Nicole Martin: A Leader to Rely for Human Resource Management

Nicole Martin | Founder & CEO | HRBoost LLC | Online Business magazine

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Through valuable experiences, a leader can learn and implement new innovations for enriching the organization. Such experience is very well absorbed by the Founder and CEO of HRBoost, Nicole Martin. With over 20 years of experience in the arena of human resource from small start-ups to bigleague organizations, she stepped in to initiate her own company envisioning to offer a dedicated resource and best advisements that many internal HR departments lack.
She inherently comprehends the necessity of offering systematic human resource management to deliver skillequipped workforce to her clients. Her deep knowledge on HR services and enthusiasm to disrupt the customary practices helped to tackle the cuttingedge competition in markets. Currently, her venture, HRBoost offers over 170-line item services, which highlight how small mistakes in HR can devastate the bottom line when overlooked. Her team of professionals provide clients with proven, measurable outcomes.
It was in 2010 when Nicole realized that she wanted to end her corporate career thus established HRBoost, LLC. Her initial desires were to find leaders who want to be the next Best & Brightest® employer whilst supporting on-growing businesses facing a myriad of workforce challenges. By 2012, she expanded her team while 50% of yearly growth outcome made her clear that HR outsourcing was not HR as she knew it and that HRBoost had found a niche.
Enticing the Targeted Audiences 
The company tends to diversify its offerings by allowing its clients to engage on an ala carte, project or retainer basis. Nicole’s and her team’s mission is to meet clients wherever they are on their journey to become a best place to work. They prefer not to make their clients adjust to the services, but rather, they work to meet client’s expectations helping them to create an attractive work environment and retain top talent to thrive in future.
What requires being a CEO! 
Nicole says, “As I look back, I recall I didn’t even call myself a CEO until 2014. Titles are cheap.” Through this statement she wants to exemplify that the real attributes of an individual at the helm of their business is the curiosity. She states that she never intended to build a business rather sought work that fueled her passion and in turn created a perfect intellectual playground full of challenges. Nicole believes and advises that one must love his/her work, as the business becomes an extension of oneself it truly can be all-encompassing. Whether it may be processing out the work or providing the services, one must commit him / her self with grit . Emphasizing on risks, she expressed that risks are taken but more important than the risks are the willingness to fail. Often it is the leap of faith grounded in belief that one is doing something greater than itself and something good, so that one day, a leader might see his/her team follow the same ideologies and work with the same passion. She says, “Then, and only then, did I feel comfortable calling myself a Chief Empowerment Officer.”
Cutting the Slack of Competition 
She is attentive towards her clients and always prefers to stay abreast of what is happening in her industry surrounding. She states that her experience of rapid growth made her realize the potential and enjoyed the pace of word of mouth. She takes pride to put forth that her company has a proven track record and she is ready to reveal its capability through her client’s results.
Through explaining her initial challenges of being CEO, she states that human capital and financial capital is one of basic need as well as challenge to face. She makes a statement that many will not grow because they are not investing in talent and often it is the CEO’s job to bear debt. Moreover, she made a calculated risk to invest in her talent and invest in her bench strength. She shares through her experience that it can be a challenge to orchestrate work life integration if one reacts to a business as a mother or wife. She now realizes that earlier when she put down the process, hired capable talent, and disappeared to let them work, the process proved through: and now, she can repeat it. She also advises to readers, one must trust the people one hires, and one must trust the process too. As when it is time to take a calculated risk, one invests and does everything to increase the odds.
Embracing the Future 
Nicole states that currently she would be focusing on expanding the company’s retainer services and offer Small Business Bundles for clients that typically do not have access to strategic HR day one, employee one. For the large clients, she feels excited to watch them grow and reach their Best & Brightest recognition. It brings great joy to her knowing the company facilitates joy and purpose through its work for clients and for the people who choose to work for them.
Nicole put forward a question for the leaders, in her own words, “There is an acronym I learned in my Vistage circles in recent years that sums it for me. It is GAS. You must have it to be a CEO. If you figure out what it stands for, message me!”

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