Ronald Hajj: Innovating things Beyond Imagination

Ronald Hajj of SilexPro

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Leading with passion and serving with passion is key attribute of good leaders. They stretch their imagination and creativity beyond conventional norms. Ronald Hajj is one such exemplary leader who believes that one should dream and stretch one’s imagination and creativity beyond traditional boundaries to create the required positive force that drives innovation. He is CEO at SilexPro. He says that their moto at SilexPro is: ‘Innovation, beyond imagination’. Ronald founded SilexPro with the objective to enhance the way people communicate and collaborate over video, and to make group video meetings more natural, more enjoyable and certainly more productive. This precisely is the culture at SilexPro
Making Virtual Communication Easier
Ronald believes there are always better and more natural ways to communicate and collaborate over video. SilexPro’s focus is to enhance and change the way people meet and collaborate to the better, by exploring and spreading new behavioral concepts like the ‘Center of Table’ collaboration concept. SilexPro does believe that visual communication tools should be easy to operate and intuitive. With every product it introduces to its portfolio, its goal is to provide a high-quality product that makes virtual communication easier, more practical, and more natural for all, but specially in the education sector.
Customized Collaboration Solutions
SilexPro’s experience gives it an edge to create advanced solutions combining the technologies already available in the market and its own. Thus, it invested its ability to integrate advanced personalized features into large complex environments to create customized collaboration solutions. SilexPro attracts with its innovative solutions, and its unique designs with the advantages they offer. Its products offer solutions to traditional problems encountered in regular meeting room setups such as the eye contact, the ‘tiny head’ problem.
Creating a Great Passionate Team
Ronald formed a great passionate team at SilexPro, and SilexPro strongly believes in its ability to positively disrupt the market with its innovative ideas. Customers who do business with SilexPro like the innovation they are getting and the cutting-edge advantages it can offer. But what surprises SilexPro’s customers the most is the addiction! When they start using its nature-inspired technologies and concepts, they get addicted to the new natural experience.
Defying Traditional Ways
SilexPro is the first company in the market who dared to defy the traditional ways of conducting video meetings by introducing its disruptive true all-in-one ‘Center of Table’ concept. SilexPro believes that meetings can be conducted more naturally, and people can be much more engaged during video meetings when the remote participant appear in the center of gravity of the meeting (which is the center of the table). It is a complete mindset shift.
Innovative Collaboration Products
SilexPro is a leading company involved in the design and creation of innovative collaboration products and solutions, driving and shaping new “nature inspired” concepts and trends in the Unified Communications marketplace. SilexPro quickly accumulated key experience in designing and integrating customized complex full-fledged smart conference rooms. Then with the change and evolution of the market trends towards smaller and more flexible huddle rooms, it saw the need to create a new generation of visual collaboration endpoints: Silex PTE.
With covid-19 and the global measures applied, group meetings in small spaces are being avoided. Video meetings where participants join from home or office using their personal devices are heavily used for group communication. In response to the new way of conducting business and elearning, SilexPro has introduced a series of new communication and collaboration solutions for individuals working from their desks, from home or visiting customers premises. These products can be used with any laptop to enhance the remote video experience, such as: USB/Bluetooth/wireless conferencing cameras and portable touch screens, wireless headsets and speakerphones, all-inone smart projectors, Silex All-Wireless (SAW) touchless AV solution, etc.
Nevertheless, once businesses go back to a normal activity, SilexPro’s existing PTE solutions is a perfect choice for group meetings as it allows social distancing within the meeting room with one participant sitting on each side of the table with the device in the center. And since it is made of glass, it is easy to regularly wipe it with disinfectant.
Being an Exemplary Leader
For Ronald Hajj, impactful leadership is the magical mix of the following ingredients: leading with passion, serving with passion, delivering the best and exceeding one’s expectations at all levels. He believes that creativity, innovation, and stretched imagination are important traits of a good leader. He considers it is essential to have flexibility and adaptability to adjust to the ever-changing conditions of the marketplace. He mentions that leaders should have resilience and ability to sustain unforeseen events and conditions that might radically affect the business environment.
Ronald says that empathy and the ability to see the world through the eyes of others, is also a very important aspect of positive and impactful leadership. He says making impact involves being a role model and reflecting one’s positive values to inspire and influence people around. He says that leaders should inspire, motivate, delegate tasks, and support the team and the circle of influence around them. He states that Generosity and humble behavior and sharing experience and knowledge (positive and negative ones), allowing others to learn the right lessons from one’s failures and successes, is an important part of impactful leadership.
Continuing Innovation to Grow
When Ronald sees how customers are using and benefiting from SilexPro’s technologies, and when it develops and introduces new concepts to the market, he just feels proud! This pride gives Ronald and his team all the needed energy to overcome all the challenges, including the current pandemic, and to keep on innovating to grow.
Ronald believes that doubt and fear are one’s worst enemies. Therefore, he warns to not let doubts and fears influence one’s decisions, because they can block one’s dreams. He advises to use one’s passion to overcome this feeling by injecting some perseverance dose. He states that blind self-confidence can also be a worse enemy. Therefore, he suggests learning how to humbly listen, filter, and adapt.

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