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Sapho to bond with AppConfig Community for Simplifying IT Deployment

Sapho, an enterprise which is providing its customer with micro apps, has come up with plan to join the AppConfig Community. AppConfig Community is an app standards organization with who is helping number of foremost EMM traders. Sapho will also be supplying AppConfig  support to its Sapho micro app.
As per Natalie Lambert mentioned, who is Vice President of Sapho’s marketing division, “with our recent venture, we have been able to lay down the groundwork for the deployment of IT services to our customers, ultimately simplifying deployment of IT services. This move will help customers to allow their employees to perform their work as they’re on the go.” Further explaining, she stated in her a company blog post, “This will achieve our aim providing our employee satisfaction and enabling them to perform with a high performance, also providing them with work preferences such as desktop browsers, email, mobile device, or messenger app.”
AppConfig which was established earlier this year in Mobile World Congress event aims for promoting enterprise app development for iOS and Android platform. AppConfig has gained huge popularity recently with number of mobility companies such as SOTI, Capriza, and Matrix42.
Natalie Lambert further stated the significance of micro services in analyzing bigger enterprise architectures, by adding, “Micro services are majorly developed for shortening the software design. The large numbers of software projects are prone to hostile development cycles, ever increasing costs and project bloat.”
Many applications are designed in such way that they contain all the functionalities in the single process only. Then these processes are stimulated on the different servers. There is  a continuous requirement for updating and re-arranging server side functions, has become an old fashion. With this venture, Sapho will aim to bring about changes in the entire scenario.