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Software Testing Trends to Look Out For in 2024

Software testing is a fundamental part of the Software development life cycle. As the demand for efficient software testing grows, so do the automation testing practices and tools used to automate the process. In this blog, we will explore some of the software trends to look out for in 2024.

Emerging Software Testing Trends of 2024

Now, let us discuss the top software testing trends of 2024

Shift-Left Testing Methodologies

The adoption of shift-left testing has been high in recent days. The organization started to focus on early automation testing during the development to reduce the defects in the early stages of the application.  Shift-left testing helps them shift the automation testing phase in advance in the software life cycle. This approach increases the efficiency of the application and reduces the testing time to enable the faster deployment of the application in real-time.

Scriptless Test Automation

Scriptless automation testing has been an emerging trend in 2024.  Scriptless automation testing creates and executes automated test cases without any human interaction. This method enables organizations to develop error-free test scripts. It saves the team money and effort and lets them focus on the application’s functionality. There are multiple frameworks and tools available to perform scriptless test automation. They can be easily integrated into the application development cycle and perform effective automation testing.

AI-Based Testing

AI revolutionized every field in 2024, including software development and testing. Developers and testers started to adopt AI and machine learning practices in software testing. AI-based testing uses algorithms to find anomalies from test data during the automation testing. They also provide automation testing tools to generate and execute the test scripts automatically. It allows the organization to save effort and time on testing. AI-based testing often produces efficient test results and optimizes the whole testing process. The major benefit of AI-based testing is that it can simulate real-world user interaction to identify potential issues in the application interface, which helps the application provide a better user experience.

Cloud Testing Platforms

Cloud testing platforms have become famous in recent times. These cloud platforms offer scalable and cost-efficient testing environments for software testing.  The cloud platforms utilize the cloud infrastructure to perform automation testing. It allows testers and developers to collaborate on the testing environment. These platforms are flexible and provide resources for all types of testing, such as functional testing, performance testing, and security testing. It offers in-build security features like encryption, access control, and audit to protect the testing environment and test data.

Cloud platforms like LambdaTest is a comprehensive test orchestration and execution platform that leverage artificial intelligence to facilitate the seamless and efficient running of manual and automated tests on a large scale. With a focus on providing a versatile testing environment, LambdaTest empowers users to conduct both real-time and automated testing across an extensive array of environments with popular frameworks such as Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, encompassing over 3000 configurations, including browsers and real mobile devices.


Quality Assurance Operations is a modern practice that integrates software automation testing and quality assurance. It involves the QA team collaborating and working on the development and testing phases of the software development lifecycle. This method helps organizations bridge the gaps between different phases of development and also enables them to speed up the delivery of quality software.  QA teams utilize the automation testing framework to identify potential issues and anomalies at every stage of development and maintain an error-free test environment. The QA team implemented real-time monitoring and instant feedback systems to ensure the application is effective and assured.

Robotic Process Automation

RPA helps testers automate repetitive tasks during software testing. RPA is used to generate test data during automation testing.  This method uses bots to extract the relevant information from the datasets and automates the test data creation process. This saves much testing time and ensures thorough test coverage by generating various test scenarios. RPA plays a significant role in test dataset formation because it can extract test data from different resources.

These RPA bots can interact with the application’s user interface, perform actions like input test data, and validate the outcome. These bots can recreate human actions with precision and interact with the different visual elements of the application. This saves a lot of manpower and time.  The Bots improve defect management by automating the process of defect logging, tracking, and resolution. They can also monitor test executions and log defects directly into issue-tracking systems to provide a better test environment.

IoT Testing

IoT testing is important for ensuring the reliability, security, and performance of interconnected devices and systems in 2024. IoT devices are adapted across various industries, so IoT testing has become popular to mitigate risk and deliver a smooth user interface. The IoT testing approach identifies the unique challenges in the IoT ecosystem. This includes compatibility testing to ensure device interoperability, security testing to mitigate vulnerabilities and protect against cyber threats, and performance testing to assess responsiveness under various conditions.

Reliability and resilience testing evaluate the effectiveness of IoT systems against adverse environmental factors, and end-to-end testing validates the entire ecosystem, from device interactions to data processing. Usability and user experience testing focus on accessible interfaces for end-users.

In-Sprint Test Automation

In-sprint test automation improves Agile development by integrating automated testing activities directly into the sprint cycle. In-sprint automation ensures continuous validation of features and functionalities throughout the development process.

This method uses automated test scripts with development tasks to verify user stories, acceptance criteria, and system behavior within each sprint.  It facilitates early bug detection by validating changes as they are implemented and minimizing the risk of defects till the end of the development cycle.

Testing Centers for Quality 

Testing Centers for Quality are units within organizations dedicated to ensuring and maintaining the quality of products or services through efficient testing processes. Its function is to conduct thorough testing and validation activities to identify defects, vulnerabilities, or product discrepancies before they are released to end-users. It provides state-of-the-art testing infrastructure, tools, and resources for effective testing processes. They often use automated testing tools, test management platforms, and specialized testing environments to improve the testing activities. It enables organizations to refine processes and optimize workflows by analyzing testing data and metrics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

API and Service Test Automation

API and service testing automation are key architectural details of today’s software development practice. They allow organizations to test, validate, and confirm the efficient working, reliability, and effectiveness of their APIs and back-end services, which are crucial for fulfilling business goals and objectives.

The API test automation process includes designing test automated scripts that will call the application programming interface directly of software apps. These tests are used to verify the API responses to the relevant requests. These tests are designed to test the correct functioning of the API under various conditions. API test automation confirms that APIs work properly according to designed functions and give productive results.

The service test automation mechanism covers situations where test automation is done for backend services. This testing includes the ability to simulate interaction with the service end-points, which also validates the accuracy of data processing. Testing application domains and services builds quicker feedback loops, broadened coverage, less manual effort, and greater reliability. The automated tests can be executed repeatedly and promptly to identify a defect at its early stage of development and shorten the delivery process of applications of good quality.

Application Penetration Testing 

Application Penetration Testing is the software application security testing approach that finds and remediates system vulnerabilities. As cyber threats evolve, penetration testing has become important in an organization’s risk management and security strategies.

In penetration testing, the tester will simulate common cyberattacks on the applications that can expose security holes that the attackers can exploit. Pentesting teams use multiple approaches and tools to discover vulnerabilities, such as insecure authentication methods, injection flaws, configuration errors, and inadequate access checkers.

Application penetration testing is also beneficial for organizations that receive comprehensive reports to act upon them and fix the vulnerabilities to prevent their exploitation by cybercriminals.

Agile, DevOps, and CI/CD

Agile, DevOps, and CD can be regarded as methodologies and practices that are intrinsically connected, with each acting as a key segment to end-to-end high-quality software development.

Agile methodology is characterized by iterative development, multi-functional teams, and customer engagement. It helps organizations to react to changing requirements and deploy important features iteratively quickly. It supports teams by dividing projects into smaller, more manageable tasks or user stories and using scrum techniques based on performing a group of projects or sprints at regular intervals.

DevOp closes the communication gap and brings developers and IT operations specialists together to streamline the software delivery pipeline. With DevOps, the automation of processes is about reducing the time to deploy an application and constructing feedback cycles instantly to speed up application development.

CI/CD helps Agile and DevOps by making the merging and deploying code changes easier throughout the development process. Continuous Integration includes auto-integration of code changes to the only shared repository multiple times a day to identify and rectify the issues related to integration early. Continued Delivery takes it to the next level by automating code change deployment to environments similar or identical to production and releasing the software updates. CD extends this by executing automatic deployment of every code change to production.

Cybersecurity and risk compliance

Cybersecurity and risk compliance remain relevant concerns for organizations due to cyber threats. Organizations adopted cybersecurity measures and regulatory compliance to the protection of valuable data.

Cybersecurity applies techniques, technologies, and processes to shield the data from unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. It uses firewalls, encryptions, access controls, and security protocols to prevent threats. Cybersecurity measures are involved in incident response planning and continuous monitoring for the detection and response to security incidents.

Risk compliance mitigates risks and provides for confidential, available data and systems accordingly. It involves regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and others where particular provisions are made for data protection. Organizations implement control policies and procedures to achieve compliance and avoid legal and financial consequences.


In conclusion, software testing in 2024 is continuously evolving due to technological advancements and increasing quality demands. From adopting innovative methodologies to integrating AI and automation, software testing promises greater accuracy and effectiveness. As organizations deliver efficient software products in a competitive market, using these emerging trends will be essential to stay ahead.