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Sketching the Immersive Landscape of eLearning

The main reason behind the massive transformation in any sector is the internet. Hence, being influenced by the digital trends, the educational sector too has witnessed many ground-breaking changes. Moving ahead from the bulky books and the endless visits to libraries obtaining knowledge on any subject is now effortless. There is no such sector that has not tasted the power of technology.  Let at least education was the least accepted sector to witness any changes.  E-learning, a fully flourished technology concentrates on utilizing the academic knowledge (of all and any subject) in such a way that these courses are being delivered anywhere at any time.
This platform has been on its pinnacle for a decade now and even is promising more disruptions in the years to come.  It is no more a secret that technology is influencing everything around the globe and with newer technologies and devices arriving; it definitely has something in store for the eLearning sector as well. The future of eLearning cannot be predicted as changes are bound to happen. However, we can have a glimpse of the new factors that are going to bring new dimensions to the eLearning sector.
The strategy of micro learning is offering bytes information in an interactive way. The world is moving at a fast pace, and people normally like to learn things from short descriptions. Pictures, illustrious diagrams, posters or videos are some of the materials. Micro learning improves the retention of knowledge. Instead of bombarding knowledge with an abundance of data, micro learning helps the learners by providing information in small segments and helping the learner’s mind to process the information accurately and slowly. This strategy of learning is apt for students who spend more time on mobiles. People have very little time running behind everything and studying alongside. Interactive PDFs, short videos, gamification, infographics, are some of the tailor-made techniques that can be used for microlearning.
The Immersive Educational Strategy
The tales of the wonders on technologies like VR and AR is known to the world. The hottest modes of implementing training, these technologies have already entered the eLearning arena. Virtual reality has been making its difference in eLearning from some time now. VR allows the learners to directly interact with the learning material and also helps in giving practical knowledge. This immersive experience engages the learner to learn more and keep them motivated. VR in eLearning has now enabled new and advanced learning environment. This technology helps educators to start a course on how to work in high-risk environments or other complex activities. These advanced settings allow the learners to examine and analyzes the co-learners works. VR along with augmented reality blended with mixed reality could give new possibilities to the immersive learning. With the passing of days, one might witness new and innovative learning techniques and wide range of new subjects which now can be delivered efficiently with the help of these technologies.
Game based Learning and Gamification
The introduction of gamification in eLearning sector is to create an effective learning platform. Apart from keeping the learners engaged, gamification helps in offering an excellent learning experience. Alike in games, with gamification in eLearning, the learners can get spontaneous and instant feedback, practical experience with real life situations. Earning coins or ‘extra life’, bonus points are some of the rewards gained while playing a game. Including these tactics in eLearning can draw more attention.  Gamification and games in eLearning will not only attract more learners it will also challenge them to solve more problems while equally keeping them entertained. Complex training courses, information security, product and procedural training, and sales training are some of the courses that can be gamified.
Cloud and the odyssey of Learning
Since a few years now the cloud based technologies have been invading into the world. It is about time that the educational sector will witness its pervasive influence too.  The chaos of finding data and the availability of the abundance of data is now been taken cared by cloud. Being one of the greatest advantages for the eLearning sector, the world would be able to gain information from anywhere in the world. The most compelling argument on eLearning is the flexibility it offers to the learners. A cloud based education could further ignite the global reach of this educational sector. Cost-effectiveness and being updated are the other factors that could be a reason to look out for cloud based education in the future.
The Improved Assistants
The increasing popularity of Siri on iPhones is the indication that more and more people are looking forward to exploring this intelligent assistant.  Given that AI enabled chatbots are already on its way to impact the educational sector, predicting the programming of these intelligent chatbots is going to be difficult.  However, what we can foresee is what happens if these chatbots enter into this arena. Chatbots can improvise the idea of ‘personal learning’.  The way a student learns and absorbs things differ from one another. A chat bot can adapt to the specific needs or demands of a student and work accordingly. Chat bots can be considered as the biggest source of social learning. Designed it in such a way to have interactions from both the end (groups or individual), Chat bots would enable learners to have more ‘classroom like’ experience. Students hailing from different cultural backgrounds would be able to share their views on one topic. Chatbots would be one of the trends to watch out this year or beyond.
Technology is that wing to education that will allow it to fly great to unimaginable heights. Without a shadow of doubt we can stay that eLearning will be flourishing with these newer advancements and improvises. While the future looks impressive, only time can unfold how these factors are going to influence eLearning.