Today the role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has become more challenging. For executive board security it is a high grade concern to pay attention to the business impact of security. For CISOs, it is a need to stay aligned with strategic approaches, where identifying and stopping threats become difficult day by day.
Invisible organizational security
According to a recent survey, 66 percent of the responses are “less than confident” can protect against attacks. More than 70 percent of responses being “significantly concerned” about third-party risk in their supply chains, security risk has spread beyond the ability of even the most mature security organizations ability to handle it.
According to the reports, in 2015 the total cost of a data breach has increased by 23 percent since 2013, which cause a number of lost customers. And with the increased rate of company attacks High level companies are worrying to be hacked. Unfortunately,Target, Home Depot, Sony Pictures, Anthem Health, JPMorgan and many others, including the most recent big name, the U.S. government’s Office of Personnel Management are examples oflost in business with weak security.
There is a need of new approaches and strategies by C- level to re-organize the business units, technology teams, and the security behavior of employees. There are a few effective approaches for CISOs and Cyber-responsible CSOs can use to see the positive change.
ImproveSecurity, Visibility inyour Partners Ecosystem
CISOs are undoubtedly responsible for the protection of data in their respective company. It is applied to that data which lies only inside the four walls of our fortress at the back of the firewalls, behind two-factor authentication, secured by passwords, and monitored by systems and full-time employees where we can rely all responsibilities. Plus, you need to have an extra layer of financial protection through vendor contracts and SLAs.
Today,Digitalization is making a world more interconnected, where trading completely depends on it, but the fact is, there are so many problems arise in this network of business to business relationship. Business departments get benefited of the cost efficiencies and easy to deploy from the cloud, mobile and a whole host of unique, saves time or cost effective technologies. Programmers are avail around their company’s projects whole set of source code on their laptop, and the mobile itself responsible to connect and communicate with respective people.
Although Security Chief, do not have the visibility and tools. It may be possible your company uses a third-party cloud infrastructure to host their applications. Is there any way to ensure that the third-party ecosystem uses the same security standards that you use in your corporate area? If anattacker has unofficially separated your data from a third-party network, how can you get the problem?The emerging operational environment is decentralized, which we need to adapt. The data is in systems which we can have it, not visible and not accessible. Then how can the CISO securethe invisible data?
Strengthen your substandard links
According to Verizon Data Breach report, how quickly attackers can access and removes a company’s data reflecting the sharpness of hackers. The report notes that over 60 percent of breaches, attackers were able to gain accesstothe target in very less time. Most of the time security leaders are not able to find a data breach before the occurrence.
The increase rate of digital operations prone to the flaws, vulnerabilities, and security behavior of third parties that is not managed easily. What is the right way to get an accurate risk profile and risk mitigation strategy?
If the company gets hacked, and an attacker still exists, what are the steps to identify and isolate an attacker?, and prevent them from persisting to your intellectual data.Secured layering, of course, supportsbut it is not sufficient when authorized credentials go through that layering.
CISOshave to be very strong to accept the reality and need to transfer their team’s mindset from complete prevention to find and resolve, which is very difficult.
Need of Right Security Metrics
Once the data breach occurred, you need to expect from the management board to ask the following questions: How protected we are? Could we face the same problem that they face?”. Security tools are available which may arise some risk base questions hard to answer.
You need to find a method, that executives can understand in a vocabulary and format that relates to larger corporate strategy and goals. Executives require business standards that tell a complete cause. Comparing and finding measures, How secure were we a month beforeand now? What are the historical security hidden and difficult issues for our industry? How secure are our partner’s ecosystem where we are connected?
Though we can get the track report and the sheets on security operations, security KPIs etc., they are not showing the content which we actually want to be heard. We do not inform how we are comparing to our industry. CISOs who got this situation, only can put the right business vision on their reporting and communications, and will use it to their advantage to secure a strategic budget and stay lined up with company priorities.CISOs have to define and understand the acceptable risk entry from business units and departments.