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Jaime Pire | Founder and CEO | Mind Facility Management

Mind Facility Management: Nurturing People, Planet, and Spaces

Driving Technological Excellence and Sustainability in Facility Management!

In a world that can sometimes seem disconnected, caring serves as the thread that weaves together the fabric of our society. When we care for one another, we foster a sense of belonging and unity. We create a haven for vulnerability, allowing people to express their true selves without fear of judgment.

This nurturing of caring embodies Mind’s commitment to making a difference in the lives of individuals, communities, and the planet. With Jaime Pire, Founder, and CEO, their journey began with a profound belief that caring is not limited to human connections alone but extends to the very environment we inhabit.

For Mind Facility Management, caring is not just a buzzword; it’s a way of life. They create a nurturing ecosystem that empowers talents and fosters compassion within a close-knit community. By harnessing data and cutting-edge tools, Mind empowers businesses to manage with genuine care for their teams and end-users.

Mind’s mission extends beyond business goals; they’re devoted to caring for the planet, buildings, and living environments. Sustainability and environmental protection are at the core of their ethos, translated into action through their HuMind initiative. Facility Management and team management become forces for positive change, leaving a greener legacy for generations.

A trailblazer in the industry, Mind Facility Management embraces technology as Spain’s first digital native company in the sector. Their groundbreaking Mind App technology is an all-in-one solution, managing real estate services, curating unforgettable workplace experiences, and fostering sustainability for both employees and companies.

With a talented team of over 27 professionals and offices in Madrid and Gijón, Mind offers a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for managing services in office buildings and residential real estate. Their boutique management service guides companies through transformative digital journeys, unlocking their full potential in the digital era.

Today, we will delve into how Mind is shaping the future, guided by its founder and CEO, Jaime Pire!

Empowering Clients through Active Listening

Mind ensures that its services are tailored to meet the demands and needs of each client by prioritizing active listening as the first step in any project. This approach allows Mind to develop and implement products that perfectly align with the specific requirements of its clients. As a software-as-a-service company, Mind offers complete flexibility, adapting to the ever-changing management needs of each client. With a team of professionals boasting over 20 years of experience in real estate asset management, Mind is equipped to provide highly personalized consultancy and facility management services to address even the most specific needs.

Furthermore, it employs business intelligence strategies to empower clients with the ability to anticipate business opportunities and effectively navigate changes and trends within their physical assets and human resources. This methodology is not only applied to existing clients but also allows Mind to prospect new clients and offer comprehensive turnkey solutions.

Initially, Mind was established as a specialized technological solution for the comprehensive management of buildings and real estate services within the business sector. This included features like access control, workspace management, and teleworking-related advice. However, in response to growing demand, Mind has expanded its services to the residential market, seizing the opportunity to enhance the quality of life for residents and foster connected and accessible communities. Its specialization now encompasses access control tools, reservation and request management, community experiences, facility availability, concierge services, and streamlined communication channels.

Streamlining Incident Management

According to Jaime, the entire incident management process is efficiently handled through the app, both in the residential and professional markets. Users can easily and quickly report any incidents that occur in the properties. Once an incident is reported, the property manager takes charge and activates the necessary processes to carry out the required repairs with the relevant supplier.

Once the issue is resolved, it is documented in the app through the incident record created by the user. This creates complete traceability of the entire process, including resolution times, which are digitally recorded and accessible for future reference. This streamlined approach ensures that all parties involved stay informed and can easily track the progress of incident resolution.

Embracing Technological Advancements

As a leading technological solution provider, Mind understands the importance of staying abreast of industry trends and embracing emerging technologies to enhance its services. Concepts like Big Data, Deep Learning, and generative Artificial Intelligence hold great significance for the Mind, and they actively explore and test potential implementations of these concepts. Their goal is to continuously improve their service and enhance the management capabilities offered to their clients through their platform.

Triumph in Adapting to New Trends

One of the most challenging projects for Mind has been the transformation of its business from serving the corporate sector to catering to the residential market. After several years of implementing this transformation, they detected a new trend in the residential market. This led to discussions with property managers of high-end communities facing challenges in managing services and shared spaces in residential buildings. Managing temporary rentals, especially in luxury coastal areas with frequent tenant turnover, also became a concern. The main issues raised were providing convenient services to residents and tenants, such as managing access to community services, reporting problems, and fostering community engagement.

Mind realized that their app and platform could be adapted to address these needs in the residential sector. Prompted by this realization, they developed tailored solutions for the residential market. Mind is already working with its first residential customers, and the outcome has been successful thus far. This transformation has opened up new opportunities for Mind and allowed them to extend their positive impact on the residential communities they serve.

Pioneering Social and Environmental Impact

Earlier this year, Mind achieved a significant milestone by obtaining B Corp certification, a testament to its commitment to social and environmental impact, transparency, and corporate responsibility. This accomplishment showcases Mind’s genuine dedication to caring for people and the planet while driving positive change on a global scale. By becoming a B Corp, Mind has joined a thriving community of more than 6,000 like-minded companies that prioritize the well-being of individuals, communities, and the environment over mere profits.

As a part of the B Corp community, Mind and its fellow members undergo a comprehensive evaluation and verification process every three years, assessing their performance not only based on financial data but also on their positive contributions to society and the environment. This certification reinforces Mind’s mission to make a difference, not just within their organization but also in the wider world.

Mind’s commitment to sustainability is further exemplified through its HuMind initiative. HuMind leverages the Mind platform to drive positive environmental change. Integrated into the Mind App, HuMind allows users to monitor their carbon footprint, including tracking their transportation choices for commuting.

Mind’s plans for HuMind are even more ambitious, as they work on incorporating the measurement and progress of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This strategic move will enable any company to assess and enhance its positive impact on the planet, fostering a more sustainable future for all.

Words of Wisdom

When advising aspiring entrepreneurs, Jamie emphasizes the importance of persistence and determination, regardless of the industry they choose. Having clear objectives, meeting deadlines, and being responsive to potential investors’ inquiries are crucial elements for success.

One crucial aspect that entrepreneurs should consider is the type of investment they seek for their startup. If they prefer an investor who is not actively involved in the business, a specific approach should be taken. On the other hand, if they require support with the business plan and day-to-day guidance, they may need to sacrifice some independence and autonomy in management, but it can prove to be a viable option for growth.

In the prop tech industry, there are still ample opportunities for growth and innovation. While the sector may not be highly digitized due to its operational nature and origins, this presents entrepreneurs with a chance to actively listen, identify needs, and provide relevant solutions that can revolutionize the industry.

Ambitious Quest for Expansion

Mind is a thriving company with an impressive turnover of 5.5 million. Their ambitious goal now is to further expand their presence in both the corporate and residential markets within Spain and beyond its borders. Already taking strides towards international expansion, Mind has set its sights on key locations such as Miami, the Dominican Republic, and upcoming ventures in Dubai and Senegal. With a clear vision and determination, Mind is poised to make a significant impact in the global market and continue its successful journey of growth and innovation.

Versatility Meets Excellence

In response to the growing demand and positive feedback from numerous satisfied users, Mind has expanded its services to cater to a wide range of needs. The effectiveness of this versatile solution has been testified by numerous testimonials, affirming its impact. With endless possibilities, Mind offers full customization to tailor its services precisely to individual requirements. This adaptability ensures that every user gets the most out of their experience with Mind, making it a truly valuable and effective solution for a diverse clientele.