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Ranger4: A DevOps Evolution Expert Leading the Voyage

The world is on the brink of the next major industrial revolution – the Fourth Industrial Revolution. While the first revolution made use of coal, water and steam energy to quicken and automate generation, the second harnessed the power of electricity for large-scale manufacturing. Then came the third one which utilized gadgets and IT to robotize generation. What’s more? Expanding upon the third, we are here at a digital revolution fusing technologies to obscure the lines between the physical, digital and biological realms.
At an organizational level, keeping pace with the Fourth Industrial Revolution implies developing and deploying new digital services, enhancing operating efficiency, and setting up an advanced working model for IT. This means DevOps – a rising model of product delivery that encourages higher and quicker rates of progress through the optimization of development and delivery services. With an award winning E3 suite of services, Europe’s leading DevOps Evolution Consultancy, Ranger4 is helping to deliver better software in a faster and safer way. Ranger4’s E3 suite makes it ridiculously easy for users to Explore, Educate and Evolve while lowering costs and escalating profits through spectacular levels of employee engagement, organization and motivation.
A DevOps and Agile Transformation Specialist
Today, most companies are adopting DevOps or thinking about it. However, Ranger4 way ahead of the league. Ranger4 has found its niche in helping identify where, when and how users can start to make incremental and evolutionary change, incorporating DevOps principles and practices to maintain the momentum.
Being DevOps and Agile Evolution Specialist, Ranger4 is focused on cultural and organizational change to streamline interaction and processes of IT organizations. Its solutions help companies take the pain out of managing complex software environments, making it possible to focus on delivering innovation, fast, to its customers, and get the answers needed, imperatively, so issues can be fixed quickly and easily.
Three DevOps Thought Leaders came together to rule the market
Malcolm Namey, Helen Beal and Steve Green – DevOpsologist™  joined hands and founded Ranger4.
Prior to Ranger4, Malcolm served the financial services markets in London and technology organizations. Malcolm has a unique skill of visualizing the business value for new and emerging technologies, and he continually focuses on demonstrating the bridge between IT and business. Using DevOps, he enables his clients to gain realization against business deliverables. Malcolm has a passion for collecting vinyl and an avid follower of musicians living the Rock’n Roll dream.
Helen has over two decades of experience working in the technology industry with a focus on the Software Development Lifecycle for a wealth of cross industry clients in the UK and abroad. Helen speaks at many DevOps events and delivers DevOps consulting, coaching, training, workshop facilitation and game leadership. She is Ranger4’s representative on the Board of Regents at the DevOps Institute and DevOps World Advisory Board. She has been also listed in TechBeacon’s 20 Influential Women in DevOps, PowerAdmin’s 51 DevOps Influencers to Start Following Today and’s Women in DevOps.
Steve has 25 years’ experience in working with the organizations getting the best out of technology. In the UK and pan Europe, he has either started or helped run numerous businesses. He has developed a razor-sharp focus on the commercial benefits of delivering better software in a faster and safer way, and is often called upon to help senior decision-makers. Steve is a qualified ski instructor, keen trail runner and cyclist and is based in the French Alps.
Explore, Educate and Evolve
Even though some vendors have a very “product specific” view of DevOps, what differentiates Ranger4 as an independent consultancy is its ability to draw a roadmap that concentrates on what clients need to achieve. Their Explore services quickly establish an accurate view of key stakeholders in getting the primary objectives fulfilled. The firm focuses on the commercial realities and benefits, and ensures that those objectives are at the heart of everything they design. Their Educate services guarantee engagement, organization and communication that bring everyone along on the journey. Finally, their Evolve services provide a consistent delivery of the roadmap with regular course checking, feedback and measurement.
Helping Clients Find the Key Inhibitor to Facilitate Change       
Often, the clients tussle with their cultural challenges while being a part of the change. Ranger4 helps them find the missing piece of the puzzle and the key inhibitor to make the change. It has developed a suite of tools like The Phoenix Project Game and training in partnership with The DevOps Institute to help clients tackle the problems around communication, collaboration, fear, blame, lack of transparency, bureaucracy that organizations regularly deal with. Moreover, Ranger4 has a strong commercial element to its approach that helps organizations to be value-focused and bridge businesses and the IT sector. It also helps customers build The DevOps LoopTM by employing DevOpsologists™ to make it possible for them to measure and track the cost of a feature or idea through the development and delivery cycle, and report on the real business value it delivers in real-time.
Leading the Market towards DevOps Tomorrow
When asked about the role of their employees, Steve answered, “Our Rangers create the success. Winning IBM’s worldwide Beacon Award for Most Innovative DevOps Solution Provider in 2015 and being the winner of the worldwide DevOps Dozen in 2016 is a testament to the resolve and creativity of your typical Ranger. We thrive in a culture of collaboration, innovation, and delivery without fear to admit things change outside of our control and to adjust tactics and strategies accordingly.”
Ranger4 looks forward to continuing to lead the pack while innovating ways to ensure its customers feel that DevOps Utopia are within their reach. “Because if they are not delivering better software faster and safer than they were, their competitors will be,” concludes Steve.

Source :- The 10 Fastest Growing DevOps Solution Providers