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Reveal Group: Unveiling Business Potential through Unrivaled Robotic Process Automation

The pace at which the workforce and work processes are transforming today is unprecedented. Organizations that recognize the potential of this change – and learn how to wield its power – are laying the groundwork to become the industry leaders of tomorrow.
As with all things revolutionary, it is critical that a focus on the end goals is tempered with a deliberate plan of action. When the largest companies in the world struggle with effective planning and execution to get them to these end goals, they turn to Reveal Group.
Deciphering the Future 
Insights Success spoke with Ian Crouch, the Founder and CEO of Reveal Group. Ian worked at the most senior levels of the financial services industry before founding Reveal in 2005. “Reveal started off with a focus on the local financial services industry in Australia,” Ian tells. “Very quickly, we discovered that our desire for growth was matched, if not exceeded, by an overwhelming response from clients in very diverse sectors and from every corner of the planet.”
Ian attributes this success to the emphasis he places on not just the early adoption of technology but on anticipating and predicting changes across Workforce Management.
“Success comes from utilizing technology to transform otherwise sedentary components of a business structure. There is a need to be able to predict where tech will be 5, 10, or even 20 years into the future and align existing systems to coalesce seamlessly when that arrives, and quickly.”
That is not just theory; Reveal Group embodies that philosophy.
“We have specialized in RPA (Robotic Process Automation) since 2013 and foreshadowed its advent as far back as 2002. As soon as the technology became available at an enterprise-level we were quick to adopt and incorporate it into the solutions we offer. Today, Reveal Group is one the largest implementers of Robotic Process Automation in the world.” 
RPA Trailblazers 
That shift towards RPA is one of Ian’s proudest achievements and his passion for the technology is evident. The manner in which he has channeled that passion into real-world results has taken Reveal Group to the highest echelons of service delivery.
“Recognizing the potential of RPA, I believe, is an achievement in its own right. That is not solely because we made a precise judgement but because it has given us a head start that translates into an almost insurmountable competitive edge with regards to depth and breadth of experience. While other leading competitors are trying to cover ground, we are breaking new ground.”
In this, Ian is referring to Reveal Group’s role in developing best practices for RPA implementation as well as the company’s role in establishing the associated training framework.
“Our work on operationalizing the required skills and disciplines into the successful, comprehensive training programs they are today is a testament to the experience we have with delivering successful Process Automation programs around the world. Incorporating our best practices and benchmarks into our Training Academy courses, from Foundation to Advanced Developer, are what sets us, and our trainees apart. Sharing this knowledge through training gives us a considerably larger footprint in the industry, which we leverage to deliver transformative results for our clients.” 
Those results are already being enjoyed by companies in over 25 industries globally. The accelerated pace of Reveal Group’s expansion is a source of great pride to Ian, but he places one achievement ahead of that.
“We have been successful in every single project that we have undertaken. A track record that stands at 100% – I don’t believe very many other companies in the world can claim that!” 
Maximizing Results through Technology 
Technology enables organizations to more clearly maintain compliance and governance, especially in highly-regulated industries like banking, government and aviation. Reveal Group has worked successfully with Australian national carrier, Qantas, and counts another 10 international airlines among its clients.
“Process compliance in certain industries is a no-compromise factor. Mistakes are very costly, both in terms of finances and man-hours. Reveal Group’s RPA services deliver quality and reportability in a secure, auditable environment that cannot be replicated anywhere else.” 
“International companies don’t just seek Reveal Group out for process automation; they are drawn to the results-heavy, cost-efficient immediacy of our solutions.” 
Reveal Group have developed proprietary methodologies to deliver results that are time and cost-effective. Dynamic work sprints enable the delivery of these results in weeks, rather than the numerous months these would otherwise take.
The Future, Secured 
Reveal Group is growing at a rate of 100% year-on-year and Ian Crouch does not see this stagating. While the company’s giant strides would seem like the end-game for many organizations, he sees them simply as steps towards larger goals.
“Reveal Group dominates the market segment in the English-speaking world. Apart from our offices in Australia, we have established regional offices in the US, Singapore, and Africa. Now, we are expanding our reach to the non- English-speaking world and are poised to launch into Japan and Europe.” Behind this drive to establish a truly global presence is Ian’s appreciation of the unprecedented change companies will face in the coming years.
“The global changes we have seen in the past 150 years will pale before the developments and transformations we see in the next 15 years,” he says, “Intelligent Process Automation – the technology suite around digitization, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Business Intelligence – will induce and support revolutionary solutions.”
“We want to be the preeminent specialists in how you apply these technologies.” With Ian’s leadership, Reveal Group is ideally placed to help their clients adopt the technology quickly and cost-effectively.