition are adding to the levels of automation possible, beyond conventional and big data analytics. The premise of big data -enabled, AI-driven data analytics applies to almost any product or industry – aircrafts, medical devices, smart cities, smart mobility/transportation, and others.
It is left only to the imagination to use Digital Engineering for creating the far-reaching change that is within our grasp.
Source :- The 10 Most Promising IoT Solution Providers 2018