What if I told you that this will feel like a ‘meeting Morpheus’ moment for the mortgage brokering business?
More oomph than you expected right out of the gate? Or, are you smiling inside because the opening signals that this story may deliver a dash of levity in a place you didn’t expect to see any?
Fingers crossed that it’s the latter. Because that means that you already know a secret which puts you ahead of most business people. That secret?
Levity creates balance, comfort, and connection.
Levity helped elevate my small business into a beloved brand.
But don’t take my word for it. Just ask one of the most trusted entities on earth: Google.
Go ahead, Google ‘mint mortgage Saskatoon’.
(If Google knows anything for sure, it knows what folks like, right? Because most of us tell it our desires and needs on a daily basis — especially the unspoken ones, don’t we?)
You checked us out? Thank you!
You now know that (as of early Oct ’21) mint mortgage has over 650 5- star Google reviews, and that folks regularly say that we’re the most attentive, easy to work with, and fun mortgage broker. In Canada.
Is it our emailing skills that Canadian mortgage shoppers enjoy? Or, is it our non-business business cards? Or, is it the fact that they can play a game of Asteroids on our website?
Would you maybe like to take a page (or two) from our playbook in an effort to make your brand more beloved?
Our playbook would challenge you. It challenged me. Holy shmoly, did it ever challenge me at first! This was in part because my involvement with mortgages started at a bank. I learned a lot there. Met some great folks, too. (I’m still in touch with some of them.)
But I eventually started to thirst for more fun at work. So I began thinking outside the branch. And that led me on a safari of the national guilds for independent mortgage brokers in Canada.
Remember how energized and good you felt when you first started imagining your life as an independent mortgage broker?
Fast forward you-name-it number of days or years..
Is it possible that, nowadays, you often feel like the single greatest threat to the quality of your life is the fact that you’re an independent mortgage broker?
If you’re nodding, I hear you.
The reason why you feel that way is likely this: Your playbook is amplifying the challenging parts of mortgage brokering, rather than minimizing them.
You see, being an indie mortgage broker is not intrinsically bad. It’s actually the opposite, as it can be meaningful, joyful, and even magical! That’s why you felt so good about it at first.
(BTW, I say indie mortgage broker because even if you’re part of one of the national mortgage guilds, you’re still on your own. The guild gives you access to some ‘lines,’ just like Telus or Rogers connect you to ‘lines’, but neither are really making your phone ring, right?)
So, would you like to hear my 2¢ on how to level up your game? Before you say ‘yes’ to our chat, two friendly heads up: –
I’ll first listen to your story.
– You understand and agree that highlevel takeaways from our chat may end up in my book. (Its working title is ‘How to Solve Biz Problems Hilariously.’ Don’t ask me about the release date.)
No confidential parts of our chat would ever be made public, of course. Instead, think, “Amy is a mortgage broker in Western Canada. She reached out for some input about..”)
The next move is yours. You can go to the next page and forget that we ever met. 🙂 Or, you can contact me via sarah@mintmortgage.me to continue this conversation.
You’re not alone. I’m ready when you are.
Sarah Sloane, Founder of Mi
nt Mortgage