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Haggai Dror

On the Path of Revolution, Haggai Dror’s Expedition Sparking Transformation in Sustainable eMobility

eMobility is the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as a substitute for traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. EVs are powered by electricity, which can be generated from a variety of sources, including renewable energy. This makes EVs a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation option than gasoline-powered vehicles.

Innovation in eMobility is happening at a rapid pace. Innovation and impact intertwine seamlessly, where the future is built one visionary step at a time. Haggai Dror’s name is synonymous with foresight and transformation in this domain. His journey embodies a commitment to tying sustainability and innovation together.

As the Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer and Managing Director of eMobility at Shikun & Binui USA, Haggai is transforming business models to make EVs affordable and accessible. With a canvas as vast as Shikun & Binui’s endeavors, Haggai steers the ship towards cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap between infrastructure and a greener tomorrow.

Let’s explore the tale of a leader who showcases a passion for progress and a dedication to shaping the world’s future one project at a time!

Empowering Tomorrow

Through his role, he found himself facing a remarkable opportunity, an opportunity that held the power to shape the future. His enthusiasm was palpable, for he was an integral part of an industry that could leave an indelible mark for generations to come.

The projects he embarked upon weren’t just tasks—they were the seeds of a legacy that might span centuries. This thought was both exhilarating and humbling, as it carried a weight of pride and responsibility.

Today, with the world’s eyes on climate change, the importance of sustainability shines brighter than ever. And there, in his unique role, he found himself at the crossroads of innovation and responsibility.

Early engagement in development, combined with his dedication to meticulous execution, promised the chance to forge a path that could withstand the test of time. As he looks ahead, he sees a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, an opportunity to create something truly significant.

Wheels of Change

EVs are pivotal to forging a more sustainable environment, seamlessly aligning with the broader efforts to curtail carbon emissions and transition towards renewable energy sources.

In the context of urban environments, the impact is both immediate and transformative. The elimination of nuisances inherent to traditional gasoline vehicles, such as noise, odors and exhaust fumes, improves the quality of life in urban areas. An illustrative example is the electric school bus, offering a tranquil journey for youngsters (excluding the exuberant laughter they share with friends) while safeguarding their delicate lungs from polluted air.

As the majority of vehicles on roads evolve into electric models, we anticipate a substantial shift in urban planning and personal choice. Today, many homebuyers avoid living near major roadways due to noise disruptions from gasoline-powered vehicles. If vehicle noise decreases or ceases completely, we can expect a major paradigm shift.

An additional urban boon lies in the gradual obsolescence of refueling infrastructure. Not only does such infrastructure pose hazards within populated areas, but it’s also a significant source of pollution from leaks and enduring environmental effects.

However, it’s imperative to acknowledge that while EVs present a compelling solution for urban contexts, there remains groundwork to be laid on the power generation front to meet the collective carbon emission reduction targets as a society.

Greening the Road Ahead

In the grander context, it’s crucial to acknowledge that while transitioning automobiles from gasoline to electric propulsion constitutes a significant stride in the reduction of carbon emissions, there is an ongoing imperative to fortify power generation efforts.

This stems from the reality that despite commendable strides towards renewable energy generation, a substantial proportion of the world’s energy still emanates from environmentally detrimental sources. Achieving our sustainability objectives requires continued work towards sustainable power generation.

As Haggai wisely said, “The glory of the future will be greater than the glory of the past.” In the past decade, certain renewable energies have indeed crossed pivotal thresholds and within Shikun & Binui, they embraced the privilege of being active participants in this transformation, especially in solar energy. Their contributions played a vital role in establishing some of the world’s largest solar fields.

The winds of change also swept through the domains of solar energy and energy storage. Shikun & Binui took the lead in overseeing three distinct energy storage paradigms, each with a purpose—a battery facility in California, salt storage in an Israeli solar thermal project and a pumped storage facility in Israel.

With a steadfast presence in renewable energy for over fifteen years, they embraced the path to electric mobility solutions. This holistic approach ensures the optimal harnessing of renewable power, driving the shift from polluting vehicles to clean, emission-free alternatives. Just as Haggai’s words inspire, the glory of his forward-looking endeavors shines brighter than ever.

Charting Green Routes

Haggai embraces a gradual and incremental approach when facing the challenge of electric mobility. He understands that this transition isn’t a swift shift, but a journey spanning time.

Even with the most optimistic projections, a critical mass of electric vehicles on the roads might take a decade to achieve. However, within that period, an exponential rise in their numbers is expected.

He stands by the principle of acknowledging the extended nature of this change. Electric vehicles will coexist with gasoline-powered ones for a while, calling for a measured strategy rather than a sudden overhaul.

Haggai advocates for meticulous planning while maintaining the agility to adapt. By ensuring infrastructure development slightly outpaces vehicle adoption, a seamless integration of EVs within existing urban landscapes and transportation networks becomes feasible. In this patient and strategic path, the future of electric mobility finds its strong foundation.

From Highways to Greenways

As Haggai’s words encourage, Shikun & Binui embark on innovative journeys, leaving a mark on electric mobility. A prime example is their fleet electrification initiative. Collaborating with car, bus and truck fleet operators, they offer holistic solutions that extend beyond electrification, revolutionizing fleet management.

At the core of their approach lies energy management. Fleet depots morph into dynamic energy hubs, where vehicle recharging becomes streamlined artistry. Driven by cutting-edge software, this system optimizes charging, slashing costs in the process.

Their focus extends to tailoring electric vehicle solutions to each client’s unique needs. Energy management software harmonizes with vehicle telematics, birthing a powerful fusion. This synergy births electric vehicles that shine in energy efficiency, driving experience and cost-effective maintenance.

Understanding the initial capital hurdles, they pioneer creative financing. S&B USA’s financial prowess further emphasizes its dedication to innovation, sustainability and efficient transport solutions. In this manner, they heed Haggai’s call, working with strength to sculpt a pioneering electric mobility landscape.

Business with a Purpose

The visionary stands firm, merging environmental consciousness with economic sustainability; To him, every renewable solution, no matter how noble, must hold a clear path to economic feasibility within 3-5 years.

He knows immediate profits might not be the norm, but he insists on a transparent roadmap to profitability. Whether through scale benefits, technological strides, or optimized strategies, the way forward must be clear.

Leading with foresight, Haggai’s advice from the heart is peering three steps ahead. It’s a quest to identify the most promising paths that gracefully balance environmental care and financial strength.

For him, striking this equilibrium forms the heart of initiatives that are not only environmentally aware but also economically resilient. In this dance of vision and strategy, he steers the ship toward a brighter, greener horizon. Supporting the same, Haggai says, “Striking this equilibrium is at the core of driving initiatives that are not only environmentally conscious but also sustainable on an economic front.”

Triple Bottom Line: Strategy, Collaborations and Planet

This is indeed an area where Shikun & Binui has truly excelled, leveraging a century of experience to navigate complex coordination efforts. Haggai emphasizes, “Our company’s legacy is built precisely on such intricate collaborations. The yardstick of our success is measured in the contentment of multiple stakeholdersthe end users, the governmental bodies overseeing regulations, and all those in between.”

While acknowledging that perpetual unanimity is unattainable, ensuring a substantial level of satisfaction among the majority is pivotal for operational success. Effective and transparent communication stands as the cornerstone of this endeavor. Candid discussions, coupled with substantial face-to-face interactions, play a pivotal role in garnering commitment from all parties involved.

Personally, Haggai places a significant emphasis on ensuring that every stakeholder is equipped with the right incentives. This involves aligning objectives and goals, which can be achieved through well-crafted incentives that resonate with each participant’s interests.

By uniting these principles—open communication, meaningful interactions and tailored incentives—they fortify collaboration, cultivating synergies that expedite the adoption of electric vehicles and the establishment of sustainable infrastructure.

Full Speed Ahead

Navigating the realm of fleet electrification, Shikun & Binui’s approach revolves around prudence and tailored solutions. They, meticulously evaluate the precise requisites of each fleet owner. By factoring in contingencies such as weather conditions and maintenance, gauging the viability of electric vehicles within the context of the specific market application.

Haggai asserts, “Our strategy centers on avoiding undue pressure, recognizing that undue haste can potentially mismatch a client with an ill-suited solution.” He also adds, “Our primary aim is to preemptively address concerns rather than exacerbate themafter all, a single instance of a vehicle running out of power could significantly amplify range anxiety.”

Transitioning to privately owned electric vehicles, he is optimistic that the issue of charging infrastructure and range anxiety will progressively diminish. This is attributed, in part, to the increasing prevalence of fast chargers along major travel routes in the United States, largely facilitated by initiatives such as the federal NEVI program.

Shikun & Binui USA actively participates in this program, contributing to the construction and maintenance of these vital charging stations at various strategic locations across the country. This concerted effort aligns with the commitment to foster wider adoption of electric vehicles by providing accessible charging infrastructure that significantly alleviates range anxiety concerns among consumers.

Sustainability Catalyst

Promoting sustainable change goes beyond tech solutions. Education and demystification are crucial, especially with transformative concepts like electric mobility. Haggai mentions, “Tangible experiences are key.”

Witnessing and engaging directly with electric vehicles can resonate deeply with many people. The simplicity, quietness and impressive performance of electric vehicles can make a profound impact. Offering opportunities for interaction and showcasing capabilities effectively conveys the benefits of greener transportation.

This creates a ripple effect,” Haggai emphasizes. As people experience and grasp electric mobility’s advantages, they become advocates, spreading the message. This grassroots movement catalyzes a cultural shift towards eco-friendly transport. Haggai affirms, “Combining education, experiences and advocacy, we inspire communities to embrace electric mobility for a sustainable future.”

Eco-Forward Leadership

Staying at the cutting edge in a swiftly changing industry demands flexibility and adaptability. Haggai mentions, “We understand that not everything can be predicted right away, so we approach new trends and technologies with an open mind.” Navigating the electric vehicle sector, they assess risks astutely, akin to a batter choosing their pitch.

This proactive approach positions S&B USA as an industry pioneer, allowing them to leverage emerging trends, embrace technological advancements and meet evolving market demands head-on. Their commitment to staying ahead ensures that they continue to set the standard in the electric mobility landscape.

Sustaining the Drive

In the journey of being an electric mobility leader, Haggai’s story is filled with remarkable moments. Recently, a significant milestone was reached as his team secured a substantial $2.5 million grant.

The purpose? Establishing three swift charging stations spanning Pennsylvania. One of these stations, conveniently positioned near Pittsburgh, stands on a vital commuter and traveler route encircling the city.

With an enthusiastic tone, Haggai remarks, “This achievement echoes the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s faith in us.” This endorsement not only affirms their devotion to sustainable solutions but also their commitment to electric mobility.

The notion of giving back to their local community further amplifies the jubilation. By bringing the electric mobility wave to their doorstep, they actively contribute to a larger mission while fostering positive changes in their vicinity. This noteworthy accomplishment serves as the driving force, propelling their unwavering commitment and zeal to mold an electric mobility-driven future.

Roadmaps to Renewal

The tides have shifted permanently. Haggai notes, “Major vehicle makers are putting billions into electric vehicles.” This marks a crucial turning point where we, as a collective, are reshaping global transportation.

Fueled by commitment and zeal, our involvement injects vitality and meaning into this movement. Haggai’s words capture the essence, “We’re on the brink of vast possibilities.”

This is a defining moment,” Haggai reflects, highlighting our role in this turning point. The fusion of dreams, understanding and enthusiasm propels us to tangible deeds. With each obstacle conquered, the vision of sustainable transport comes closer to life. As a united force, let’s grasp this momentous occasion, crafting a future that’s not only promising but sustainable too.