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Success Today – A Dynamic Combination of Women and Business

A value-driven business as we know is worth millions. But little do we understand the essence of it, the way it is operated and the methods through which the process is carried out can be more complex than just rudimentary routine work. From the outside, it may give the impression that the business is going smoothly. Its growth rate may be fast, but actually, to know the comprehensive activities that involve the bigger picture is quite a troublesome task. Business in itself is very dynamic. Its continuous evolution and changing trends redefine its tendency of operability and compel the business owner to grow with the changes or go out of the business. The term, ‘go big or go home’ suitably suggests the emotion of doing business.
Its adversities make every person who is involved in carrying out the business’s daily activities, a seasoned professional. One must be ready to put all of their efforts in order to yield optimum results in the business, especially when it comes to profit maximization. That’s how a business grows, with a clear vision to succeed in all its aspects and the efforts one person puts into the operations. The efforts that we are talking about may vary from various perspectives. But the essence of it remains the same.
In this dynamics of business and success, one factor that has been a differentiator with all its comprehensive inputs are women. Women, wherever they may be, whatever timeline, have been disrupting the business environment from the word. They have proved themselves in every zone, every array, every vertical of every industry, that they can bring solutions uniquely suited to the business requirements.
Celebrating and encouraging the efforts shown by the women in business, Insights Success with its latest edition – ‘League of Successful Business Women 2020’, wishes to showcase the stories of some extraordinary women who are in a league of their own.
First in line with this league is Ann Chapman Managing Director and Co-founder of Minesoft, who is providing leading-edge patenting solutions that can connect to the target audience efficiently. She is a bibliophile who is fond of written words and languages. Cara Scharf through her firm Fearless Media is enabling various digital marketing services, specializing in entertainment, retail, education, and technology verticals. It is a full-service, NYC-based company and Cara while leading it contributes to creating beautifully integrated solutions and communication across all media platforms.
Contributing to finding better solutions for the issues related to inflammation, Dr. Caroline Barelle, CEO of Elasmogen has been conducting various researches. Her vision for the future is to build and grow the company in the clinical drug development process. Also, Diana WilliamsFounder and Managing Director of Fernwood Women’s Health Clubs believes in a notion of leading the business that provides class-apart health and wellness experience to its esteemed members. She proudly leads a team of superstars who are relentlessly working towards bringing her vision to life. The cluster includes a name that has significantly contributed to the growth of McAfee LLC, a device-to-cloud security company providing many state-of-the-art solutions in both, enterprise and consumer space. Dr. Celeste Fralick, Chief Data Scientist and Senior Principal Engineer of the company, is helping in facilitating positive experience to customers while enabling leading-edge scientific solutions. We have also included the story of a result-focused and dedicated leader, Erna Grasz. Being the Co-founder and CEO of Asante Africa Foundation, she believes that education is the way up and out of poverty among other adversities. With this idea, she has been investing in local talents and partnerships to ensure long-term sustainability in business as well as in society.
Preaching a healthy lifestyle while working with nature, Jeanne Groenewald is following a free-range method of raising poultry demanded. In this method, chickens, for some part of the day are allowed to roam outdoors freely rather than being confined for 24 hours a day. This practice is really worth a read and Insights Success has brought its readers the same. Another big name that is motivating a well-rounded lifestyle with minimizing the wastage of food through sustainable innovation is Jenny Costa. She is working as the CEO of Rubies in the Rubble, and her idea of putting the country’s surplus produce to good use is really making a difference. The Senior Vice President of Virgin Galactic, Julia Hunter has also made it to the league as her relentless efforts to counter the challenge of human space-flight are truly commendable. It is a constant motivation and a place of learning for her. Read more about it in the column.
Living by the principles of survival with a positive attitude, Margaret Hirsch is an inspiration to many. She has been setting an example through sheer determination while leading Hirsch’s Homestores for forty-one years as the Chief Operations Executive. Do read her fulfilling journey towards uplifting others to achieve their dreams. Next in line for the mention in the league is Marina Tognetti. As the Founder and CEO of mYngle, she is enabling a marketplace that provides one-to-one teaching of all languages over the internet. How is she doing it? Well, you have to give it a read to find that out. Finally, ending this cluster of exemplary stories, Insights Success is presenting the tale of Shiela Butch Roxas Dimaculangan. She is an active Municipal Accountant in the city of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro. She has been serving there for more than twenty-two years in the same position with passion and zeal.
So, appreciating and celebrating each and every woman on this panel, Insights Success urges its readers to help motivate and recognize the efforts and struggles they have put into building their respective businesses by reading their incredible stories.