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Sekhar Puli: A Leader promoting Innovation and Patience

Sekhar Puli, Managing Partner of REAN Cloud, is responsible for Sales, Marketing and Global Operations on a day to day basis along with the company’s forward looking strategy for evaluating and executing in additional growth vectors like geographical expansion, M&A, additional offerings, etc.
Sekhar is a seasoned business leader with more than two decades of experience, operating across multiple cultures and geographically dispersed teams in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, as well as driving coordination and alignment between global teams to deliver business success. In his previous roles, Sekhar has effectively built consulting practices and managed and delivered enterprise-class solutions during his career spanning Financial, Information Technology, Healthcare, Non-Profit and Telecom domains. Prior to co-founding REAN Cloud, Sekhar was with Amdocs for over 10 years, holding several Senior Executive level positions while managing P&L’s of $100M+ (USD).
Transforming Business Models through the Cloud
There are far and few generation changing technology innovations. Sekhar believes Cloud Computing is one of those and he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to be part of and contribute to this change.
As the market is evolving rapidly, the leaders and differentiators, along with standards are just forming to shape and drive the market. There are many proven and successful business models like Uber, Airbnb, WhatsApp, etc., that have been shaped by global, flexible and rapidly expandable infrastructure. Hence, Sekhar realized that every traditional industry and business model has an opportunity to reform/transform itself or is under a threat of massive disruption. He shares that, with REAN Cloud, this is an interesting opportunity for him to be a part of this disruptive change and be an agent in transforming these business models.
REAN Cloud: Empowers Organizations with DevOps on Cloud
REAN Cloud is a global systems integrator with deep experience in supporting enterprise IT infrastructures and implementing continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. As an AWS Premier Consulting Partner with the DevOps Competency, REAN Cloud’s team of AWS Certified Professional DevOps engineers and Professional Solution Architects, help create CI/CD pipelines to accelerate development, testing, and operations.
REAN has implemented complex and highly scalable architectures which support secure, compliant operations in highly regulated industries such as the Financial Services, Healthcare/Life Sciences, Education, ISVs and Public Sector verticals. The company’s team has extensive AWS and DevOps expertise that ensures quick, secure and reliable launch of clients’ solutions with no capital investments needed to procure hardware or services. The REAN Cloud team has worked with global organizations, including Ditech Mortgage, Ellucian, Ozy Media, SAP, Veritas and Teradata.
DevOps best practices help businesses in gaining a competitive edge by reducing time to market along with huge cost savings, Security & Compliance Acceleration, Development & Testing Cycle Time reduction, Migration Savings & Technical Debt reduction. Fully Automated Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Preparation are a few of the critical benefits of adopting DevOps.
Balance of Life
Very often early stage start-ups and for that matter even leaders in Fortune 500 believe that they must drown themselves in work 24x7x365. On the contrary, Sekhar believes that one must achieve a fine balance between his/her work, family, and personal interests. “Life without a balance is a disaster waiting to happen and it has far more impact on both you and the people around you,” asserts Sekhar. “Lot of leaders in the space tend to disagree on this with the counter that start-up is a life in itself and you have to put everything into it and put rest of your life in pause,” he adds.
Sekhar’s views on Motion and Action
Through my experience I have acquired a simple, but very powerful clarity of thought around Motion and Action. A lot of us consider ourselves to be “very busy” running between meetings, phone calls, etc., but we fail to retrospect and reflect if we accomplished anything tangible during the course or was it just motion and no action? Therefore, while doing anything, I question myself if it is motion or action. The example that I share often is that both the Ants and Bees are busy, but ants seem to be running around with little or no directional sense; whereas a honey bee is busy, but with an intent to get the honey and its mission is not accomplished until it makes it.
Innovation as a key to Success
Sekhar as a leader inspires his team to rediscover and reinvent themselves and not be complacent with their early success. He is confident that innovation is going to be the key to their success and help them stay ahead of the competitors. “In the 3 years since we started, we have shown that we have been forward thinkers in delivering unique ways of addressing customer problems,” shares Sekhar.
Patience in the face of Adversity
Sekhar attributes his success to his qualities of patience and calmness in the face of adversity. He believes that whether it be running a marathon or running a company at every step of the way people are bound to face adversity, they should embrace it and be prepared to tackle it proactively without any panic.
Being a successful leader, Sekhar advises young entrepreneurs to build a plan, a goal – without which it is hard to measure your progress. Dream high, but stay grounded to core principles. “You are bound to hit road blocks, but patience and your ability to innovate and realign yourselves without losing the eye on the goal is the key,” asserts Sekhar.
Source :- The 30 Most Innovative Business Leaders