Rescue Operation by Securitas Team, Noida The Noida team at Securitas India led by Dhiraj Chruangu, Assistant Vice President & State Director, set an example when they successfully carried out a night-long rescue operation which occurred on 7th February, 2012
Incidence: The unfortunate event so happened when an employee working for Securitas India’s one of the esteemed customers was kidnapped on his way back home. The vehicle was intercepted by four goons, who beat up the driver badly and kidnapped the employee.
Action: The Rescue Team at Securitas India, Noida was immediately put in action, who with the help of their GPRS-installed vehicles & Quick Reaction Teams (QRTs) tracked the kidnapped vehicle, around 35 kms away from the incidence site; however, the employee was still absconding. Even the mobile phone of the employee was turned off; also, his residence, which he had recently shifted, was yet to be updated with the HR. The team somehow managed his new address and other relevant details. The employee was traced around 6 O’clock in the morning the next day, after his belongings were robbed off.