Introducing robotic systems which are game changers of combat and with a goal to see them used in defense, law enforcement and public safety applications as part of daily operating doctrine, Roboteam hankers that the unmanned system for situational awareness should become standard procedure. In the current climate, after the attacks in Paris, the need for such robotic systems is more clear than ever. Among its customers, there are top elite units from military and police around the world like, US Military, Special Forces, EOD units and SWAT teams.
With the desire to become one of the top 3 providers of robotic systems worldwide and remain a market innovation leader in this field, Roboteam is agile and quick to react. Roboteam is bringing creativity and “out of the box” thinking, combined with field experience, to its products, developed for the user, by a team of engineers who have first-hand under-standing of the users’ needs in situ. Resourceful team players, who share skills and knowledge to achieve solutions, are a driving force in the company as it ensure complete customer satisfaction.
Roboteamhas already supplied, and supported, hundreds of units world-wide. Delivering units to the US military at first, the company has a top down approach, starting with the big markets and then spreading worldwide. It has a US subsidiary, fully owned by Roboteam, which ensures the best of service to its largest clients.
Yosi Wolf & Elad Levi, Crackerjacks of Roboteam
Just after recognizing the need for cutting edge, reliable and user friendly unmanned systems in the field, Yosi Wolf, Co-CEO & responsible for the global business activities, and strategic direction of the company and Elad Levi, Co-CEO & responsible for its global operation, founded Roboteam in 2009.
Yosi has an extensive background in the fields of physics and philosophy as well as several patents in his name. Elad holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the Technion-The Israel Institute of Technology, where he specialized in Robotic Control. Both of them have served in the Israeli Air-force Special forces as company commanders, and thus have brought their field expertise to product development at Roboteam.
Defensive Robotic Systems
Roboteam is the designer, developer and manufacturer of game changing unmanned platforms and controllers for defense, law enforcement and public safety missions. Their products enhance soldier survivability and improve force effectiveness, allowing soldiers and law enforcement special unit’s operators (EOD, SWAT) to dominate the unknown factors in the battlefield and when entering the theatre. Roboteam’s engineers bring with them their field combat experience and advanced technical know-how, enabling them to create the user-oriented systems required in the field.
Working with end users from day one, has given the ability to Roboteam to provide EOD, SWAT, military and police special forces teams with equipment that they really need, which is easy to use, and which helps them get the job done in a better, faster and safer way. With assistance from the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Roboteam were able to overcome the challenges of the first few years and are now looking forward as they continue to grow.
Roboteam is able to provide its customers with cutting edge, light-weight and robust systems that are really easy to operate, and which they believe will become part of the operating doctrine for situational awareness missions around the world.