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Replace Your Restaurant Tabletop – Best Practice to Make Regular Customers

Are you planning to set up a restaurant business but don’t know how to stand out? New things are coming into the market, and trends are changing. All marketing occurs on your restaurants’ tabletops. Presenting good food, cool drinks, and active service, all lands on customers’ table. But how would you make your replacement tabletops just right? Well, we can help you with that!
Also, personal experience related to the loaded tabletops is not very impressive. Understand what is necessary to keep on the table. Simplicity and commodity of a few basic things will set you free from rearranging and re-cleaning them.

Best Things to Set Up on Tabletop

Most of the restaurants know the importance of technology in increasing profit. Many restaurants put scannable menu cards on the tabletop instead of the traditional menu card. People use various techniques to generate profits. You cannot be naive from these techniques; otherwise, you will be cutting off 70% of your restaurant business.

Incorporate Technology

Nowadays, restaurants are implementing trendy ordering styles. No more waiters lined up to note the order of the customer. People use mobile apps or flashing menus on big LED screens from which they choose stuff to order. More technology, less labor cost. Fancy restaurants have incorporated lifts for delivering food from the kitchen to the ordering station, so less fatigue.
You can also use an electrical ordering device; once they order, they go back to their seat rather than waiting in line. The instrument will tell the customer to come and collect the order once it is ready. Many restaurants also use tablets instead of menu cards. They can see the menu and order to the waiter or directly to the counter.

Use Brands

Try to flash the names of brands people love. For example, many companies are making mayonnaise. Still, you will only put French’s mayonnaise because everybody knows it’s a leading name in mayonnaise. Nobody wants to put an unfamiliar brand’s product in their food. Try to be precise while choosing the brand names that will align with your restaurant layout because that’s how you will create a sophisticated image for your customer.

Declutter the Tabletops

Tabletops are your business place. Please don’t force your customer to set it before they eat over it. Try to make very strategic moves while setting tabletops. Make table spacious so that people don’t have to struggle to fit their dishes. Many restaurants think that making people forced to eat in crowded areas will generate more business. Wrong!
People will never come to your restaurant if the tables or table setup is cluttered. Think it through. Set some right condiments on their table and leave rest on demand. Like some pepper and salt as a basic tabletop setup, leave ketchup and toothpicks on customer-to-customer orders.


The tabletops for restaurants are your most productive place to market your potential in front of the customer. Try to deliver your persona precisely. The above-defined techniques will land you more business and happy customers.

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